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JDD C5933 Figure 2(1) DLE 21_3
Discoid Lupus Erythematosus: Look for atrophic pink in lighter skin tones (lighter skin) to violaceous plaques with adherent scale in active lesions, commonly found in sun exposed areas. In inactive lesions, look for atrophic plaques with central depigmentation (more notable in darker skin) and peripheral hyperpigmentation.

A marker of discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is follicular keratosis plugs, which are noted when the scale is removed.

The disk-like plaques of DLE are not only found on the face and ears, but also on the scalp, as seen here. It may cause scarring, pigment changes, and hair loss.

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JDD C5933 Figure 2(1) DLE 21_3
JDD C6271 Figure 1 pustular psoriasis 21_3 closeup
Pustular Psoriasis: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
JDD C6271 Figure 1 pustular psoriasis 21_3 closeup
JDD C6271 Figure_1 pustular psoriasis 21_3
Pustular Psoriasis: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
JDD C6271 Figure_1 pustular psoriasis 21_3
JDD C6626R1 Figure 2 Verrucous Psoriasis 21_8
Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

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JDD C6626R1 Figure 2 Verrucous Psoriasis 21_8
JDD C7200 Figure 1 22_1 hyperpigmentation closeup
Lichen Planus Pigmentosus: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
JDD C7200 Figure 1 22_1 hyperpigmentation closeup
JDD C7200 Figure 1 22_1 lichen planus pigmentosus_1b
Lichen Planus Pigmentosus: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
JDD C7200 Figure 1 22_1 lichen planus pigmentosus_1b
JDD C7200 Figure 2 hyperpigmentation 22_1
Lichen Planus Pigmentosus: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
JDD C7200 Figure 2 hyperpigmentation 22_1
JDD L5672 Figure 1 Lichen planus 20_5
Lichen Planus: It is important to note that often new papules and plaques on the body are violaceous. However, lichen planus appears to be yellow-brown on the hands and soles. Also notice the distinct silvery-white sheen of lichen planus on the darker skin tones.

Note how these lichen planus lesions showcase the classical feature of rough scaly patches and the color change of post-inflammatory macules. The distribution varies and may be scattered, clustered, annular, actinic, and linear.

It can take lichen planus months to resolve and will leave gray to brown post-inflammatory macules. It is important to inform the patient that this could take months or longer to fade. Also note the isomorphic response within the two tattoo images shown here.

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JDD L5672 Figure 1 Lichen planus 20_5
DermAtlas_Psoriasis vulgaris_closeup_posterior
Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

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DermAtlas_Psoriasis vulgaris_closeup_posterior
DermAtlas_Psoriasis vulgaris_full-body-posterior
Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

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DermAtlas_Psoriasis vulgaris_full-body-posterior
Cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma: This collection of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) images displays a wide range of appearances which can vary based on skin tone. Notice the more violaceous or hyperpigmentation in darker skin tones opposed to the reds in lighter skin tones.

Take note of how CTCL can appear more eczematous in nature with scaly plaques or firmer papules and nodules in darker skin tones.

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DermAtlas_Cutaneous T cell lymphoma _closeup-posterior-08.23.2023-55280156
Cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma: This collection of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) images displays a wide range of appearances which can vary based on skin tone. Notice the more violaceous or hyperpigmentation in darker skin tones opposed to the reds in lighter skin tones.

Take note of how CTCL can appear more eczematous in nature with scaly plaques or firmer papules and nodules in darker skin tones.

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DermAtlas_Cutaneous T cell lymphoma _closeup-posterior-08.23.2023-55280156
DermAtlas_Cutaneous T cell lymphoma upper-body-anterior-oblique-right-08.23.2023-55280063
Cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma: This collection of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) images displays a wide range of appearances which can vary based on skin tone. Notice the more violaceous or hyperpigmentation in darker skin tones opposed to the reds in lighter skin tones.

Take note of how CTCL can appear more eczematous in nature with scaly plaques or firmer papules and nodules in darker skin tones.

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DermAtlas_Cutaneous T cell lymphoma upper-body-anterior-oblique-right-08.23.2023-55280063
DermAtlas_Discoid lupus erythematosus_GW1_eye
Discoid Lupus Erythematosus: Look for atrophic pink in lighter skin tones (lighter skin) to violaceous plaques with adherent scale in active lesions, commonly found in sun exposed areas. In inactive lesions, look for atrophic plaques with central depigmentation (more notable in darker skin) and peripheral hyperpigmentation.

A marker of discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is follicular keratosis plugs, which are noted when the scale is removed.

The disk-like plaques of DLE are not only found on the face and ears, but also on the scalp, as seen here. It may cause scarring, pigment changes, and hair loss.

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DermAtlas_Discoid lupus erythematosus_GW1_eye
DermAtlas_Discoid lupus erythematosus_GW1_lower
Discoid Lupus Erythematosus: Look for atrophic pink in lighter skin tones (lighter skin) to violaceous plaques with adherent scale in active lesions, commonly found in sun exposed areas. In inactive lesions, look for atrophic plaques with central depigmentation (more notable in darker skin) and peripheral hyperpigmentation.

A marker of discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is follicular keratosis plugs, which are noted when the scale is removed.

The disk-like plaques of DLE are not only found on the face and ears, but also on the scalp, as seen here. It may cause scarring, pigment changes, and hair loss.

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DermAtlas_Discoid lupus erythematosus_GW1_lower
Discoid Lupus Erythematosus: Look for atrophic pink in lighter skin tones (lighter skin) to violaceous plaques with adherent scale in active lesions, commonly found in sun exposed areas. In inactive lesions, look for atrophic plaques with central depigmentation (more notable in darker skin) and peripheral hyperpigmentation.

A marker of discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is follicular keratosis plugs, which are noted when the scale is removed.

The disk-like plaques of DLE are not only found on the face and ears, but also on the scalp, as seen here. It may cause scarring, pigment changes, and hair loss.

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AF: Well demarcated scarring alopetic plaque with central erythema that ranges from pink to violaceous. Note the lack of dyspigmetation suggesting a relatively new area of involvement. Don't be fooled by the lack of dyschromia as that is a more mature secondary outcome from ongoing DLE
Discoid Lupus Erythematosus: Look for atrophic pink in lighter skin tones (lighter skin) to violaceous plaques with adherent scale in active lesions, commonly found in sun exposed areas. In inactive lesions, look for atrophic plaques with central depigmentation (more notable in darker skin) and peripheral hyperpigmentation.

A marker of discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is follicular keratosis plugs, which are noted when the scale is removed.

The disk-like plaques of DLE are not only found on the face and ears, but also on the scalp, as seen here. It may cause scarring, pigment changes, and hair loss.

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DermAtlas_eye_closeup_Lichen planus pigmentosus_GW_7
Lichen Planus Pigmentosus: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_eye_closeup_Lichen planus pigmentosus_GW_7
DermAtlas_eyesLichen planus pigmentosus and frontal fibrosing alopecia_GW_1
Lichen Planus Pigmentosus: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_eyesLichen planus pigmentosus and frontal fibrosing alopecia_GW_1
DermAtlas_mouth_Lichen planus pigmentosus_1
Lichen Planus Pigmentosus: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_mouth_Lichen planus pigmentosus_1
DermAtlas_Oral lichen_planus_GW_2
Lichen Planus: It is important to note that often new papules and plaques on the body are violaceous. However, lichen planus appears to be yellow-brown on the hands and soles. Also notice the distinct silvery-white sheen of lichen planus on the darker skin tones.

Note how these lichen planus lesions showcase the classical feature of rough scaly patches and the color change of post-inflammatory macules. The distribution varies and may be scattered, clustered, annular, actinic, and linear.

It can take lichen planus months to resolve and will leave gray to brown post-inflammatory macules. It is important to inform the patient that this could take months or longer to fade. Also note the isomorphic response within the two tattoo images shown here.

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DermAtlas_Oral lichen_planus_GW_2
DermAtlas_Oral lichen_planus_tongue_GW_4
Lichen Planus: It is important to note that often new papules and plaques on the body are violaceous. However, lichen planus appears to be yellow-brown on the hands and soles. Also notice the distinct silvery-white sheen of lichen planus on the darker skin tones.

Note how these lichen planus lesions showcase the classical feature of rough scaly patches and the color change of post-inflammatory macules. The distribution varies and may be scattered, clustered, annular, actinic, and linear.

It can take lichen planus months to resolve and will leave gray to brown post-inflammatory macules. It is important to inform the patient that this could take months or longer to fade. Also note the isomorphic response within the two tattoo images shown here.

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DermAtlas_Oral lichen_planus_tongue_GW_4
DermAtlas_profile_Lichen planus pigmentosus
Lichen Planus Pigmentosus: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_profile_Lichen planus pigmentosus
DermAtlas_Psoriasis vulgaris_closeup-body-male-posterior-08.28.2023-55535923
Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

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DermAtlas_Psoriasis vulgaris_closeup-body-male-posterior-08.28.2023-55535923
DermAtlas_Psoriasis vulgaris_full-body-male-posterior
Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

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DermAtlas_Psoriasis vulgaris_full-body-male-posterior
DermAtlas_tinea corporis_GW_upper-body-anterior-08.28.2023-55514467
Tinea Corporis: Compared to lighter skin tones, tinea corporis in darker tones presents with variable erythema and more central hyperpigmentation but retains the common presentation of the advancing scaly border.

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DermAtlas_tinea corporis_GW_upper-body-anterior-08.28.2023-55514467
Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

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Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

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Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

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Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

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DermAtlas_closeup_Lichen planus pigmentosus and frontal fibrosing alopecia_GW-5b
Lichen Planus Pigmentosus: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_closeup_Lichen planus pigmentosus and frontal fibrosing alopecia_GW-5b
Cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma: This collection of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) images displays a wide range of appearances which can vary based on skin tone. Notice the more violaceous or hyperpigmentation in darker skin tones opposed to the reds in lighter skin tones.

Take note of how CTCL can appear more eczematous in nature with scaly plaques or firmer papules and nodules in darker skin tones.

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Cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma: This collection of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) images displays a wide range of appearances which can vary based on skin tone. Notice the more violaceous or hyperpigmentation in darker skin tones opposed to the reds in lighter skin tones.

Take note of how CTCL can appear more eczematous in nature with scaly plaques or firmer papules and nodules in darker skin tones.

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Cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma: This collection of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) images displays a wide range of appearances which can vary based on skin tone. Notice the more violaceous or hyperpigmentation in darker skin tones opposed to the reds in lighter skin tones.

Take note of how CTCL can appear more eczematous in nature with scaly plaques or firmer papules and nodules in darker skin tones.

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Cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma: This collection of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) images displays a wide range of appearances which can vary based on skin tone. Notice the more violaceous or hyperpigmentation in darker skin tones opposed to the reds in lighter skin tones.

Take note of how CTCL can appear more eczematous in nature with scaly plaques or firmer papules and nodules in darker skin tones.

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Cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma: This collection of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) images displays a wide range of appearances which can vary based on skin tone. Notice the more violaceous or hyperpigmentation in darker skin tones opposed to the reds in lighter skin tones.

Take note of how CTCL can appear more eczematous in nature with scaly plaques or firmer papules and nodules in darker skin tones.

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DermAtlas_Cutaneous T cell lymphoma _full-body-posterior-08.23.2023-55280156
Cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma: This collection of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) images displays a wide range of appearances which can vary based on skin tone. Notice the more violaceous or hyperpigmentation in darker skin tones opposed to the reds in lighter skin tones.

Take note of how CTCL can appear more eczematous in nature with scaly plaques or firmer papules and nodules in darker skin tones.

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DermAtlas_Cutaneous T cell lymphoma _full-body-posterior-08.23.2023-55280156
DermAtlas_Discoid lupus erythematosus_GW1_forehead
Discoid Lupus Erythematosus: Look for atrophic pink in lighter skin tones (lighter skin) to violaceous plaques with adherent scale in active lesions, commonly found in sun exposed areas. In inactive lesions, look for atrophic plaques with central depigmentation (more notable in darker skin) and peripheral hyperpigmentation.

A marker of discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is follicular keratosis plugs, which are noted when the scale is removed.

The disk-like plaques of DLE are not only found on the face and ears, but also on the scalp, as seen here. It may cause scarring, pigment changes, and hair loss.

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DermAtlas_Discoid lupus erythematosus_GW1_forehead
DermAtlas_Discoid lupus erythematosus_GW1_full
Discoid Lupus Erythematosus: Look for atrophic pink in lighter skin tones (lighter skin) to violaceous plaques with adherent scale in active lesions, commonly found in sun exposed areas. In inactive lesions, look for atrophic plaques with central depigmentation (more notable in darker skin) and peripheral hyperpigmentation.

A marker of discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is follicular keratosis plugs, which are noted when the scale is removed.

The disk-like plaques of DLE are not only found on the face and ears, but also on the scalp, as seen here. It may cause scarring, pigment changes, and hair loss.

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DermAtlas_Discoid lupus erythematosus_GW1_full
DermAtlas_Discoid lupus erythematosus_GW2_closeupbottom
Discoid Lupus Erythematosus: Look for atrophic pink in lighter skin tones (lighter skin) to violaceous plaques with adherent scale in active lesions, commonly found in sun exposed areas. In inactive lesions, look for atrophic plaques with central depigmentation (more notable in darker skin) and peripheral hyperpigmentation.

A marker of discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is follicular keratosis plugs, which are noted when the scale is removed.

The disk-like plaques of DLE are not only found on the face and ears, but also on the scalp, as seen here. It may cause scarring, pigment changes, and hair loss.

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DermAtlas_Discoid lupus erythematosus_GW2_closeupbottom
DermAtlas_Discoid lupus erythematosus_GW2_profile1
Discoid Lupus Erythematosus: Look for atrophic pink in lighter skin tones (lighter skin) to violaceous plaques with adherent scale in active lesions, commonly found in sun exposed areas. In inactive lesions, look for atrophic plaques with central depigmentation (more notable in darker skin) and peripheral hyperpigmentation.

A marker of discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is follicular keratosis plugs, which are noted when the scale is removed.

The disk-like plaques of DLE are not only found on the face and ears, but also on the scalp, as seen here. It may cause scarring, pigment changes, and hair loss.

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DermAtlas_Discoid lupus erythematosus_GW2_profile1
DermAtlas_Discoid lupus erythematosus_GW2_profilecloseup
Discoid Lupus Erythematosus: Look for atrophic pink in lighter skin tones (lighter skin) to violaceous plaques with adherent scale in active lesions, commonly found in sun exposed areas. In inactive lesions, look for atrophic plaques with central depigmentation (more notable in darker skin) and peripheral hyperpigmentation.

A marker of discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is follicular keratosis plugs, which are noted when the scale is removed.

The disk-like plaques of DLE are not only found on the face and ears, but also on the scalp, as seen here. It may cause scarring, pigment changes, and hair loss.

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DermAtlas_Discoid lupus erythematosus_GW2_profilecloseup
DermAtlas_Discoid lupus erythematosus_GW7
Discoid Lupus Erythematosus: Look for atrophic pink in lighter skin tones (lighter skin) to violaceous plaques with adherent scale in active lesions, commonly found in sun exposed areas. In inactive lesions, look for atrophic plaques with central depigmentation (more notable in darker skin) and peripheral hyperpigmentation.

A marker of discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is follicular keratosis plugs, which are noted when the scale is removed.

The disk-like plaques of DLE are not only found on the face and ears, but also on the scalp, as seen here. It may cause scarring, pigment changes, and hair loss.

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DermAtlas_Discoid lupus erythematosus_GW7
Lichen Planus Pigmentosus: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Lichen planus pigmentosus and frontal fibrosing alopecia_GW_2b
Lichen Planus Pigmentosus: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Lichen planus pigmentosus and frontal fibrosing alopecia_GW_2b
DermAtlas_Lichen planus pigmentosus and frontal fibrosing alopecia_GW_3
Lichen Planus Pigmentosus: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Lichen planus pigmentosus and frontal fibrosing alopecia_GW_3
DermAtlas_Lichen planus pigmentosus and frontal fibrosing alopecia_GW_6
Lichen Planus Pigmentosus: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Lichen planus pigmentosus and frontal fibrosing alopecia_GW_6
DermAtlas_Lichen planus pigmentosus and frontal fibrosing alopecia_GW-5b
Lichen Planus Pigmentosus: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Lichen planus pigmentosus and frontal fibrosing alopecia_GW-5b
Tinea Pedis: Tinea pedis is characterized by interdigital peeling, maceration, and fissuring mainly along the lateral toe clefts and extending to under the surface of toes. Erythema in the affected areas is more visible in lighter skin tones versus more violaceous to purple color in darker skin tones with superficial fine, silvery white scales. Infection can also involve the toenails.

More chronic tinea pedis may present with hyperkeratosis in a moccasin distribution, involving the medial and lateral sides of the soles. It can also present on the dorsal aspect of the foot with erythema and scales in lighter skin tones versus a violet or purple color along with post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation in darker skin tones.

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DermAtlas_Discoid lupus erythematosus_GW3 R1
Discoid Lupus Erythematosus: Look for atrophic pink in lighter skin tones (lighter skin) to violaceous plaques with adherent scale in active lesions, commonly found in sun exposed areas. In inactive lesions, look for atrophic plaques with central depigmentation (more notable in darker skin) and peripheral hyperpigmentation.

A marker of discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is follicular keratosis plugs, which are noted when the scale is removed.

The disk-like plaques of DLE are not only found on the face and ears, but also on the scalp, as seen here. It may cause scarring, pigment changes, and hair loss.

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DermAtlas_Discoid lupus erythematosus_GW3 R1
DermAtlas_Discoid lupus erythematosus_GW5 R1
Discoid Lupus Erythematosus: Look for atrophic pink in lighter skin tones (lighter skin) to violaceous plaques with adherent scale in active lesions, commonly found in sun exposed areas. In inactive lesions, look for atrophic plaques with central depigmentation (more notable in darker skin) and peripheral hyperpigmentation.

A marker of discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is follicular keratosis plugs, which are noted when the scale is removed.

The disk-like plaques of DLE are not only found on the face and ears, but also on the scalp, as seen here. It may cause scarring, pigment changes, and hair loss.

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DermAtlas_Discoid lupus erythematosus_GW5 R1
DermAtlas_Discoid lupus erythematosus_GW6 R1
Discoid Lupus Erythematosus: Look for atrophic pink in lighter skin tones (lighter skin) to violaceous plaques with adherent scale in active lesions, commonly found in sun exposed areas. In inactive lesions, look for atrophic plaques with central depigmentation (more notable in darker skin) and peripheral hyperpigmentation.

A marker of discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is follicular keratosis plugs, which are noted when the scale is removed.

The disk-like plaques of DLE are not only found on the face and ears, but also on the scalp, as seen here. It may cause scarring, pigment changes, and hair loss.

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DermAtlas_Discoid lupus erythematosus_GW6 R1
DermAtlas_facefull-Lichen_Planus_pigmentation R1
Lichen Planus Pigmentosus: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_facefull-Lichen_Planus_pigmentation R1
DermAtlas_forhead_Lichen planus pigmentosus and frontal fibrosing alopecia_GW_1
Lichen Planus Pigmentosus: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_forhead_Lichen planus pigmentosus and frontal fibrosing alopecia_GW_1
DermAtlas_fullface_Lichen planus pigmentosus and frontal fibrosing alopecia_GW_1
Lichen Planus Pigmentosus: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_fullface_Lichen planus pigmentosus and frontal fibrosing alopecia_GW_1
DermAtlas_fullface_Lichen planus pigmentosus and frontal fibrosing alopecia_GW_1b
Lichen Planus Pigmentosus: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_fullface_Lichen planus pigmentosus and frontal fibrosing alopecia_GW_1b
Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

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DermAtlas_Tinea versicolor -11.06.2023-59115264
Tinea Versicolor: Tinea versicolor presents with well-defined hyperpigmented, hypopigmented, or erythematous patches or thin plaques with fine scale. In dark skin tones, patches of tinea versicolor may either appear as dark brown hyperpigmentation or well demarcated pale hypopigmentation with fine scaling, highlighting the need to perform a potassium hydroxide prep to confirm the diagnosis.

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DermAtlas_Tinea versicolor -11.06.2023-59115264
Tinea Versicolor: Tinea versicolor presents with well-defined hyperpigmented, hypopigmented, or erythematous patches or thin plaques with fine scale. In dark skin tones, patches of tinea versicolor may either appear as dark brown hyperpigmentation or well demarcated pale hypopigmentation with fine scaling, highlighting the need to perform a potassium hydroxide prep to confirm the diagnosis.

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Discoid Lupus Erythematosus: Look for atrophic pink in lighter skin tones (lighter skin) to violaceous plaques with adherent scale in active lesions, commonly found in sun exposed areas. In inactive lesions, look for atrophic plaques with central depigmentation (more notable in darker skin) and peripheral hyperpigmentation.

A marker of discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is follicular keratosis plugs, which are noted when the scale is removed.

The disk-like plaques of DLE are not only found on the face and ears, but also on the scalp, as seen here. It may cause scarring, pigment changes, and hair loss.

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Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Psoriasis_GW_1 111
Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Psoriasis_GW_1 111
Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Versicolor_back_GW1 3
Tinea Versicolor: Tinea versicolor presents with well-defined hyperpigmented, hypopigmented, or erythematous patches or thin plaques with fine scale. In dark skin tones, patches of tinea versicolor may either appear as dark brown hyperpigmentation or well demarcated pale hypopigmentation with fine scaling, highlighting the need to perform a potassium hydroxide prep to confirm the diagnosis.

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DermAtlas_Versicolor_back_GW1 3
DermAtlas_Discoid lupus erythematosus Verruca vulgaris_C_031824.1
Discoid Lupus Erythematosus: Look for atrophic pink in lighter skin tones (lighter skin) to violaceous plaques with adherent scale in active lesions, commonly found in sun exposed areas. In inactive lesions, look for atrophic plaques with central depigmentation (more notable in darker skin) and peripheral hyperpigmentation.

A marker of discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is follicular keratosis plugs, which are noted when the scale is removed.

The disk-like plaques of DLE are not only found on the face and ears, but also on the scalp, as seen here. It may cause scarring, pigment changes, and hair loss.

Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Discoid lupus erythematosus Verruca vulgaris_C_031824.1
DermAtlas_Discoid lupus erythematosus Verruca vulgaris_C_031824.2
Discoid Lupus Erythematosus: Look for atrophic pink in lighter skin tones (lighter skin) to violaceous plaques with adherent scale in active lesions, commonly found in sun exposed areas. In inactive lesions, look for atrophic plaques with central depigmentation (more notable in darker skin) and peripheral hyperpigmentation.

A marker of discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is follicular keratosis plugs, which are noted when the scale is removed.

The disk-like plaques of DLE are not only found on the face and ears, but also on the scalp, as seen here. It may cause scarring, pigment changes, and hair loss.

Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Discoid lupus erythematosus Verruca vulgaris_C_031824.2
DermAtlas_Discoid lupus erythematous_D_031824.1
Discoid Lupus Erythematosus: Look for atrophic pink in lighter skin tones (lighter skin) to violaceous plaques with adherent scale in active lesions, commonly found in sun exposed areas. In inactive lesions, look for atrophic plaques with central depigmentation (more notable in darker skin) and peripheral hyperpigmentation.

A marker of discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is follicular keratosis plugs, which are noted when the scale is removed.

The disk-like plaques of DLE are not only found on the face and ears, but also on the scalp, as seen here. It may cause scarring, pigment changes, and hair loss.

Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Discoid lupus erythematous_D_031824.1
DermAtlas_Discoid lupus erythematous_D_031824.2
Discoid Lupus Erythematosus: Look for atrophic pink in lighter skin tones (lighter skin) to violaceous plaques with adherent scale in active lesions, commonly found in sun exposed areas. In inactive lesions, look for atrophic plaques with central depigmentation (more notable in darker skin) and peripheral hyperpigmentation.

A marker of discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is follicular keratosis plugs, which are noted when the scale is removed.

The disk-like plaques of DLE are not only found on the face and ears, but also on the scalp, as seen here. It may cause scarring, pigment changes, and hair loss.

Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Discoid lupus erythematous_D_031824.2
DermAtlas_Lichen planus pigmentosus_-12.11.2023-61061814
Lichen Planus Pigmentosus: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Lichen planus pigmentosus_-12.11.2023-61061814
DermAtlas_Lichen planus pigmentosus_2.11.2023-61061779
Lichen Planus Pigmentosus: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Lichen planus pigmentosus_2.11.2023-61061779
DermAtlas_Lichen planus pigmentosus_face-chin-down-12.11.2023-61061710
Lichen Planus Pigmentosus: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Lichen planus pigmentosus_face-chin-down-12.11.2023-61061710
DermAtlas_Lichen planus pigmentosus_face-frontal-12.11.2023-61061379 copy
Lichen Planus Pigmentosus: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Lichen planus pigmentosus_face-frontal-12.11.2023-61061379 copy
DermAtlas_Lichen planus pigmentosus_face-frontal-12.11.2023-61061379
Lichen Planus Pigmentosus: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Lichen planus pigmentosus_face-frontal-12.11.2023-61061379
DermAtlas_Lichen planus pigmentosus_face-oblique-right-12.11.2023-61061647 copy
Lichen Planus Pigmentosus: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Lichen planus pigmentosus_face-oblique-right-12.11.2023-61061647 copy
DermAtlas_Lichen planus pigmentosus_face-oblique-right-12.11.2023-61061647
Lichen Planus Pigmentosus: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Lichen planus pigmentosus_face-oblique-right-12.11.2023-61061647
Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

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DermAtlas_Rosacea and Seborrheic dermatitis_face-oblique-right-12.11.2023-61069368
Seborrheic Dermatitis: In contrast to the confluent erythema and scaling seen in lighter skin tones, inflammation from seborrheic dermatitis often results in hypopigmentation of darker skin tones. Seborrheic dermatitis in darker skin tones can be differentiated from vitiligo given presence of scale and/or lack of fluorescence on Wood’s lamp examination.

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DermAtlas_Rosacea and Seborrheic dermatitis_face-oblique-right-12.11.2023-61069368
DermAtlas_Scalp psoriasis -12.18.2023-61474690
Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Scalp psoriasis -12.18.2023-61474690
DermAtlas_Scalp psoriasis -12.18.2023-61474761
Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Scalp psoriasis -12.18.2023-61474761
DermAtlas_Scalp psoriasis -12.18.2023-61474816
Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Scalp psoriasis -12.18.2023-61474816
DermAtlas_Scalp psoriasis -12.18.2023-61475196
Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Scalp psoriasis -12.18.2023-61475196
DermAtlas_Scalp psoriasis -12.18.2023-61475197
Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Scalp psoriasis -12.18.2023-61475197
DermAtlas_Lichen planus pigmentosus_face-lateral-left-12.11.2023-61061488
Lichen Planus Pigmentosus: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Lichen planus pigmentosus_face-lateral-left-12.11.2023-61061488
DermAtlas_Lichen planus pigmentosus_face-lateral-right-12.11.2023-61061563
Lichen Planus Pigmentosus: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Lichen planus pigmentosus_face-lateral-right-12.11.2023-61061563
DermAtlas_Lichen planus pigmentosus_face-oblique-left-12.11.2023-61061442
Lichen Planus Pigmentosus: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Lichen planus pigmentosus_face-oblique-left-12.11.2023-61061442
Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

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Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

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Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

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Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

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DermAtlas_Pustular psoriasis_-12.04.2023-60644796
Pustular Psoriasis: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Pustular psoriasis_-12.04.2023-60644796
DermAtlas_Pustular psoriasis_-12.04.2023-60644872 copy
Pustular Psoriasis: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Pustular psoriasis_-12.04.2023-60644872 copy
DermAtlas_Pustular psoriasis_-12.04.2023-60644872
Pustular Psoriasis: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Pustular psoriasis_-12.04.2023-60644872
DermAtlas_Pustular psoriasis_2.04.2023-60644731
Pustular Psoriasis: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Pustular psoriasis_2.04.2023-60644731
DermAtlas_Rosacea and Seborrheic dermatitis_face-chin-down-12.11.2023-61069416
Seborrheic Dermatitis: In contrast to the confluent erythema and scaling seen in lighter skin tones, inflammation from seborrheic dermatitis often results in hypopigmentation of darker skin tones. Seborrheic dermatitis in darker skin tones can be differentiated from vitiligo given presence of scale and/or lack of fluorescence on Wood’s lamp examination.

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DermAtlas_Rosacea and Seborrheic dermatitis_face-chin-down-12.11.2023-61069416
DermAtlas_Rosacea and Seborrheic dermatitis_face-lateral-right-12.11.2023-61069381
Seborrheic Dermatitis: In contrast to the confluent erythema and scaling seen in lighter skin tones, inflammation from seborrheic dermatitis often results in hypopigmentation of darker skin tones. Seborrheic dermatitis in darker skin tones can be differentiated from vitiligo given presence of scale and/or lack of fluorescence on Wood’s lamp examination.

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DermAtlas_Rosacea and Seborrheic dermatitis_face-lateral-right-12.11.2023-61069381
DermAtlas_Discoid Lupus -01.22.2024-63014595
Discoid Lupus Erythematosus: Look for atrophic pink in lighter skin tones (lighter skin) to violaceous plaques with adherent scale in active lesions, commonly found in sun exposed areas. In inactive lesions, look for atrophic plaques with central depigmentation (more notable in darker skin) and peripheral hyperpigmentation.

A marker of discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is follicular keratosis plugs, which are noted when the scale is removed.

The disk-like plaques of DLE are not only found on the face and ears, but also on the scalp, as seen here. It may cause scarring, pigment changes, and hair loss.

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DermAtlas_Discoid Lupus -01.22.2024-63014595
Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

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DermAtlas_psoriasis-04.22.2024-68130816 copy
Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

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DermAtlas_psoriasis-04.22.2024-68130816 copy
Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

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Seborrheic Dermatitis: In contrast to the confluent erythema and scaling seen in lighter skin tones, inflammation from seborrheic dermatitis often results in hypopigmentation of darker skin tones. Seborrheic dermatitis in darker skin tones can be differentiated from vitiligo given presence of scale and/or lack of fluorescence on Wood’s lamp examination.

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Seborrheic Dermatitis: In contrast to the confluent erythema and scaling seen in lighter skin tones, inflammation from seborrheic dermatitis often results in hypopigmentation of darker skin tones. Seborrheic dermatitis in darker skin tones can be differentiated from vitiligo given presence of scale and/or lack of fluorescence on Wood’s lamp examination.

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psoriasis back_Friedman1.jpg
Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
psoriasis back_Friedman1.jpg
The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.
psoriasis C back.jpg
Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

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psoriasis C back.jpg
The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.
Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

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The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.
Psoriasis_E_back4_closeup .jpg
Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Psoriasis_E_back4_closeup .jpg
The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.
Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.
Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

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Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

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Inverse Psoriasis_A_DIR60413.jpg
Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Inverse Psoriasis_A_DIR60413.jpg
Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

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Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

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Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Psoriasis_E_back4 .jpg
Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Psoriasis_E_back4 .jpg
Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

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The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.
Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.
guttate psoriasis LE_.jpg
Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
guttate psoriasis LE_.jpg
Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
psoriasis RD.jpg
Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

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psoriasis RD.jpg
Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

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Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

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Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

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Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

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Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

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psoriasis  forhead.jpg
Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

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psoriasis forhead.jpg
psoriasis scalp D.jpg
Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

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psoriasis scalp D.jpg
Seborrheic Dermatitis: In contrast to the confluent erythema and scaling seen in lighter skin tones, inflammation from seborrheic dermatitis often results in hypopigmentation of darker skin tones. Seborrheic dermatitis in darker skin tones can be differentiated from vitiligo given presence of scale and/or lack of fluorescence on Wood’s lamp examination.

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Seborrheic Dermatitis: In contrast to the confluent erythema and scaling seen in lighter skin tones, inflammation from seborrheic dermatitis often results in hypopigmentation of darker skin tones. Seborrheic dermatitis in darker skin tones can be differentiated from vitiligo given presence of scale and/or lack of fluorescence on Wood’s lamp examination.

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Seborrheic Dermatitis: In contrast to the confluent erythema and scaling seen in lighter skin tones, inflammation from seborrheic dermatitis often results in hypopigmentation of darker skin tones. Seborrheic dermatitis in darker skin tones can be differentiated from vitiligo given presence of scale and/or lack of fluorescence on Wood’s lamp examination.

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Seborrheic Dermatitis: In contrast to the confluent erythema and scaling seen in lighter skin tones, inflammation from seborrheic dermatitis often results in hypopigmentation of darker skin tones. Seborrheic dermatitis in darker skin tones can be differentiated from vitiligo given presence of scale and/or lack of fluorescence on Wood’s lamp examination.

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Seborrheic Dermatitis: In contrast to the confluent erythema and scaling seen in lighter skin tones, inflammation from seborrheic dermatitis often results in hypopigmentation of darker skin tones. Seborrheic dermatitis in darker skin tones can be differentiated from vitiligo given presence of scale and/or lack of fluorescence on Wood’s lamp examination.

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Pityriasis Rosea_Back_JDD.jpg
Pityriasis Rosea: Often pityriasis rosea is described as ovoid pink patches with fine scale overlying the trunk and extremities; however, when viewing a wide range of skin tones we can distinguish that this is not the case. As you can see these patches are not always pink—they can appear more hypo- or hyperpigmented.

It is important to note that central purpura can be observed more commonly in darker skin tones, also recognized as the rarer hemorrhagic variant.

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Pityriasis Rosea_Back_JDD.jpg
Pityriasis Rosea_6.jpg
Pityriasis Rosea: Often pityriasis rosea is described as ovoid pink patches with fine scale overlying the trunk and extremities; however, when viewing a wide range of skin tones we can distinguish that this is not the case. As you can see these patches are not always pink—they can appear more hypo- or hyperpigmented.

It is important to note that central purpura can be observed more commonly in darker skin tones, also recognized as the rarer hemorrhagic variant.

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Pityriasis Rosea_6.jpg
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Pityriasis Rosea: Often pityriasis rosea is described as ovoid pink patches with fine scale overlying the trunk and extremities; however, when viewing a wide range of skin tones we can distinguish that this is not the case. As you can see these patches are not always pink—they can appear more hypo- or hyperpigmented.

It is important to note that central purpura can be observed more commonly in darker skin tones, also recognized as the rarer hemorrhagic variant.

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pityriasis rosea chest type d.jpg
Pityriasis_Rosea_ type D skin trunk.jpg
Pityriasis Rosea: Often pityriasis rosea is described as ovoid pink patches with fine scale overlying the trunk and extremities; however, when viewing a wide range of skin tones we can distinguish that this is not the case. As you can see these patches are not always pink—they can appear more hypo- or hyperpigmented.

It is important to note that central purpura can be observed more commonly in darker skin tones, also recognized as the rarer hemorrhagic variant.

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Pityriasis_Rosea_ type D skin trunk.jpg
Pityriasis Rosea_Friedman2.jpg
Pityriasis Rosea: Often pityriasis rosea is described as ovoid pink patches with fine scale overlying the trunk and extremities; however, when viewing a wide range of skin tones we can distinguish that this is not the case. As you can see these patches are not always pink—they can appear more hypo- or hyperpigmented.

It is important to note that central purpura can be observed more commonly in darker skin tones, also recognized as the rarer hemorrhagic variant.

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Pityriasis Rosea_Friedman2.jpg
Pityriasis Rosea_1.jpg
Pityriasis Rosea: Often pityriasis rosea is described as ovoid pink patches with fine scale overlying the trunk and extremities; however, when viewing a wide range of skin tones we can distinguish that this is not the case. As you can see these patches are not always pink—they can appear more hypo- or hyperpigmented.

It is important to note that central purpura can be observed more commonly in darker skin tones, also recognized as the rarer hemorrhagic variant.

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Pityriasis Rosea_1.jpg
Pityriasis Rosea_A_JDD2.jpg
Pityriasis Rosea: Often pityriasis rosea is described as ovoid pink patches with fine scale overlying the trunk and extremities; however, when viewing a wide range of skin tones we can distinguish that this is not the case. As you can see these patches are not always pink—they can appear more hypo- or hyperpigmented.

It is important to note that central purpura can be observed more commonly in darker skin tones, also recognized as the rarer hemorrhagic variant.

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Pityriasis Rosea_A_JDD2.jpg
Pityriasis Rosea_A_Cohen.jpg
Pityriasis Rosea: Often pityriasis rosea is described as ovoid pink patches with fine scale overlying the trunk and extremities; however, when viewing a wide range of skin tones we can distinguish that this is not the case. As you can see these patches are not always pink—they can appear more hypo- or hyperpigmented.

It is important to note that central purpura can be observed more commonly in darker skin tones, also recognized as the rarer hemorrhagic variant.

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Pityriasis Rosea_A_Cohen.jpg
Pityriasis Rosea_C_Friedman.jpg
Pityriasis Rosea: Often pityriasis rosea is described as ovoid pink patches with fine scale overlying the trunk and extremities; however, when viewing a wide range of skin tones we can distinguish that this is not the case. As you can see these patches are not always pink—they can appear more hypo- or hyperpigmented.

It is important to note that central purpura can be observed more commonly in darker skin tones, also recognized as the rarer hemorrhagic variant.

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Pityriasis Rosea_C_Friedman.jpg
Pityriasis Rosea_Friedman_5.jpg
Pityriasis Rosea: Often pityriasis rosea is described as ovoid pink patches with fine scale overlying the trunk and extremities; however, when viewing a wide range of skin tones we can distinguish that this is not the case. As you can see these patches are not always pink—they can appear more hypo- or hyperpigmented.

It is important to note that central purpura can be observed more commonly in darker skin tones, also recognized as the rarer hemorrhagic variant.

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Pityriasis Rosea_Friedman_5.jpg
secondary syphilis type C hands.jpg
Secondary Syphilis: Across the full spectrum of skin tones, lesions of secondary syphilis can be differentiated from dyshidrosis by lack of involvement of interdigital surfaces. It also differs from tinea manuum by the lack of annular configuration, increased number of lesions, and smaller papular size of lesions with notable collarettes of scale.

Notice the presence of copper-colored papules with collarettes of scale or thick overlying scale on the feet and hands. This feature helps distinguish secondary syphilis from tinea pedis. In darker skin tones, lesions may appear more red to brown in color with dusky background erythema.

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Secondary Syphilis: Across the full spectrum of skin tones, lesions of secondary syphilis can be differentiated from dyshidrosis by lack of involvement of interdigital surfaces. It also differs from tinea manuum by the lack of annular configuration, increased number of lesions, and smaller papular size of lesions with notable collarettes of scale.

Notice the presence of copper-colored papules with collarettes of scale or thick overlying scale on the feet and hands. This feature helps distinguish secondary syphilis from tinea pedis. In darker skin tones, lesions may appear more red to brown in color with dusky background erythema.

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Secondary_Syphilis_B_ 56382.jpg
Secondary Syphilis: Across the full spectrum of skin tones, lesions of secondary syphilis can be differentiated from dyshidrosis by lack of involvement of interdigital surfaces. It also differs from tinea manuum by the lack of annular configuration, increased number of lesions, and smaller papular size of lesions with notable collarettes of scale.

Notice the presence of copper-colored papules with collarettes of scale or thick overlying scale on the feet and hands. This feature helps distinguish secondary syphilis from tinea pedis. In darker skin tones, lesions may appear more red to brown in color with dusky background erythema.

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Secondary Syphilis: Across the full spectrum of skin tones, lesions of secondary syphilis can be differentiated from dyshidrosis by lack of involvement of interdigital surfaces. It also differs from tinea manuum by the lack of annular configuration, increased number of lesions, and smaller papular size of lesions with notable collarettes of scale.

Notice the presence of copper-colored papules with collarettes of scale or thick overlying scale on the feet and hands. This feature helps distinguish secondary syphilis from tinea pedis. In darker skin tones, lesions may appear more red to brown in color with dusky background erythema.

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Secondary Syphilis: Across the full spectrum of skin tones, lesions of secondary syphilis can be differentiated from dyshidrosis by lack of involvement of interdigital surfaces. It also differs from tinea manuum by the lack of annular configuration, increased number of lesions, and smaller papular size of lesions with notable collarettes of scale.

Notice the presence of copper-colored papules with collarettes of scale or thick overlying scale on the feet and hands. This feature helps distinguish secondary syphilis from tinea pedis. In darker skin tones, lesions may appear more red to brown in color with dusky background erythema.

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Secondary Syphilis: Across the full spectrum of skin tones, lesions of secondary syphilis can be differentiated from dyshidrosis by lack of involvement of interdigital surfaces. It also differs from tinea manuum by the lack of annular configuration, increased number of lesions, and smaller papular size of lesions with notable collarettes of scale.

Notice the presence of copper-colored papules with collarettes of scale or thick overlying scale on the feet and hands. This feature helps distinguish secondary syphilis from tinea pedis. In darker skin tones, lesions may appear more red to brown in color with dusky background erythema.

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Secondary Syphilis: Across the full spectrum of skin tones, lesions of secondary syphilis can be differentiated from dyshidrosis by lack of involvement of interdigital surfaces. It also differs from tinea manuum by the lack of annular configuration, increased number of lesions, and smaller papular size of lesions with notable collarettes of scale.

Notice the presence of copper-colored papules with collarettes of scale or thick overlying scale on the feet and hands. This feature helps distinguish secondary syphilis from tinea pedis. In darker skin tones, lesions may appear more red to brown in color with dusky background erythema.

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Tinea Corporis: Compared to lighter skin tones, tinea corporis in darker tones presents with variable erythema and more central hyperpigmentation but retains the common presentation of the advancing scaly border.

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Tinea Corporis: Compared to lighter skin tones, tinea corporis in darker tones presents with variable erythema and more central hyperpigmentation but retains the common presentation of the advancing scaly border.

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Tinea Corporis: Compared to lighter skin tones, tinea corporis in darker tones presents with variable erythema and more central hyperpigmentation but retains the common presentation of the advancing scaly border.

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Tinea Corporis: Compared to lighter skin tones, tinea corporis in darker tones presents with variable erythema and more central hyperpigmentation but retains the common presentation of the advancing scaly border.

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Tinea Corporis: Compared to lighter skin tones, tinea corporis in darker tones presents with variable erythema and more central hyperpigmentation but retains the common presentation of the advancing scaly border.

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Tinea Versicolor: Tinea versicolor presents with well-defined hyperpigmented, hypopigmented, or erythematous patches or thin plaques with fine scale. In dark skin tones, patches of tinea versicolor may either appear as dark brown hyperpigmentation or well demarcated pale hypopigmentation with fine scaling, highlighting the need to perform a potassium hydroxide prep to confirm the diagnosis.

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Tinea Versicolor: Tinea versicolor presents with well-defined hyperpigmented, hypopigmented, or erythematous patches or thin plaques with fine scale. In dark skin tones, patches of tinea versicolor may either appear as dark brown hyperpigmentation or well demarcated pale hypopigmentation with fine scaling, highlighting the need to perform a potassium hydroxide prep to confirm the diagnosis.

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Tinea Versicolor: Tinea versicolor presents with well-defined hyperpigmented, hypopigmented, or erythematous patches or thin plaques with fine scale. In dark skin tones, patches of tinea versicolor may either appear as dark brown hyperpigmentation or well demarcated pale hypopigmentation with fine scaling, highlighting the need to perform a potassium hydroxide prep to confirm the diagnosis.

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Tinea Versicolor: Tinea versicolor presents with well-defined hyperpigmented, hypopigmented, or erythematous patches or thin plaques with fine scale. In dark skin tones, patches of tinea versicolor may either appear as dark brown hyperpigmentation or well demarcated pale hypopigmentation with fine scaling, highlighting the need to perform a potassium hydroxide prep to confirm the diagnosis.

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Tinea Versicolor: Tinea versicolor presents with well-defined hyperpigmented, hypopigmented, or erythematous patches or thin plaques with fine scale. In dark skin tones, patches of tinea versicolor may either appear as dark brown hyperpigmentation or well demarcated pale hypopigmentation with fine scaling, highlighting the need to perform a potassium hydroxide prep to confirm the diagnosis.

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tinea versicolor type D.jpg
Tinea Versicolor: Tinea versicolor presents with well-defined hyperpigmented, hypopigmented, or erythematous patches or thin plaques with fine scale. In dark skin tones, patches of tinea versicolor may either appear as dark brown hyperpigmentation or well demarcated pale hypopigmentation with fine scaling, highlighting the need to perform a potassium hydroxide prep to confirm the diagnosis.

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tinea versicolor type D.jpg
Tinea Versicolor: Tinea versicolor presents with well-defined hyperpigmented, hypopigmented, or erythematous patches or thin plaques with fine scale. In dark skin tones, patches of tinea versicolor may either appear as dark brown hyperpigmentation or well demarcated pale hypopigmentation with fine scaling, highlighting the need to perform a potassium hydroxide prep to confirm the diagnosis.

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Tinea Versicolor: Tinea versicolor presents with well-defined hyperpigmented, hypopigmented, or erythematous patches or thin plaques with fine scale. In dark skin tones, patches of tinea versicolor may either appear as dark brown hyperpigmentation or well demarcated pale hypopigmentation with fine scaling, highlighting the need to perform a potassium hydroxide prep to confirm the diagnosis.

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Tinea Versicolor: Tinea versicolor presents with well-defined hyperpigmented, hypopigmented, or erythematous patches or thin plaques with fine scale. In dark skin tones, patches of tinea versicolor may either appear as dark brown hyperpigmentation or well demarcated pale hypopigmentation with fine scaling, highlighting the need to perform a potassium hydroxide prep to confirm the diagnosis.

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Tinea versicolor_C_DIR61318.jpg
Tinea Versicolor: Tinea versicolor presents with well-defined hyperpigmented, hypopigmented, or erythematous patches or thin plaques with fine scale. In dark skin tones, patches of tinea versicolor may either appear as dark brown hyperpigmentation or well demarcated pale hypopigmentation with fine scaling, highlighting the need to perform a potassium hydroxide prep to confirm the diagnosis.

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Tinea versicolor_C_DIR61318.jpg
Tinea Versicolor: Tinea versicolor presents with well-defined hyperpigmented, hypopigmented, or erythematous patches or thin plaques with fine scale. In dark skin tones, patches of tinea versicolor may either appear as dark brown hyperpigmentation or well demarcated pale hypopigmentation with fine scaling, highlighting the need to perform a potassium hydroxide prep to confirm the diagnosis.

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Tinea Pedis: Tinea pedis is characterized by interdigital peeling, maceration, and fissuring mainly along the lateral toe clefts and extending to under the surface of toes. Erythema in the affected areas is more visible in lighter skin tones versus more violaceous to purple color in darker skin tones with superficial fine, silvery white scales. Infection can also involve the toenails.

More chronic tinea pedis may present with hyperkeratosis in a moccasin distribution, involving the medial and lateral sides of the soles. It can also present on the dorsal aspect of the foot with erythema and scales in lighter skin tones versus a violet or purple color along with post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation in darker skin tones.

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Tinea Pedis: Tinea pedis is characterized by interdigital peeling, maceration, and fissuring mainly along the lateral toe clefts and extending to under the surface of toes. Erythema in the affected areas is more visible in lighter skin tones versus more violaceous to purple color in darker skin tones with superficial fine, silvery white scales. Infection can also involve the toenails.

More chronic tinea pedis may present with hyperkeratosis in a moccasin distribution, involving the medial and lateral sides of the soles. It can also present on the dorsal aspect of the foot with erythema and scales in lighter skin tones versus a violet or purple color along with post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation in darker skin tones.

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Tinea Pedis: Tinea pedis is characterized by interdigital peeling, maceration, and fissuring mainly along the lateral toe clefts and extending to under the surface of toes. Erythema in the affected areas is more visible in lighter skin tones versus more violaceous to purple color in darker skin tones with superficial fine, silvery white scales. Infection can also involve the toenails.

More chronic tinea pedis may present with hyperkeratosis in a moccasin distribution, involving the medial and lateral sides of the soles. It can also present on the dorsal aspect of the foot with erythema and scales in lighter skin tones versus a violet or purple color along with post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation in darker skin tones.

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tinea pedis type E.jpg
Tinea Pedis: Tinea pedis is characterized by interdigital peeling, maceration, and fissuring mainly along the lateral toe clefts and extending to under the surface of toes. Erythema in the affected areas is more visible in lighter skin tones versus more violaceous to purple color in darker skin tones with superficial fine, silvery white scales. Infection can also involve the toenails.

More chronic tinea pedis may present with hyperkeratosis in a moccasin distribution, involving the medial and lateral sides of the soles. It can also present on the dorsal aspect of the foot with erythema and scales in lighter skin tones versus a violet or purple color along with post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation in darker skin tones.

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tinea pedis type E.jpg
Tinea Pedis: Tinea pedis is characterized by interdigital peeling, maceration, and fissuring mainly along the lateral toe clefts and extending to under the surface of toes. Erythema in the affected areas is more visible in lighter skin tones versus more violaceous to purple color in darker skin tones with superficial fine, silvery white scales. Infection can also involve the toenails.

More chronic tinea pedis may present with hyperkeratosis in a moccasin distribution, involving the medial and lateral sides of the soles. It can also present on the dorsal aspect of the foot with erythema and scales in lighter skin tones versus a violet or purple color along with post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation in darker skin tones.

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tinea pedis type A_Fullfoot_Friedman_.jpg
Tinea Pedis: Tinea pedis is characterized by interdigital peeling, maceration, and fissuring mainly along the lateral toe clefts and extending to under the surface of toes. Erythema in the affected areas is more visible in lighter skin tones versus more violaceous to purple color in darker skin tones with superficial fine, silvery white scales. Infection can also involve the toenails.

More chronic tinea pedis may present with hyperkeratosis in a moccasin distribution, involving the medial and lateral sides of the soles. It can also present on the dorsal aspect of the foot with erythema and scales in lighter skin tones versus a violet or purple color along with post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation in darker skin tones.

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Tinea Pedis: Tinea pedis is characterized by interdigital peeling, maceration, and fissuring mainly along the lateral toe clefts and extending to under the surface of toes. Erythema in the affected areas is more visible in lighter skin tones versus more violaceous to purple color in darker skin tones with superficial fine, silvery white scales. Infection can also involve the toenails.

More chronic tinea pedis may present with hyperkeratosis in a moccasin distribution, involving the medial and lateral sides of the soles. It can also present on the dorsal aspect of the foot with erythema and scales in lighter skin tones versus a violet or purple color along with post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation in darker skin tones.

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tinea pedis type A_Ankle_1.jpg
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Tinea Pedis: Tinea pedis is characterized by interdigital peeling, maceration, and fissuring mainly along the lateral toe clefts and extending to under the surface of toes. Erythema in the affected areas is more visible in lighter skin tones versus more violaceous to purple color in darker skin tones with superficial fine, silvery white scales. Infection can also involve the toenails.

More chronic tinea pedis may present with hyperkeratosis in a moccasin distribution, involving the medial and lateral sides of the soles. It can also present on the dorsal aspect of the foot with erythema and scales in lighter skin tones versus a violet or purple color along with post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation in darker skin tones.

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tinea pedis type A_Fullfoot_closeup_.jpg
Tinea Pedis: Tinea pedis is characterized by interdigital peeling, maceration, and fissuring mainly along the lateral toe clefts and extending to under the surface of toes. Erythema in the affected areas is more visible in lighter skin tones versus more violaceous to purple color in darker skin tones with superficial fine, silvery white scales. Infection can also involve the toenails.

More chronic tinea pedis may present with hyperkeratosis in a moccasin distribution, involving the medial and lateral sides of the soles. It can also present on the dorsal aspect of the foot with erythema and scales in lighter skin tones versus a violet or purple color along with post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation in darker skin tones.

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tinea incognito in setting of eczema_closeup_.jpg
Tinea Pedis: Tinea pedis is characterized by interdigital peeling, maceration, and fissuring mainly along the lateral toe clefts and extending to under the surface of toes. Erythema in the affected areas is more visible in lighter skin tones versus more violaceous to purple color in darker skin tones with superficial fine, silvery white scales. Infection can also involve the toenails.

More chronic tinea pedis may present with hyperkeratosis in a moccasin distribution, involving the medial and lateral sides of the soles. It can also present on the dorsal aspect of the foot with erythema and scales in lighter skin tones versus a violet or purple color along with post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation in darker skin tones.

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tinea incognito in setting of eczema_closeup_.jpg
Lichen Planus: It is important to note that often new papules and plaques on the body are violaceous. However, lichen planus appears to be yellow-brown on the hands and soles. Also notice the distinct silvery-white sheen of lichen planus on the darker skin tones.

Note how these lichen planus lesions showcase the classical feature of rough scaly patches and the color change of post-inflammatory macules. The distribution varies and may be scattered, clustered, annular, actinic, and linear.

It can take lichen planus months to resolve and will leave gray to brown post-inflammatory macules. It is important to inform the patient that this could take months or longer to fade. Also note the isomorphic response within the two tattoo images shown here.

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Lichen Planus: It is important to note that often new papules and plaques on the body are violaceous. However, lichen planus appears to be yellow-brown on the hands and soles. Also notice the distinct silvery-white sheen of lichen planus on the darker skin tones.

Note how these lichen planus lesions showcase the classical feature of rough scaly patches and the color change of post-inflammatory macules. The distribution varies and may be scattered, clustered, annular, actinic, and linear.

It can take lichen planus months to resolve and will leave gray to brown post-inflammatory macules. It is important to inform the patient that this could take months or longer to fade. Also note the isomorphic response within the two tattoo images shown here.

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Lichen Planus: It is important to note that often new papules and plaques on the body are violaceous. However, lichen planus appears to be yellow-brown on the hands and soles. Also notice the distinct silvery-white sheen of lichen planus on the darker skin tones.

Note how these lichen planus lesions showcase the classical feature of rough scaly patches and the color change of post-inflammatory macules. The distribution varies and may be scattered, clustered, annular, actinic, and linear.

It can take lichen planus months to resolve and will leave gray to brown post-inflammatory macules. It is important to inform the patient that this could take months or longer to fade. Also note the isomorphic response within the two tattoo images shown here.

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Lichen Planus: It is important to note that often new papules and plaques on the body are violaceous. However, lichen planus appears to be yellow-brown on the hands and soles. Also notice the distinct silvery-white sheen of lichen planus on the darker skin tones.

Note how these lichen planus lesions showcase the classical feature of rough scaly patches and the color change of post-inflammatory macules. The distribution varies and may be scattered, clustered, annular, actinic, and linear.

It can take lichen planus months to resolve and will leave gray to brown post-inflammatory macules. It is important to inform the patient that this could take months or longer to fade. Also note the isomorphic response within the two tattoo images shown here.

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Lichen Planus: It is important to note that often new papules and plaques on the body are violaceous. However, lichen planus appears to be yellow-brown on the hands and soles. Also notice the distinct silvery-white sheen of lichen planus on the darker skin tones.

Note how these lichen planus lesions showcase the classical feature of rough scaly patches and the color change of post-inflammatory macules. The distribution varies and may be scattered, clustered, annular, actinic, and linear.

It can take lichen planus months to resolve and will leave gray to brown post-inflammatory macules. It is important to inform the patient that this could take months or longer to fade. Also note the isomorphic response within the two tattoo images shown here.

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Lichen Planus: It is important to note that often new papules and plaques on the body are violaceous. However, lichen planus appears to be yellow-brown on the hands and soles. Also notice the distinct silvery-white sheen of lichen planus on the darker skin tones.

Note how these lichen planus lesions showcase the classical feature of rough scaly patches and the color change of post-inflammatory macules. The distribution varies and may be scattered, clustered, annular, actinic, and linear.

It can take lichen planus months to resolve and will leave gray to brown post-inflammatory macules. It is important to inform the patient that this could take months or longer to fade. Also note the isomorphic response within the two tattoo images shown here.

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lichen planus type A leg closer.jpg
Lichen Planus: It is important to note that often new papules and plaques on the body are violaceous. However, lichen planus appears to be yellow-brown on the hands and soles. Also notice the distinct silvery-white sheen of lichen planus on the darker skin tones.

Note how these lichen planus lesions showcase the classical feature of rough scaly patches and the color change of post-inflammatory macules. The distribution varies and may be scattered, clustered, annular, actinic, and linear.

It can take lichen planus months to resolve and will leave gray to brown post-inflammatory macules. It is important to inform the patient that this could take months or longer to fade. Also note the isomorphic response within the two tattoo images shown here.

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lichen planus type A leg closer.jpg
psoriasis elbow d_.jpg
Psoriasis: The erythema of psoriasis can be striking within the spectrum of skin tones as it ranges from a salmon and deep reddish hue to a conspicuous violaceous color with areas of hypo- and hyperpigmentation. While you view the psoriasis collections, note the perilesional hyperpigmentation in some psoriatic plaques on darker tones.

The Woronoff Ring can be appreciated on lighter skin tones, but it is not as common as skin tones deepen. Also note that plaques can be so hyperkeratotic, doing justice to the term ostracious, that it is hard to unmask the color of the plaque, especially as skin tones darken in color.

Chronic or treated psoriasis can present without the silvery scales typical of psoriasis in all skin tones. In darker skin tones we can appreciate more of the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation from healed psoriatic lesions.

For patients with darker skin tones, it is important to consider other conditions like hypertrophic lichen planus, chronic eczematous plaques, and discoid lupus plaques. When cutaneous lesions become more violaceous a lichenoid eruption can be considered.

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psoriasis elbow d_.jpg
lichen planus type d leg.jpg
Lichen Planus: It is important to note that often new papules and plaques on the body are violaceous. However, lichen planus appears to be yellow-brown on the hands and soles. Also notice the distinct silvery-white sheen of lichen planus on the darker skin tones.

Note how these lichen planus lesions showcase the classical feature of rough scaly patches and the color change of post-inflammatory macules. The distribution varies and may be scattered, clustered, annular, actinic, and linear.

It can take lichen planus months to resolve and will leave gray to brown post-inflammatory macules. It is important to inform the patient that this could take months or longer to fade. Also note the isomorphic response within the two tattoo images shown here.

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lichen planus type d leg.jpg
lichen planus arm type D.jpg
Lichen Planus: It is important to note that often new papules and plaques on the body are violaceous. However, lichen planus appears to be yellow-brown on the hands and soles. Also notice the distinct silvery-white sheen of lichen planus on the darker skin tones.

Note how these lichen planus lesions showcase the classical feature of rough scaly patches and the color change of post-inflammatory macules. The distribution varies and may be scattered, clustered, annular, actinic, and linear.

It can take lichen planus months to resolve and will leave gray to brown post-inflammatory macules. It is important to inform the patient that this could take months or longer to fade. Also note the isomorphic response within the two tattoo images shown here.

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lichen planus arm type D.jpg
Lichen Planus: It is important to note that often new papules and plaques on the body are violaceous. However, lichen planus appears to be yellow-brown on the hands and soles. Also notice the distinct silvery-white sheen of lichen planus on the darker skin tones.

Note how these lichen planus lesions showcase the classical feature of rough scaly patches and the color change of post-inflammatory macules. The distribution varies and may be scattered, clustered, annular, actinic, and linear.

It can take lichen planus months to resolve and will leave gray to brown post-inflammatory macules. It is important to inform the patient that this could take months or longer to fade. Also note the isomorphic response within the two tattoo images shown here.

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Lichen Planus: It is important to note that often new papules and plaques on the body are violaceous. However, lichen planus appears to be yellow-brown on the hands and soles. Also notice the distinct silvery-white sheen of lichen planus on the darker skin tones.

Note how these lichen planus lesions showcase the classical feature of rough scaly patches and the color change of post-inflammatory macules. The distribution varies and may be scattered, clustered, annular, actinic, and linear.

It can take lichen planus months to resolve and will leave gray to brown post-inflammatory macules. It is important to inform the patient that this could take months or longer to fade. Also note the isomorphic response within the two tattoo images shown here.

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lichen planus type c.jpg
Lichen Planus: It is important to note that often new papules and plaques on the body are violaceous. However, lichen planus appears to be yellow-brown on the hands and soles. Also notice the distinct silvery-white sheen of lichen planus on the darker skin tones.

Note how these lichen planus lesions showcase the classical feature of rough scaly patches and the color change of post-inflammatory macules. The distribution varies and may be scattered, clustered, annular, actinic, and linear.

It can take lichen planus months to resolve and will leave gray to brown post-inflammatory macules. It is important to inform the patient that this could take months or longer to fade. Also note the isomorphic response within the two tattoo images shown here.

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lichen planus type c.jpg
Lichen Planus: It is important to note that often new papules and plaques on the body are violaceous. However, lichen planus appears to be yellow-brown on the hands and soles. Also notice the distinct silvery-white sheen of lichen planus on the darker skin tones.

Note how these lichen planus lesions showcase the classical feature of rough scaly patches and the color change of post-inflammatory macules. The distribution varies and may be scattered, clustered, annular, actinic, and linear.

It can take lichen planus months to resolve and will leave gray to brown post-inflammatory macules. It is important to inform the patient that this could take months or longer to fade. Also note the isomorphic response within the two tattoo images shown here.

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lichen planus type D foot.jpg
Lichen Planus: It is important to note that often new papules and plaques on the body are violaceous. However, lichen planus appears to be yellow-brown on the hands and soles. Also notice the distinct silvery-white sheen of lichen planus on the darker skin tones.

Note how these lichen planus lesions showcase the classical feature of rough scaly patches and the color change of post-inflammatory macules. The distribution varies and may be scattered, clustered, annular, actinic, and linear.

It can take lichen planus months to resolve and will leave gray to brown post-inflammatory macules. It is important to inform the patient that this could take months or longer to fade. Also note the isomorphic response within the two tattoo images shown here.

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lichen planus type D foot.jpg
lichen planus in tattoo type d.jpg
Lichen Planus: It is important to note that often new papules and plaques on the body are violaceous. However, lichen planus appears to be yellow-brown on the hands and soles. Also notice the distinct silvery-white sheen of lichen planus on the darker skin tones.

Note how these lichen planus lesions showcase the classical feature of rough scaly patches and the color change of post-inflammatory macules. The distribution varies and may be scattered, clustered, annular, actinic, and linear.

It can take lichen planus months to resolve and will leave gray to brown post-inflammatory macules. It is important to inform the patient that this could take months or longer to fade. Also note the isomorphic response within the two tattoo images shown here.

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lichen planus in tattoo type d.jpg
Lichen Planus: It is important to note that often new papules and plaques on the body are violaceous. However, lichen planus appears to be yellow-brown on the hands and soles. Also notice the distinct silvery-white sheen of lichen planus on the darker skin tones.

Note how these lichen planus lesions showcase the classical feature of rough scaly patches and the color change of post-inflammatory macules. The distribution varies and may be scattered, clustered, annular, actinic, and linear.

It can take lichen planus months to resolve and will leave gray to brown post-inflammatory macules. It is important to inform the patient that this could take months or longer to fade. Also note the isomorphic response within the two tattoo images shown here.

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Lichen striatus_DIR61498.jpg
Lichen Striatus: Lichen striatus presents as a linear or curvilinear slightly scaly papules that coalesce into a plaque. The color of these papules can be diverse from skin-colored or slightly pink in lighter skin tones to purple or white in darker complexions. Usually they follow the lines of Blaschko. When the lesions resolve they can leave hypo- or hyperpigmentation. Other linear conditions should be considered such as linear lichen planus, linear psoriasis, or inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus.

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Lichen striatus_DIR61498.jpg
lichen striatus type d_Friedman.jpg
Lichen Striatus: Lichen striatus presents as a linear or curvilinear slightly scaly papules that coalesce into a plaque. The color of these papules can be diverse from skin-colored or slightly pink in lighter skin tones to purple or white in darker complexions. Usually they follow the lines of Blaschko. When the lesions resolve they can leave hypo- or hyperpigmentation. Other linear conditions should be considered such as linear lichen planus, linear psoriasis, or inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus.

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lichen striatus type d_Friedman.jpg
Lichen Striatus type e_Friedman.jpg
Lichen Striatus: Lichen striatus presents as a linear or curvilinear slightly scaly papules that coalesce into a plaque. The color of these papules can be diverse from skin-colored or slightly pink in lighter skin tones to purple or white in darker complexions. Usually they follow the lines of Blaschko. When the lesions resolve they can leave hypo- or hyperpigmentation. Other linear conditions should be considered such as linear lichen planus, linear psoriasis, or inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus.

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Lichen Striatus type e_Friedman.jpg
Lichen Striatus: Lichen striatus presents as a linear or curvilinear slightly scaly papules that coalesce into a plaque. The color of these papules can be diverse from skin-colored or slightly pink in lighter skin tones to purple or white in darker complexions. Usually they follow the lines of Blaschko. When the lesions resolve they can leave hypo- or hyperpigmentation. Other linear conditions should be considered such as linear lichen planus, linear psoriasis, or inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus.

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Severe Discoid Lupus Erythematosus.jpg
Discoid Lupus Erythematosus: Look for atrophic pink in lighter skin tones (lighter skin) to violaceous plaques with adherent scale in active lesions, commonly found in sun exposed areas. In inactive lesions, look for atrophic plaques with central depigmentation (more notable in darker skin) and peripheral hyperpigmentation.

A marker of discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is follicular keratosis plugs, which are noted when the scale is removed.

The disk-like plaques of DLE are not only found on the face and ears, but also on the scalp, as seen here. It may cause scarring, pigment changes, and hair loss.

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Severe Discoid Lupus Erythematosus.jpg
Discoid Lupus Erythematosus_C_ 60308.jpg
Discoid Lupus Erythematosus: Look for atrophic pink in lighter skin tones (lighter skin) to violaceous plaques with adherent scale in active lesions, commonly found in sun exposed areas. In inactive lesions, look for atrophic plaques with central depigmentation (more notable in darker skin) and peripheral hyperpigmentation.

A marker of discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is follicular keratosis plugs, which are noted when the scale is removed.

The disk-like plaques of DLE are not only found on the face and ears, but also on the scalp, as seen here. It may cause scarring, pigment changes, and hair loss.

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Discoid Lupus Erythematosus_C_ 60308.jpg
Discoid Lupus Erythematosus_E_ 60185.jpg
Discoid Lupus Erythematosus: Look for atrophic pink in lighter skin tones (lighter skin) to violaceous plaques with adherent scale in active lesions, commonly found in sun exposed areas. In inactive lesions, look for atrophic plaques with central depigmentation (more notable in darker skin) and peripheral hyperpigmentation.

A marker of discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is follicular keratosis plugs, which are noted when the scale is removed.

The disk-like plaques of DLE are not only found on the face and ears, but also on the scalp, as seen here. It may cause scarring, pigment changes, and hair loss.

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Discoid Lupus Erythematosus_E_ 60185.jpg
Discoid Lupus Erythematosus: Look for atrophic pink in lighter skin tones (lighter skin) to violaceous plaques with adherent scale in active lesions, commonly found in sun exposed areas. In inactive lesions, look for atrophic plaques with central depigmentation (more notable in darker skin) and peripheral hyperpigmentation.

A marker of discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is follicular keratosis plugs, which are noted when the scale is removed.

The disk-like plaques of DLE are not only found on the face and ears, but also on the scalp, as seen here. It may cause scarring, pigment changes, and hair loss.

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Discoid Lupus Erythematosus: Look for atrophic pink in lighter skin tones (lighter skin) to violaceous plaques with adherent scale in active lesions, commonly found in sun exposed areas. In inactive lesions, look for atrophic plaques with central depigmentation (more notable in darker skin) and peripheral hyperpigmentation.

A marker of discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is follicular keratosis plugs, which are noted when the scale is removed.

The disk-like plaques of DLE are not only found on the face and ears, but also on the scalp, as seen here. It may cause scarring, pigment changes, and hair loss.

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Discoid Lupus Erythematosus: Look for atrophic pink in lighter skin tones (lighter skin) to violaceous plaques with adherent scale in active lesions, commonly found in sun exposed areas. In inactive lesions, look for atrophic plaques with central depigmentation (more notable in darker skin) and peripheral hyperpigmentation.

A marker of discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is follicular keratosis plugs, which are noted when the scale is removed.

The disk-like plaques of DLE are not only found on the face and ears, but also on the scalp, as seen here. It may cause scarring, pigment changes, and hair loss.

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Discoid Lupus Erythematosus: Look for atrophic pink in lighter skin tones (lighter skin) to violaceous plaques with adherent scale in active lesions, commonly found in sun exposed areas. In inactive lesions, look for atrophic plaques with central depigmentation (more notable in darker skin) and peripheral hyperpigmentation.

A marker of discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is follicular keratosis plugs, which are noted when the scale is removed.

The disk-like plaques of DLE are not only found on the face and ears, but also on the scalp, as seen here. It may cause scarring, pigment changes, and hair loss.

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Discoid Lupus Erythematosus: Look for atrophic pink in lighter skin tones (lighter skin) to violaceous plaques with adherent scale in active lesions, commonly found in sun exposed areas. In inactive lesions, look for atrophic plaques with central depigmentation (more notable in darker skin) and peripheral hyperpigmentation.

A marker of discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is follicular keratosis plugs, which are noted when the scale is removed.

The disk-like plaques of DLE are not only found on the face and ears, but also on the scalp, as seen here. It may cause scarring, pigment changes, and hair loss.

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Discoid Lupus Erythematosus: Look for atrophic pink in lighter skin tones (lighter skin) to violaceous plaques with adherent scale in active lesions, commonly found in sun exposed areas. In inactive lesions, look for atrophic plaques with central depigmentation (more notable in darker skin) and peripheral hyperpigmentation.

A marker of discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is follicular keratosis plugs, which are noted when the scale is removed.

The disk-like plaques of DLE are not only found on the face and ears, but also on the scalp, as seen here. It may cause scarring, pigment changes, and hair loss.

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Discoid Lupus Erythematosus: Look for atrophic pink in lighter skin tones (lighter skin) to violaceous plaques with adherent scale in active lesions, commonly found in sun exposed areas. In inactive lesions, look for atrophic plaques with central depigmentation (more notable in darker skin) and peripheral hyperpigmentation.

A marker of discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is follicular keratosis plugs, which are noted when the scale is removed.

The disk-like plaques of DLE are not only found on the face and ears, but also on the scalp, as seen here. It may cause scarring, pigment changes, and hair loss.

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Discoid Lupus Erythematosus: Look for atrophic pink in lighter skin tones (lighter skin) to violaceous plaques with adherent scale in active lesions, commonly found in sun exposed areas. In inactive lesions, look for atrophic plaques with central depigmentation (more notable in darker skin) and peripheral hyperpigmentation.

A marker of discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is follicular keratosis plugs, which are noted when the scale is removed.

The disk-like plaques of DLE are not only found on the face and ears, but also on the scalp, as seen here. It may cause scarring, pigment changes, and hair loss.

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Discoid Lupus Erythematosus: Look for atrophic pink in lighter skin tones (lighter skin) to violaceous plaques with adherent scale in active lesions, commonly found in sun exposed areas. In inactive lesions, look for atrophic plaques with central depigmentation (more notable in darker skin) and peripheral hyperpigmentation.

A marker of discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is follicular keratosis plugs, which are noted when the scale is removed.

The disk-like plaques of DLE are not only found on the face and ears, but also on the scalp, as seen here. It may cause scarring, pigment changes, and hair loss.

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Discoid_Lupus_Erythematosus type C scalp.jpg
Discoid Lupus Erythematosus: Look for atrophic pink in lighter skin tones (lighter skin) to violaceous plaques with adherent scale in active lesions, commonly found in sun exposed areas. In inactive lesions, look for atrophic plaques with central depigmentation (more notable in darker skin) and peripheral hyperpigmentation.

A marker of discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is follicular keratosis plugs, which are noted when the scale is removed.

The disk-like plaques of DLE are not only found on the face and ears, but also on the scalp, as seen here. It may cause scarring, pigment changes, and hair loss.

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Discoid_Lupus_Erythematosus type C scalp.jpg
Discoid_Lupus_Erythematosus_scalp type d.jpg
Discoid Lupus Erythematosus: Look for atrophic pink in lighter skin tones (lighter skin) to violaceous plaques with adherent scale in active lesions, commonly found in sun exposed areas. In inactive lesions, look for atrophic plaques with central depigmentation (more notable in darker skin) and peripheral hyperpigmentation.

A marker of discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is follicular keratosis plugs, which are noted when the scale is removed.

The disk-like plaques of DLE are not only found on the face and ears, but also on the scalp, as seen here. It may cause scarring, pigment changes, and hair loss.

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Discoid_Lupus_Erythematosus_scalp type d.jpg
Discoid_Lupus_Erythematosus type E scalp.jpg
Discoid Lupus Erythematosus: Look for atrophic pink in lighter skin tones (lighter skin) to violaceous plaques with adherent scale in active lesions, commonly found in sun exposed areas. In inactive lesions, look for atrophic plaques with central depigmentation (more notable in darker skin) and peripheral hyperpigmentation.

A marker of discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is follicular keratosis plugs, which are noted when the scale is removed.

The disk-like plaques of DLE are not only found on the face and ears, but also on the scalp, as seen here. It may cause scarring, pigment changes, and hair loss.

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Discoid_Lupus_Erythematosus type E scalp.jpg
Discoid Lupus Erythematosus: Look for atrophic pink in lighter skin tones (lighter skin) to violaceous plaques with adherent scale in active lesions, commonly found in sun exposed areas. In inactive lesions, look for atrophic plaques with central depigmentation (more notable in darker skin) and peripheral hyperpigmentation.

A marker of discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is follicular keratosis plugs, which are noted when the scale is removed.

The disk-like plaques of DLE are not only found on the face and ears, but also on the scalp, as seen here. It may cause scarring, pigment changes, and hair loss.

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Discoid_Lupus_Erythematosus type C scalp_closeup.jpg
Discoid Lupus Erythematosus: Look for atrophic pink in lighter skin tones (lighter skin) to violaceous plaques with adherent scale in active lesions, commonly found in sun exposed areas. In inactive lesions, look for atrophic plaques with central depigmentation (more notable in darker skin) and peripheral hyperpigmentation.

A marker of discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is follicular keratosis plugs, which are noted when the scale is removed.

The disk-like plaques of DLE are not only found on the face and ears, but also on the scalp, as seen here. It may cause scarring, pigment changes, and hair loss.

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Discoid_Lupus_Erythematosus type C scalp_closeup.jpg
Discoid_Lupus_Erythematosus type E scalp_closeup.jpg
Discoid Lupus Erythematosus: Look for atrophic pink in lighter skin tones (lighter skin) to violaceous plaques with adherent scale in active lesions, commonly found in sun exposed areas. In inactive lesions, look for atrophic plaques with central depigmentation (more notable in darker skin) and peripheral hyperpigmentation.

A marker of discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is follicular keratosis plugs, which are noted when the scale is removed.

The disk-like plaques of DLE are not only found on the face and ears, but also on the scalp, as seen here. It may cause scarring, pigment changes, and hair loss.

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Discoid_Lupus_Erythematosus type E scalp_closeup.jpg
Discoid Lupus Erythematosus: Look for atrophic pink in lighter skin tones (lighter skin) to violaceous plaques with adherent scale in active lesions, commonly found in sun exposed areas. In inactive lesions, look for atrophic plaques with central depigmentation (more notable in darker skin) and peripheral hyperpigmentation.

A marker of discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is follicular keratosis plugs, which are noted when the scale is removed.

The disk-like plaques of DLE are not only found on the face and ears, but also on the scalp, as seen here. It may cause scarring, pigment changes, and hair loss.

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Cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma: This collection of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) images displays a wide range of appearances which can vary based on skin tone. Notice the more violaceous or hyperpigmentation in darker skin tones opposed to the reds in lighter skin tones.

Take note of how CTCL can appear more eczematous in nature with scaly plaques or firmer papules and nodules in darker skin tones.

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Cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma: This collection of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) images displays a wide range of appearances which can vary based on skin tone. Notice the more violaceous or hyperpigmentation in darker skin tones opposed to the reds in lighter skin tones.

Take note of how CTCL can appear more eczematous in nature with scaly plaques or firmer papules and nodules in darker skin tones.

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Cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma: This collection of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) images displays a wide range of appearances which can vary based on skin tone. Notice the more violaceous or hyperpigmentation in darker skin tones opposed to the reds in lighter skin tones.

Take note of how CTCL can appear more eczematous in nature with scaly plaques or firmer papules and nodules in darker skin tones.

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Cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma: This collection of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) images displays a wide range of appearances which can vary based on skin tone. Notice the more violaceous or hyperpigmentation in darker skin tones opposed to the reds in lighter skin tones.

Take note of how CTCL can appear more eczematous in nature with scaly plaques or firmer papules and nodules in darker skin tones.

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CTCL_A_Mycosis Fungoides_Back.jpg
Cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma: This collection of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) images displays a wide range of appearances which can vary based on skin tone. Notice the more violaceous or hyperpigmentation in darker skin tones opposed to the reds in lighter skin tones.

Take note of how CTCL can appear more eczematous in nature with scaly plaques or firmer papules and nodules in darker skin tones.

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CTCL_A_Mycosis Fungoides_Back.jpg
Cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma: This collection of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) images displays a wide range of appearances which can vary based on skin tone. Notice the more violaceous or hyperpigmentation in darker skin tones opposed to the reds in lighter skin tones.

Take note of how CTCL can appear more eczematous in nature with scaly plaques or firmer papules and nodules in darker skin tones.

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Cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma: This collection of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) images displays a wide range of appearances which can vary based on skin tone. Notice the more violaceous or hyperpigmentation in darker skin tones opposed to the reds in lighter skin tones.

Take note of how CTCL can appear more eczematous in nature with scaly plaques or firmer papules and nodules in darker skin tones.

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Cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma: This collection of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) images displays a wide range of appearances which can vary based on skin tone. Notice the more violaceous or hyperpigmentation in darker skin tones opposed to the reds in lighter skin tones.

Take note of how CTCL can appear more eczematous in nature with scaly plaques or firmer papules and nodules in darker skin tones.

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Cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma: This collection of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) images displays a wide range of appearances which can vary based on skin tone. Notice the more violaceous or hyperpigmentation in darker skin tones opposed to the reds in lighter skin tones.

Take note of how CTCL can appear more eczematous in nature with scaly plaques or firmer papules and nodules in darker skin tones.

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Cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma: This collection of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) images displays a wide range of appearances which can vary based on skin tone. Notice the more violaceous or hyperpigmentation in darker skin tones opposed to the reds in lighter skin tones.

Take note of how CTCL can appear more eczematous in nature with scaly plaques or firmer papules and nodules in darker skin tones.

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Cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma: This collection of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) images displays a wide range of appearances which can vary based on skin tone. Notice the more violaceous or hyperpigmentation in darker skin tones opposed to the reds in lighter skin tones.

Take note of how CTCL can appear more eczematous in nature with scaly plaques or firmer papules and nodules in darker skin tones.

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Cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma: This collection of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) images displays a wide range of appearances which can vary based on skin tone. Notice the more violaceous or hyperpigmentation in darker skin tones opposed to the reds in lighter skin tones.

Take note of how CTCL can appear more eczematous in nature with scaly plaques or firmer papules and nodules in darker skin tones.

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Acanthosis Nigricans: Note the thick velvety hyperkeratosis present in all cases. This collection of images depicts the neck, but note that acanthosis nigricans can cause discoloration in additional body folds and creases including the axillary and groin.

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Acanthosis Nigricans: Note the thick velvety hyperkeratosis present in all cases. This collection of images depicts the neck, but note that acanthosis nigricans can cause discoloration in additional body folds and creases including the axillary and groin.

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Acanthosis Nigricans_D_Neck.jpg
Acanthosis Nigricans: Note the thick velvety hyperkeratosis present in all cases. This collection of images depicts the neck, but note that acanthosis nigricans can cause discoloration in additional body folds and creases including the axillary and groin.

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Acanthosis Nigricans_D_Neck.jpg
Acanthosis Nigricans: Note the thick velvety hyperkeratosis present in all cases. This collection of images depicts the neck, but note that acanthosis nigricans can cause discoloration in additional body folds and creases including the axillary and groin.

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Confluent and Reticulated Papillomatosis: This collection of images clearly illustrates the peripheral net-like configuration of confluent and reticulated papillomatosis (CARP) patches or plaques. Note that CARP is most commonly found on the trunk, neck, and axillae.

It is no surprise that CARP is often mistaken for acanthosis nigricans, given the sometimes velvety texture, or tinea versicolor due to its similar morphology and anatomical distribution. It is important to note endocrine comorbidities and the absence of fungal elements on KOH prep tests when diagnosing.

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CARP_B_61512 .jpg
Confluent and Reticulated Papillomatosis: This collection of images clearly illustrates the peripheral net-like configuration of confluent and reticulated papillomatosis (CARP) patches or plaques. Note that CARP is most commonly found on the trunk, neck, and axillae.

It is no surprise that CARP is often mistaken for acanthosis nigricans, given the sometimes velvety texture, or tinea versicolor due to its similar morphology and anatomical distribution. It is important to note endocrine comorbidities and the absence of fungal elements on KOH prep tests when diagnosing.

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CARP_B_61512 .jpg
Confluent and Reticulated Papillomatosis: This collection of images clearly illustrates the peripheral net-like configuration of confluent and reticulated papillomatosis (CARP) patches or plaques. Note that CARP is most commonly found on the trunk, neck, and axillae.

It is no surprise that CARP is often mistaken for acanthosis nigricans, given the sometimes velvety texture, or tinea versicolor due to its similar morphology and anatomical distribution. It is important to note endocrine comorbidities and the absence of fungal elements on KOH prep tests when diagnosing.

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Confluent and Reticulated Papillomatosis: This collection of images clearly illustrates the peripheral net-like configuration of confluent and reticulated papillomatosis (CARP) patches or plaques. Note that CARP is most commonly found on the trunk, neck, and axillae.

It is no surprise that CARP is often mistaken for acanthosis nigricans, given the sometimes velvety texture, or tinea versicolor due to its similar morphology and anatomical distribution. It is important to note endocrine comorbidities and the absence of fungal elements on KOH prep tests when diagnosing.

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Confluent and Reticulated Papillomatosis: This collection of images clearly illustrates the peripheral net-like configuration of confluent and reticulated papillomatosis (CARP) patches or plaques. Note that CARP is most commonly found on the trunk, neck, and axillae.

It is no surprise that CARP is often mistaken for acanthosis nigricans, given the sometimes velvety texture, or tinea versicolor due to its similar morphology and anatomical distribution. It is important to note endocrine comorbidities and the absence of fungal elements on KOH prep tests when diagnosing.

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Confluent and Reticulated Papillomatosis: This collection of images clearly illustrates the peripheral net-like configuration of confluent and reticulated papillomatosis (CARP) patches or plaques. Note that CARP is most commonly found on the trunk, neck, and axillae.

It is no surprise that CARP is often mistaken for acanthosis nigricans, given the sometimes velvety texture, or tinea versicolor due to its similar morphology and anatomical distribution. It is important to note endocrine comorbidities and the absence of fungal elements on KOH prep tests when diagnosing.

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Confluent and Reticulated Papillomatosis: This collection of images clearly illustrates the peripheral net-like configuration of confluent and reticulated papillomatosis (CARP) patches or plaques. Note that CARP is most commonly found on the trunk, neck, and axillae.

It is no surprise that CARP is often mistaken for acanthosis nigricans, given the sometimes velvety texture, or tinea versicolor due to its similar morphology and anatomical distribution. It is important to note endocrine comorbidities and the absence of fungal elements on KOH prep tests when diagnosing.

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Pityriasis rubra pilaris 1_face_Friedman.jpg
Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Pityriasis rubra pilaris 1_face_Friedman.jpg
Pityriasis rubra pilaris 2_trunkFriedman.jpg
Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Pityriasis rubra pilaris 2_trunkFriedman.jpg
Pityriasis rubra pilaris 3_Friedman_.jpg
Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
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Pityriasis rubra pilaris 4_Friedman_.jpg
Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Pityriasis rubra pilaris 4_Friedman_.jpg
Lichen Planus Pigmentosus: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Lichen Planus Pigmentosus: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Molluscum type a_Friedman.jpg
Molluscum: Molluscum can be identified in all skin tones by their smooth, dome-shaped appearance, tendency to form in clusters, and central umbilication, which helps to differentiate them from verruca. In darker tones, the presence of erythema may not be as pronounced and post-inflammatory changes, such as hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation, are often more prominent findings.

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Molluscum type a_Friedman.jpg
Molluscum type b _FriedmanTrunk.jpg
Molluscum: Molluscum can be identified in all skin tones by their smooth, dome-shaped appearance, tendency to form in clusters, and central umbilication, which helps to differentiate them from verruca. In darker tones, the presence of erythema may not be as pronounced and post-inflammatory changes, such as hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation, are often more prominent findings.

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Molluscum type b _FriedmanTrunk.jpg
Molluscum type c_Friedman_forehead .jpg
Molluscum: Molluscum can be identified in all skin tones by their smooth, dome-shaped appearance, tendency to form in clusters, and central umbilication, which helps to differentiate them from verruca. In darker tones, the presence of erythema may not be as pronounced and post-inflammatory changes, such as hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation, are often more prominent findings.

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Molluscum type c_Friedman_forehead .jpg
Molluscum: Molluscum can be identified in all skin tones by their smooth, dome-shaped appearance, tendency to form in clusters, and central umbilication, which helps to differentiate them from verruca. In darker tones, the presence of erythema may not be as pronounced and post-inflammatory changes, such as hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation, are often more prominent findings.

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Molluscum: Molluscum can be identified in all skin tones by their smooth, dome-shaped appearance, tendency to form in clusters, and central umbilication, which helps to differentiate them from verruca. In darker tones, the presence of erythema may not be as pronounced and post-inflammatory changes, such as hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation, are often more prominent findings.

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Tinea Cruris_A_Thigh.jpg
Tinea Cruris: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Tinea Cruris_A_Thigh.jpg
Tinea Cruris_A_Thighcloseup.jpg
Tinea Cruris: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Tinea Cruris_A_Thighcloseup.jpg
Verruca: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Verruca: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Verruca: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
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