Stratum Corneum Permeation and PercutaneousDrug Delivery of Hydrophilic MoleculesEnhanced by Cryopneumatic andPhotopneumatic Technologies
December 2010 | Volume 9 | Issue 12 | Journal Article | 1528 | Copyright © December 2010
Feng Sun PhD, Robert Anderson PhD, Guillermo Aguilar PhD
Novel cryopneumatic technology (CPx) and photopneumatic technology (PPx) have been developed to enhance the permeation of
the stratum corneum (SC) and percutaneous drug delivery (PDD). CPx produces micro-cracks at the skin surface by successively
freezing and stretching the skin with vacuum suction. PPx combines stretching of the skin by vacuum suction with intense pulsed
light. The enhancing effects of CPx and PPx were studied on ex vivo porcine skin and in vivo human skin models. Fluorescent hydrophilic
macromolecules (FITC and FITC-Dextran) were used as drug surrogates. Fluorescent images of in vivo experiments show
that the enhancing effect of CPx is due to drug permeation through the micro-cracks produced by freezing-stretching cycles, while
PPx could promote drug permeation through sweat glands. Both ex vivo and in vivo results strongly suggest that CPx and PPx can
effectively enhance the permeation of the SC and PDD for the delivery of hydrophilic macromolecules.