Issue Archive
December 2010 | Volume 9 | Issue 12
Original Articles
Treatment of Moderate-to-Severe Psoriasis WithAlefacept for Up to One Year: A Case Series
Background: Alefacept has an established efficacy and safety profile for 12 weeks of treatment of severe chronic plaque type psoriasis. The effectiveness and safety of longer-term continuous use is no...
Read MoreSafety and Efficacy of a Rapid-acting Topical 4%Lidocaine Gel in a Unique Drug Delivery System
Background: Ideally, topical anesthetics should provide rapid analgesic action without causing toxic blood levels of lidocaine or other side effects. Various formulations of lidocaine as a topical ane...
Read MoreTreatment of Facial Atrophic Scars With Esthélis,a Hyaluronic Acid Filler With PolydenseCohesive Matrix (CPM)
Background: The treatment of atrophic scars is difficult and dermal filler materials provide a simple alternative with immediate results. Esthélis® is an injectable non-animal crosslinked hyalur...
Read MoreEfficacy and Safety of a New Topical KeratolyticTreatment for Localized Hyperkeratosis in Adults
Background: Palmoplantar keratoderma (PPK) is a heterogeneous group of skin disorders characterized by symmetrical diffuse or patchy areas of hyperkeratosis on the palms and soles. This study aimed t...
Read MoreReduced Number of Actinic Keratoses With Topical Application of DNA Repair Enzyme Creams
Background: Actinic keratosis is regarded as a carcinoma in situ by some dermatologists and its incidence continues to rise. Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation is considered to be an important ris...
Read MoreDose-dependent Antioxidant Function of Resveratrol Demonstrated Via Modulation of Reactive Oxygen Species in Normal Human Skin Fibroblasts In Vitro
The study of free radicals is particularly relevant in the context of human skin carcinogenesis and photoaging because of their ability to induce DNA mutations and damaging lipid peroxidation byproduc...
Read MoreA Double-blind, Randomized, ControlledClinical Trial Evaluating the Efficacy and Toleranceof a Novel Phenolic Antioxidant Skin Care SystemContaining Coffea arabica and ConcentratedFruit and Vegetable Extracts
Objective: This 12-week, double-blinded, randomized, controlled clinical usage study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy and tolerance of a novel topical, multi-ingredient, polyphenol, high antioxi...
Read MoreClinical Trial Review
Clinical Trial Review is a JDD department designed to provide physicians with information on drugs and devices undergoing clinical testing. It is our goal to inform the reader of the status of select ...
Read MoreLetter to the Editor
Wong Type Dermatomyositis: 20th Case Reported...
Read MoreStratum Corneum Permeation and PercutaneousDrug Delivery of Hydrophilic MoleculesEnhanced by Cryopneumatic andPhotopneumatic Technologies
Novel cryopneumatic technology (CPx) and photopneumatic technology (PPx) have been developed to enhance the permeation of the stratum corneum (SC) and percutaneous drug delivery (PDD). CPx produces m...
Read MorePipeline Previews
Pipeline Previews brings to you information on the newest drugs and medical products as they become available to the dermatologic community. This department may include additional information from th...
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Case Reports
Aripiprazole as a Viable Alternative for Treating Delusions of Parasitosis
Delusions of parasitosis (DOP) is a psychiatric disorder characterized by the fixed false belief that one is infested with parasites or other organisms. Historically, pimozide, a first-generation anti...
Read MoreClinical and Histopathologic Correlation of an Eruption Secondary to Taxotere
Eruptions in cancer patients may signal life-threatening infections, cutaneous metastases or reactions to chemotherapeutic agents. Distinguishing between these processes is essential to correctly trea...
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