Intralesional Immunotherapy for Warts Using a Combination of Skin Test Antigens
May 2004 | Volume 3 | Issue 3 | 263 | Copyright © May 2004
Sandra Marchese Johnston, MD and Thomas D. Horn, MD, MBA
Warts are a common dermatologic problem. There are many treatments available. Intralesional injection of a skin test antigen has
been shown to be efficacious at eradicating all warts when only a part of one wart is injected. The aim of this study was to determine
whether injection of the combination of Candida albicans, mumps, and Trichophyton skin test antigens was more efficacious than and
as safe as single antigen injection. Seventy-one percent of subjects had resolution of their warts with the injection of the combination
of skin test antigens in this open label single arm study.