Deoxycholic acid injection (DCA) is a pure synthetic formulation of deoxycholate sodium which has been patented as ATX-101.1,2 It is one of the first injection of deoxycholate that has been FDA approved for submental fat (SMF) reduction. It is branded/marketed as Kybella® (USA), Belkyra (Canada) and ATX-101 (Allergan company, Ireland).3,4 ATX-101 is a synthetic replicate of the in vivo bile acids (deoxycholic acid) [Figure 1], and functions as fat emulsifier.2 Its approval for SMF reduction by the FDA and Health Canada warrants its action on fat reduction/dissolution at other sites in the future.5
ATX-101 is a synthetic replicate of endogenous DCA. The experiments on rat,3 helped us to know that the tissue distribution of ATX-101 is similar to endogenous DCA. Even after subcutaneous injection, its secretion is mediated by liver and small bowel and is recycled by the enterohepatic circulation.7,9
Understanding of the pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics mechanism and safety profiles of ATX-101 have opened up future prospects of its uses. Walker et al8 showed that the pharmacological profile for ATX-101 is equivalent for each treatment setting irrespective of the number of injections and the volume of administered drug. Walker et al9 further suggested that the addition of benzyl alcohol as a preservative has no significant effects on the overall pharmacokinetic profile of ATX-101.

ATX-101 is a synthetic replicate of endogenous DCA. The experiments on rat,3 helped us to know that the tissue distribution of ATX-101 is similar to endogenous DCA. Even after subcutaneous injection, its secretion is mediated by liver and small bowel and is recycled by the enterohepatic circulation.7,9
Understanding of the pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics mechanism and safety profiles of ATX-101 have opened up future prospects of its uses. Walker et al8 showed that the pharmacological profile for ATX-101 is equivalent for each treatment setting irrespective of the number of injections and the volume of administered drug. Walker et al9 further suggested that the addition of benzyl alcohol as a preservative has no significant effects on the overall pharmacokinetic profile of ATX-101.