The Importance of Oncodermatology: Advancing Skincare for Cancer Patients
Featuring Jennifer N. Choi, MD, Beth N. McLellan, MD, Jonathan Leventhal, MD
This livestream is supported by an unrestricted educational grant from La Roche-Posay. Join us for an informative livestream session on advancing skincare for cancer patients. Experts will discuss how to better manage a variety of cutaneous adverse events of cancer treatment through a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach. Register to watch this livestream that will cover practical strategies to alleviate discomfort and promote healing to tailoring skincare routines based on unique needs.
Brought to you by Medscape

Beth N. McLellan, MD
Associate Professor and Chief of Dermatology Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Jonathan Leventhal, MD
Associate Professor Term Director of Oncodermatology Clinic Yale School of Medicine
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