Message from the Guest Editor

July 2012 | Volume 11 | Issue 7 | Features | 803 | Copyright © July 2012

Lawrence F. Eichenfield MD

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This July 2012 issue of JDD highlights pediatric dermatology and evolving therapy in disorders that impact children and adolescents. In fact, the papers assembled here display the breadth of diseases of significance from infants into adulthood.
Atopic dermatitis has its most common presentation and highest prevalence in the first few years of life. Colloidal oatmeal has been used for decades as part of therapy for eczematous dermatitis and other pruritic disorders. The paper by Joseph F. Fowler MD et al investigates the clinical utility and tolerability of colloidal oatmeal formulations as adjunctive treatment of mild to moderate atopic dermatitis in broad range of ages (3 months to 60 years).
A fascinating story in pediatrics and dermatology is the consequences of the observation made in Bordeaux, France, that a beta-blocker, propranolol, prescribed for secondary cardiac findings from corticosteroids given for a facial hemangioma, induced rapid involution of the hemangioma. This has created a revolution in management of hemangiomas of infancy, with rapid take-up of this "old drug, new use," and with a plethora of publications from around the world. Carlton Phillips et al postulate that beta-blocker therapy may be considered as beta-adrenergic antagonists, reviewing autonomic receptors, and proposed mechanisms of action.
Other tumors of infancy and childhood are discussed by Trevino et al in a paper reviewing appropriate differential diagnosis and possible systemic associations of a variety of hematomas and neoplasm in childhood.
Finally, the most common skin disorder of adolescents, acne vulgaris, is discussed in the manuscript by Eichenfield and Krakowski, evaluating topical benzoyl peroxide/clindamycin topical therapy in adolescents with skin of color. An analysis of a moderate to severe adolescent population with skin of color from a larger trial of clindamycin 1.2% and benzoyl peroxide 2.5% aqueous gel compared to adolescents and combined adult/adolescent skin of color cohorts, this paper is the first to evaluate this important population group. Hopefully, it will encourage future prospective work studying adolescent and pre-adolescent acne in skin of color patients.
I hope you enjoy the range of papers included in this issue of the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology and are as encouraged as I am at the evolution in the field of Pediatric Dermatology research.

Lawrence F. Eichenfield MD

Professor of Pediatrics and Medicine (Dermatology)
Chief, Pediatric and Adolescent Dermatology
University of California, San Diego School of Medicine
Rady Children's Hospital, San Diego, CA