Acne Quality of Life and Patient Satisfaction Following Treatment With Tretinoin Pump

December 2009 | Volume 8 | Issue 12 | Journal Article | 1080 | Copyright © December 2009

Richard Fried MD PhD and Marge Nighland BS

Patient satisfaction and quality of life are important considerations when assessing products used to treat acne vulgaris, as these factors may affect treatment adherence and subsequent treatment outcomes. The objective of this analysis was to determine patient satisfaction and improvement in quality of life after treatment with tretinoin gel microsphere (TGM) in a pump dispenser. Assessments were made during a phase IV, prospective, 12-week, open-label, community-based trial in which 544 patients who were dissatisfied with their current acne treatments received TGM 0.04% or 0.1% in addition to ≤ 2 concurrent non-retinoid acne therapies. At week 12, significant improvement was reported in both patient acne therapy satisfaction and in the overall mean Acne Quality of Life Index scale15 (P<0.0001 versus baseline for both measures). The majority of patients (82.3%) rated the pump dispenser as an “excellent” or “very good” means of dispensing medication, and 86.0% rated their overall satisfaction with the pump treatment application as “very satisfied” or “extremely satisfied.” The results of this study indicate that the use of TGM in a pump dispenser in patients with acne vulgaris is associated with significant increases in both quality of life and patient satisfaction.