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A Novel Approach to Treatment of the Aging Hand With Radiesse®

December 2009 | Volume 8 | Issue 12 | 1122 | Copyright © December 2009

David E. Bank MD

The ideal dermal filler for treatment of the aging hand needs to have inherent bulk and longevity of effect. The filler calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA) provides a texture that lends itself to injection and then to subsequent massage, without losing control of where the product is placed. In the recent past, delivery of CaHA to the hands has been accomplished by mixing lidocaine with the dermal filler prior to injection into the dorsum of the hand. The author suggests that an alternative way to deliver CaHA is to administer a large bolus of lidocaine immediately prior to injection of the dermal filler itself, followed by firm massage to disseminate the CaHA microspheres and carrier gel into the areas around and above the tendons and veins of the hand.