The Stratum Corneum Revisited: A New Understanding of Its Role in Healthy and Diseased Skin

October 2011 | Volume 10 | Issue 10 | Supplement | 4 | Copyright © October 2011

Brian Berman MD PhD, James Q. Del Rosso DO, Jacquelyn Levin DO, Paul C. Contard MD PhD

This supplement to the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology seeks to advance our knowledge of the structure and function of the stratum corneum. Previously considered a "static" or unremarkable barrier, it has now attained new clinical importance in regards to its role in conditions such as atopic dermatitis and other cutaneous abnormalities. Dr. Brian Berman provides an insightful introduction to articles by Dr. James Q. Del Rosso and Dr. Jacquelyn Levin, as well as by Dr. Paul C. Contard, that discuss the role and relevance of the stratum corneum in today's dermatologic world.