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What’s New in Dermatology – January 2021

By January 4, 2021No Comments

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In the January 2021 issue of the JDD, groups of experts reflect on lessons learned this year in several articles offering guidance and recommendations for practice management and patient care moving into the future. While in other articles, investigators share findings that aim to improve disease understanding and patient care.

In the January 2021 issue of the JDD, groups of experts reflect on lessons learned this year in several articles offering guidance and recommendations for practice management and patient care moving into the future. While in other articles, investigators share findings that aim to improve disease understanding and patient care.


Heather Onorati

January always represents new beginnings. It’s the time of year we tend to reflect on the past, extract insight from experience and look toward the future with new hope and understanding. It is with this in mind that our January issue couples articles based in foresight and advances.

Groups of experts reflect on lessons learned this year in several articles offering guidance and recommendations for practice management and patient care moving into the future. While in other articles, investigators share findings that aim to improve disease understanding and patient care.

In Aesthetic Office Disaster Preparedness and Response Plan, authors look to their shared experiences to provide suggestions for a proactive approach to manage possible future disaster-related events that could affect aesthetic practice operations and financial viability. Leveraging Virtual Boot Camp to Alleviate First Year Dermatology Resident Anxiety illustrates compelling levels of anxiety among incoming first-year dermatology residents and suggests that formally addressing the tenets of the specialty at the onset of PGY-2 can strengthen the foundation and boost the confidence of trainees. And, in Prescribing Isotretinoin for Transgender Patients: A Call to Action and Recommendations, authors discuss how the field of dermatology must remain on the leading edge of patient safety and advocacy issues and remain compassionate and adaptable when facing new patient care issues.

In the spirit of advancing understanding, other articles look to build the knowledge well around therapeutic techniques and disease treatment. As we continue toward a better understanding COVID-19, New York and Brazilian researchers examine the cutaneous presentations that could be clues to diagnosis in Presentation and Management of Cutaneous Manifestations of COVID-19. In the article Aesthetic ONE21 Technique for Injecting IncobotulinumtoxinA into the Forehead: Initial Experience With 86 Patients, authors report safety and efficacy from a single-center, retrospective study. Researchers present a clinical evaluation of a drug-device combination product for the topical treatment of molluscum contagiosum in A Phase 2 Open-Label Study to Evaluate VP-102 for the Treatment of Molluscum Contagiosum.

In addition, experts examine the impact of psychosocial stress on skin health, investigate efficacy of a nutraceutical supplement for promoting hair growth, discuss recommendations for absorbable suspension sutures in nonsurgical facial rejuvenation, and much more.

Heather Onorati is an experienced medical writer and editor with more than 20 years covering the dermatology industry.
January 2021 JDD 



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