The Effect of Benzoyl Peroxide 9.8% Emollient Foam on Reduction of Propionibacterium acnes on the Back Using a Short Contact Therapy Approach
July 2012 | Volume 11 | Issue 7 | Journal Article | 830 | Copyright © July 2012
James J. Leyden MDa and James Q. Del Rosso DO FAOCDb
aDepartment of Dermatology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
bValley Hospital Medical Center, Las Vegas, NV
Benzoyl peroxide (BP) exerts its therapeutic effect for acne vulgaris through reduction of Propionibacterium acnes. A 1.0 to 2.0 log reduction
in P acnes has been demonstrated primarily on the face with use of “leave-on” BP formulations, but also with some BP cleansers.
In addition to use for facial acne vulgaris, cleanser formulations of BP are commonly used for truncal acne vulgaris due to ease of use on
a large body-surface area and to avoid bleaching of fabric. To date, evaluation of P acnes reduction on the trunk has not been well studied
with BP formulations, especially with the use of recognized and standardized methods to accurately determine P acnes colony counts. A
previous study demonstrated that a BP 8% cleanser did not reduce counts of P acnes on the back when subjects were instructed to apply
the cleanser in the shower, allow it to dry for 20 seconds on the skin, and then rinse off the cleanser. Evaluation of specified time intervals
between application on the back and rinsing with BP formulations would help to better define the necessary skin contact time associated
with high reductions of P acnes (>90%), recognizing also the potential roles of BP concentration and vehicle. This 2 week study using quantitative
bacteriologic cultures evaluates the effectiveness of BP 9.8% emollient foam in reducing P acnes levels on the back with 2 minutes
of skin contact time and compares results with a BP 5.3% “leave-on” emollient foam formulation. Short contact therapy utilizing a 2 minute
skin contact time with BP 9.8% emollient foam used once daily over a 2 week duration was highly effective in reducing the quantity of P
acnes organisms on the back and provided comparable colony count reduction to “leave on” therapy using BP 5.3% emollient foam.
J Drugs Dermatol. 2012;11(7):830-833.
Propionibacterium acnes is a common gram-positive
microaerophilic organism found on normal skin as
part of the commensal flora. Although the quantity of P
acnes present on the skin surface does not consistently correlate
with the severity of acne vulgaris (AV), a direct association
between the proliferation of P acnes and the development of
AV lesions is supported by a large body of evidence.1 A very
relevant finding is that reductions of adequate magnitude in P
acnes organisms correlate directly with clinical improvement
after use of many topical and systemic antimicrobial agents
used to treat AV, such as benzoyl peroxide (BP) and some antibiotics.1-4 Most available topical antimicrobial preparations
used to treat AV exert their therapeutic effect primarily by reducing
P acnes as demonstrated by a 1.0 to 2.0 logarithmic
reduction in P acnes colony counts, equivalent to a range of
90% to 99% reduction in organisms.3,4
Topical treatment of truncal AV presenting on the chest, back,
and shoulders can be very challenging.5-7 Application of topical
medication on the trunk (ie, back, chest, and/or upper arms,
and shoulders) requires application to a widespread surface
with some areas that are difficult to reach on the back. It is
important that the appropriate vehicle be selected that can be
conveniently and efficiently applied to the entire anatomic
field. Formulations such as cleansers and foams are the most applicable for use on the back because they are easy to spread.5-9
Cleanser formulations of BP are commonly used for treatment of
AV and are especially applicable for use on the trunk, due to the
convenience of application in the shower and minimal potential
for bleaching colored fabric. However, there are few published
data on P acnes reduction with BP cleanser formulations when
used on the face as well as a conspicuous absence of data on P
acnes reduction with the use of BP on the back.5-10
“Leave-on” and Non-“Leave-on” Formulations of
Benzoyl Peroxide
Benzoyl peroxide is available for topical application to skin
using both “leave-on” and non-“leave-on” formulations. A
topical “leave-on” therapeutic formulation is one that is applied
after gentle cleansing and drying with the intention of being
left on the skin for a prolonged period (ie, hours) before any
repeated cleansing or attempted removal from the treated
area. In the case of BP-containing topical products, there are
several studies that have evaluated P acnes reduction and/or
therapeutic efficacy in patients treated with “leave-on” gels,
creams, foams, or lotions for facial AV.1-4,11 A commonly used
type of topical non-“leave on” formulation is a cleanser (or
wash), which is applied during the act of washing the skin
with a limited duration of cutaneous contact time prior to
rinsing. The suggested range of “contact” during skin washing