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Irritant Contact Dermatitis: The skin is often damaged by friction, environmental factors, chemicals, and physical agents that lead to irritation, as seen here. Note the triggered inflammation in all three patients. Often it is overlooked in darker skin tones and appears as a deep brown, purple, or even gray. Usually irritant contact dermatitis is confined to the contact site.

Intertrigo affects the skin folds and it can be multifactorial. In darker skin tones, erythema tends to present as thin, dark brown plaques which might persist for several months despite the resolution of the underlying etiology causing intertrigo. Notice the satellite pustules in some of the inserts suggestive of candidal infection.

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Irritant Contact Dermatitis: The skin is often damaged by friction, environmental factors, chemicals, and physical agents that lead to irritation, as seen here. Note the triggered inflammation in all three patients. Often it is overlooked in darker skin tones and appears as a deep brown, purple, or even gray. Usually irritant contact dermatitis is confined to the contact site.

Intertrigo affects the skin folds and it can be multifactorial. In darker skin tones, erythema tends to present as thin, dark brown plaques which might persist for several months despite the resolution of the underlying etiology causing intertrigo. Notice the satellite pustules in some of the inserts suggestive of candidal infection.

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JDD C6469 Figure 4 allergic contact dermatitis 21_5
Allergic Contact Dermatitis: The skin is often damaged by friction, environmental factors, chemicals, and physical agents that lead to irritation, as seen here. Note the triggered inflammation in all three patients. Often it is overlooked in darker skin tones and appears as a deep brown, purple, or even gray. Usually irritant contact dermatitis is confined to the contact site.

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JDD C6469 Figure 4 allergic contact dermatitis 21_5
DermAtlas_Prurigo nodularis_closeup_GW_1
Prurigo Nodularis: Prurigo nodularis in darker skin tones tends to be associated with post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (and often central hypopigmentation) and can sometimes cause permanent scarring. Keep in mind hypertrophic lichen planus can have a similar appearance.

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DermAtlas_Prurigo nodularis_closeup_GW_1
DermAtlas_contact derm_GW_1
Allergic Contact Dermatitis: The skin is often damaged by friction, environmental factors, chemicals, and physical agents that lead to irritation, as seen here. Note the triggered inflammation in all three patients. Often it is overlooked in darker skin tones and appears as a deep brown, purple, or even gray. Usually irritant contact dermatitis is confined to the contact site.

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DermAtlas_contact derm_GW_1
Allergic Contact Dermatitis: The skin is often damaged by friction, environmental factors, chemicals, and physical agents that lead to irritation, as seen here. Note the triggered inflammation in all three patients. Often it is overlooked in darker skin tones and appears as a deep brown, purple, or even gray. Usually irritant contact dermatitis is confined to the contact site.

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Allergic Contact Dermatitis: The skin is often damaged by friction, environmental factors, chemicals, and physical agents that lead to irritation, as seen here. Note the triggered inflammation in all three patients. Often it is overlooked in darker skin tones and appears as a deep brown, purple, or even gray. Usually irritant contact dermatitis is confined to the contact site.

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Allergic Contact Dermatitis: The skin is often damaged by friction, environmental factors, chemicals, and physical agents that lead to irritation, as seen here. Note the triggered inflammation in all three patients. Often it is overlooked in darker skin tones and appears as a deep brown, purple, or even gray. Usually irritant contact dermatitis is confined to the contact site.

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DermAtlas_Prurigo nodularis_GW_1
Prurigo Nodularis: Prurigo nodularis in darker skin tones tends to be associated with post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (and often central hypopigmentation) and can sometimes cause permanent scarring. Keep in mind hypertrophic lichen planus can have a similar appearance.

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DermAtlas_Prurigo nodularis_GW_1
DermAtlas Atopic dermatitis upper-body-anterior-10.30.2023-58759311
Atopic Dermatitis: Notice the gradual change from pink to brown as the skin tones darken—all erythematous. The plaques associated with atopic dermatitis are often found on the hands, wrists, antecubital fossa, feet, ankles, and popliteal fossa along with the eyelids, neck, chest, and back. You can appreciate the lichenification in the last photo, which is commonly seen in patients with atopic dermatitis (itch-scratch cycle).

There are unique features of atopic dermatitis that can be found in darker skin tones. In this collection of images take note of papular eczema and/or follicular accentuation, which are commonly found.

Rubbing and scratching could lead to lichenified or scaly skin, along with prurigo nodules. Weeping, crusting, blistering, and fissures may occur.

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DermAtlas Atopic dermatitis upper-body-anterior-10.30.2023-58759311
DermAtlas_Atopic dermatitis_face-frontal-10.30.2023-58759192
Atopic Dermatitis: Notice the gradual change from pink to brown as the skin tones darken—all erythematous. The plaques associated with atopic dermatitis are often found on the hands, wrists, antecubital fossa, feet, ankles, and popliteal fossa along with the eyelids, neck, chest, and back. You can appreciate the lichenification in the last photo, which is commonly seen in patients with atopic dermatitis (itch-scratch cycle).

There are unique features of atopic dermatitis that can be found in darker skin tones. In this collection of images take note of papular eczema and/or follicular accentuation, which are commonly found.

Rubbing and scratching could lead to lichenified or scaly skin, along with prurigo nodules. Weeping, crusting, blistering, and fissures may occur.

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DermAtlas_Atopic dermatitis_face-frontal-10.30.2023-58759192
DermAtlas_Atopic dermatitis_face-oblique-left-10.30.2023-58759232
Atopic Dermatitis: Notice the gradual change from pink to brown as the skin tones darken—all erythematous. The plaques associated with atopic dermatitis are often found on the hands, wrists, antecubital fossa, feet, ankles, and popliteal fossa along with the eyelids, neck, chest, and back. You can appreciate the lichenification in the last photo, which is commonly seen in patients with atopic dermatitis (itch-scratch cycle).

There are unique features of atopic dermatitis that can be found in darker skin tones. In this collection of images take note of papular eczema and/or follicular accentuation, which are commonly found.

Rubbing and scratching could lead to lichenified or scaly skin, along with prurigo nodules. Weeping, crusting, blistering, and fissures may occur.

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DermAtlas_Atopic dermatitis_face-oblique-left-10.30.2023-58759232
DermAtlas_Atopic dermatitis_face-oblique-right-10.30.2023-58759263
Atopic Dermatitis: Notice the gradual change from pink to brown as the skin tones darken—all erythematous. The plaques associated with atopic dermatitis are often found on the hands, wrists, antecubital fossa, feet, ankles, and popliteal fossa along with the eyelids, neck, chest, and back. You can appreciate the lichenification in the last photo, which is commonly seen in patients with atopic dermatitis (itch-scratch cycle).

There are unique features of atopic dermatitis that can be found in darker skin tones. In this collection of images take note of papular eczema and/or follicular accentuation, which are commonly found.

Rubbing and scratching could lead to lichenified or scaly skin, along with prurigo nodules. Weeping, crusting, blistering, and fissures may occur.

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DermAtlas_Atopic dermatitis_face-oblique-right-10.30.2023-58759263
Atopic Dermatitis: Notice the gradual change from pink to brown as the skin tones darken—all erythematous. The plaques associated with atopic dermatitis are often found on the hands, wrists, antecubital fossa, feet, ankles, and popliteal fossa along with the eyelids, neck, chest, and back. You can appreciate the lichenification in the last photo, which is commonly seen in patients with atopic dermatitis (itch-scratch cycle).

There are unique features of atopic dermatitis that can be found in darker skin tones. In this collection of images take note of papular eczema and/or follicular accentuation, which are commonly found.

Rubbing and scratching could lead to lichenified or scaly skin, along with prurigo nodules. Weeping, crusting, blistering, and fissures may occur.

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DermAtlas_Nummular eczema_11.06.2023-59163816
Nummular Dermatitis: Nummular dermatitis is a spongiotic dermatitis with several clinical presentations depending on acute, subacute, or chronic lesions. Acute: more erythematous, edematous with oozing serum. Erythema may present with a more violaceous or a purple hue in darker skin. Subacute: presents with plaques or patches with scaling, and erythema. Chronic: patches or plaques are more dry, scaly, and with lichenification. Note that in darker skin chronic lesions of nummular eczema present with more post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and ashy scales.

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DermAtlas_Nummular eczema_11.06.2023-59163816
DermAtlas_Nummular eczema_11.06.2023-591638161
Nummular Dermatitis: Nummular dermatitis is a spongiotic dermatitis with several clinical presentations depending on acute, subacute, or chronic lesions. Acute: more erythematous, edematous with oozing serum. Erythema may present with a more violaceous or a purple hue in darker skin. Subacute: presents with plaques or patches with scaling, and erythema. Chronic: patches or plaques are more dry, scaly, and with lichenification. Note that in darker skin chronic lesions of nummular eczema present with more post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and ashy scales.

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DermAtlas_Nummular eczema_11.06.2023-591638161
DermAtlas_Nummular eczema_11.06.2023-59163849
Nummular Dermatitis: Nummular dermatitis is a spongiotic dermatitis with several clinical presentations depending on acute, subacute, or chronic lesions. Acute: more erythematous, edematous with oozing serum. Erythema may present with a more violaceous or a purple hue in darker skin. Subacute: presents with plaques or patches with scaling, and erythema. Chronic: patches or plaques are more dry, scaly, and with lichenification. Note that in darker skin chronic lesions of nummular eczema present with more post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and ashy scales.

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DermAtlas_Nummular eczema_11.06.2023-59163849
Atopic Dermatitis: Notice the gradual change from pink to brown as the skin tones darken—all erythematous. The plaques associated with atopic dermatitis are often found on the hands, wrists, antecubital fossa, feet, ankles, and popliteal fossa along with the eyelids, neck, chest, and back. You can appreciate the lichenification in the last photo, which is commonly seen in patients with atopic dermatitis (itch-scratch cycle).

There are unique features of atopic dermatitis that can be found in darker skin tones. In this collection of images take note of papular eczema and/or follicular accentuation, which are commonly found.

Rubbing and scratching could lead to lichenified or scaly skin, along with prurigo nodules. Weeping, crusting, blistering, and fissures may occur.

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Atopic Dermatitis: Notice the gradual change from pink to brown as the skin tones darken—all erythematous. The plaques associated with atopic dermatitis are often found on the hands, wrists, antecubital fossa, feet, ankles, and popliteal fossa along with the eyelids, neck, chest, and back. You can appreciate the lichenification in the last photo, which is commonly seen in patients with atopic dermatitis (itch-scratch cycle).

There are unique features of atopic dermatitis that can be found in darker skin tones. In this collection of images take note of papular eczema and/or follicular accentuation, which are commonly found.

Rubbing and scratching could lead to lichenified or scaly skin, along with prurigo nodules. Weeping, crusting, blistering, and fissures may occur.

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Atopic Dermatitis: Notice the gradual change from pink to brown as the skin tones darken—all erythematous. The plaques associated with atopic dermatitis are often found on the hands, wrists, antecubital fossa, feet, ankles, and popliteal fossa along with the eyelids, neck, chest, and back. You can appreciate the lichenification in the last photo, which is commonly seen in patients with atopic dermatitis (itch-scratch cycle).

There are unique features of atopic dermatitis that can be found in darker skin tones. In this collection of images take note of papular eczema and/or follicular accentuation, which are commonly found.

Rubbing and scratching could lead to lichenified or scaly skin, along with prurigo nodules. Weeping, crusting, blistering, and fissures may occur.

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Atopic Dermatitis: Notice the gradual change from pink to brown as the skin tones darken—all erythematous. The plaques associated with atopic dermatitis are often found on the hands, wrists, antecubital fossa, feet, ankles, and popliteal fossa along with the eyelids, neck, chest, and back. You can appreciate the lichenification in the last photo, which is commonly seen in patients with atopic dermatitis (itch-scratch cycle).

There are unique features of atopic dermatitis that can be found in darker skin tones. In this collection of images take note of papular eczema and/or follicular accentuation, which are commonly found.

Rubbing and scratching could lead to lichenified or scaly skin, along with prurigo nodules. Weeping, crusting, blistering, and fissures may occur.

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DermAtlas_Atopic dermatitis _abdomen-anterior-oblique-left-10.30.2023-58759928
Atopic Dermatitis: Notice the gradual change from pink to brown as the skin tones darken—all erythematous. The plaques associated with atopic dermatitis are often found on the hands, wrists, antecubital fossa, feet, ankles, and popliteal fossa along with the eyelids, neck, chest, and back. You can appreciate the lichenification in the last photo, which is commonly seen in patients with atopic dermatitis (itch-scratch cycle).

There are unique features of atopic dermatitis that can be found in darker skin tones. In this collection of images take note of papular eczema and/or follicular accentuation, which are commonly found.

Rubbing and scratching could lead to lichenified or scaly skin, along with prurigo nodules. Weeping, crusting, blistering, and fissures may occur.

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DermAtlas_Atopic dermatitis _abdomen-anterior-oblique-left-10.30.2023-58759928
DermAtlas_Atopic dermatitis _abdomen-anterior-oblique-left-10.30.2023-58759928a
Atopic Dermatitis: Notice the gradual change from pink to brown as the skin tones darken—all erythematous. The plaques associated with atopic dermatitis are often found on the hands, wrists, antecubital fossa, feet, ankles, and popliteal fossa along with the eyelids, neck, chest, and back. You can appreciate the lichenification in the last photo, which is commonly seen in patients with atopic dermatitis (itch-scratch cycle).

There are unique features of atopic dermatitis that can be found in darker skin tones. In this collection of images take note of papular eczema and/or follicular accentuation, which are commonly found.

Rubbing and scratching could lead to lichenified or scaly skin, along with prurigo nodules. Weeping, crusting, blistering, and fissures may occur.

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DermAtlas_Atopic dermatitis _abdomen-anterior-oblique-left-10.30.2023-58759928a
DermAtlas_Atopic dermatitis _abdomen-posterior-10.30.2023-58759986
Atopic Dermatitis: Notice the gradual change from pink to brown as the skin tones darken—all erythematous. The plaques associated with atopic dermatitis are often found on the hands, wrists, antecubital fossa, feet, ankles, and popliteal fossa along with the eyelids, neck, chest, and back. You can appreciate the lichenification in the last photo, which is commonly seen in patients with atopic dermatitis (itch-scratch cycle).

There are unique features of atopic dermatitis that can be found in darker skin tones. In this collection of images take note of papular eczema and/or follicular accentuation, which are commonly found.

Rubbing and scratching could lead to lichenified or scaly skin, along with prurigo nodules. Weeping, crusting, blistering, and fissures may occur.

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DermAtlas_Atopic dermatitis _abdomen-posterior-10.30.2023-58759986
DermAtlas_Atopic dermatitis _abdomen-posterior-oblique-left-10.30.2023-58759960
Atopic Dermatitis: Notice the gradual change from pink to brown as the skin tones darken—all erythematous. The plaques associated with atopic dermatitis are often found on the hands, wrists, antecubital fossa, feet, ankles, and popliteal fossa along with the eyelids, neck, chest, and back. You can appreciate the lichenification in the last photo, which is commonly seen in patients with atopic dermatitis (itch-scratch cycle).

There are unique features of atopic dermatitis that can be found in darker skin tones. In this collection of images take note of papular eczema and/or follicular accentuation, which are commonly found.

Rubbing and scratching could lead to lichenified or scaly skin, along with prurigo nodules. Weeping, crusting, blistering, and fissures may occur.

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DermAtlas_Atopic dermatitis _abdomen-posterior-oblique-left-10.30.2023-58759960
DermAtlas_Atopic dermatitis _upper-body-anterior-oblique-right-10.30.2023-58759428
Atopic Dermatitis: Notice the gradual change from pink to brown as the skin tones darken—all erythematous. The plaques associated with atopic dermatitis are often found on the hands, wrists, antecubital fossa, feet, ankles, and popliteal fossa along with the eyelids, neck, chest, and back. You can appreciate the lichenification in the last photo, which is commonly seen in patients with atopic dermatitis (itch-scratch cycle).

There are unique features of atopic dermatitis that can be found in darker skin tones. In this collection of images take note of papular eczema and/or follicular accentuation, which are commonly found.

Rubbing and scratching could lead to lichenified or scaly skin, along with prurigo nodules. Weeping, crusting, blistering, and fissures may occur.

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DermAtlas_Atopic dermatitis _upper-body-anterior-oblique-right-10.30.2023-58759428
DermAtlas_Atopic dermatitis upper-body-anterior-10.30.2023-58759311
Atopic Dermatitis: Notice the gradual change from pink to brown as the skin tones darken—all erythematous. The plaques associated with atopic dermatitis are often found on the hands, wrists, antecubital fossa, feet, ankles, and popliteal fossa along with the eyelids, neck, chest, and back. You can appreciate the lichenification in the last photo, which is commonly seen in patients with atopic dermatitis (itch-scratch cycle).

There are unique features of atopic dermatitis that can be found in darker skin tones. In this collection of images take note of papular eczema and/or follicular accentuation, which are commonly found.

Rubbing and scratching could lead to lichenified or scaly skin, along with prurigo nodules. Weeping, crusting, blistering, and fissures may occur.

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DermAtlas_Atopic dermatitis upper-body-anterior-10.30.2023-58759311
DermAtlas_Atopic dermatitis_abdomen-anterior-10.30.2023-58759911
Atopic Dermatitis: Notice the gradual change from pink to brown as the skin tones darken—all erythematous. The plaques associated with atopic dermatitis are often found on the hands, wrists, antecubital fossa, feet, ankles, and popliteal fossa along with the eyelids, neck, chest, and back. You can appreciate the lichenification in the last photo, which is commonly seen in patients with atopic dermatitis (itch-scratch cycle).

There are unique features of atopic dermatitis that can be found in darker skin tones. In this collection of images take note of papular eczema and/or follicular accentuation, which are commonly found.

Rubbing and scratching could lead to lichenified or scaly skin, along with prurigo nodules. Weeping, crusting, blistering, and fissures may occur.

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DermAtlas_Atopic dermatitis_abdomen-anterior-10.30.2023-58759911
DermAtlas_Atopic dermatitis_face-lateral-right-10.30.2023-58759255
Atopic Dermatitis: Notice the gradual change from pink to brown as the skin tones darken—all erythematous. The plaques associated with atopic dermatitis are often found on the hands, wrists, antecubital fossa, feet, ankles, and popliteal fossa along with the eyelids, neck, chest, and back. You can appreciate the lichenification in the last photo, which is commonly seen in patients with atopic dermatitis (itch-scratch cycle).

There are unique features of atopic dermatitis that can be found in darker skin tones. In this collection of images take note of papular eczema and/or follicular accentuation, which are commonly found.

Rubbing and scratching could lead to lichenified or scaly skin, along with prurigo nodules. Weeping, crusting, blistering, and fissures may occur.

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DermAtlas_Atopic dermatitis_face-lateral-right-10.30.2023-58759255
DermAtlas_Atopic dermatitis_lower-extremity-anterior-oblique-left-10.30.2023-58759579
Atopic Dermatitis: Notice the gradual change from pink to brown as the skin tones darken—all erythematous. The plaques associated with atopic dermatitis are often found on the hands, wrists, antecubital fossa, feet, ankles, and popliteal fossa along with the eyelids, neck, chest, and back. You can appreciate the lichenification in the last photo, which is commonly seen in patients with atopic dermatitis (itch-scratch cycle).

There are unique features of atopic dermatitis that can be found in darker skin tones. In this collection of images take note of papular eczema and/or follicular accentuation, which are commonly found.

Rubbing and scratching could lead to lichenified or scaly skin, along with prurigo nodules. Weeping, crusting, blistering, and fissures may occur.

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DermAtlas_Atopic dermatitis_lower-extremity-anterior-oblique-left-10.30.2023-58759579
DermAtlas_Atopic dermatitis_lower-extremity-anterior-turn-out-left-10.30.2023-58759616
Atopic Dermatitis: Notice the gradual change from pink to brown as the skin tones darken—all erythematous. The plaques associated with atopic dermatitis are often found on the hands, wrists, antecubital fossa, feet, ankles, and popliteal fossa along with the eyelids, neck, chest, and back. You can appreciate the lichenification in the last photo, which is commonly seen in patients with atopic dermatitis (itch-scratch cycle).

There are unique features of atopic dermatitis that can be found in darker skin tones. In this collection of images take note of papular eczema and/or follicular accentuation, which are commonly found.

Rubbing and scratching could lead to lichenified or scaly skin, along with prurigo nodules. Weeping, crusting, blistering, and fissures may occur.

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DermAtlas_Atopic dermatitis_lower-extremity-anterior-turn-out-left-10.30.2023-58759616
DermAtlas_Atopic dermatitis_lower-extremity-posterior-10.30.2023-58759726 1
Atopic Dermatitis: Notice the gradual change from pink to brown as the skin tones darken—all erythematous. The plaques associated with atopic dermatitis are often found on the hands, wrists, antecubital fossa, feet, ankles, and popliteal fossa along with the eyelids, neck, chest, and back. You can appreciate the lichenification in the last photo, which is commonly seen in patients with atopic dermatitis (itch-scratch cycle).

There are unique features of atopic dermatitis that can be found in darker skin tones. In this collection of images take note of papular eczema and/or follicular accentuation, which are commonly found.

Rubbing and scratching could lead to lichenified or scaly skin, along with prurigo nodules. Weeping, crusting, blistering, and fissures may occur.

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DermAtlas_Atopic dermatitis_lower-extremity-posterior-10.30.2023-58759726 1
DermAtlas_Atopic dermatitis_lower-extremity-posterior-10.30.2023-587597262
Atopic Dermatitis: Notice the gradual change from pink to brown as the skin tones darken—all erythematous. The plaques associated with atopic dermatitis are often found on the hands, wrists, antecubital fossa, feet, ankles, and popliteal fossa along with the eyelids, neck, chest, and back. You can appreciate the lichenification in the last photo, which is commonly seen in patients with atopic dermatitis (itch-scratch cycle).

There are unique features of atopic dermatitis that can be found in darker skin tones. In this collection of images take note of papular eczema and/or follicular accentuation, which are commonly found.

Rubbing and scratching could lead to lichenified or scaly skin, along with prurigo nodules. Weeping, crusting, blistering, and fissures may occur.

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DermAtlas_Atopic dermatitis_lower-extremity-posterior-10.30.2023-587597262
DermAtlas_Atopic dermatitis_lower-extremity-posterior-oblique-left-10.30.2023-58759703 3
Atopic Dermatitis: Notice the gradual change from pink to brown as the skin tones darken—all erythematous. The plaques associated with atopic dermatitis are often found on the hands, wrists, antecubital fossa, feet, ankles, and popliteal fossa along with the eyelids, neck, chest, and back. You can appreciate the lichenification in the last photo, which is commonly seen in patients with atopic dermatitis (itch-scratch cycle).

There are unique features of atopic dermatitis that can be found in darker skin tones. In this collection of images take note of papular eczema and/or follicular accentuation, which are commonly found.

Rubbing and scratching could lead to lichenified or scaly skin, along with prurigo nodules. Weeping, crusting, blistering, and fissures may occur.

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DermAtlas_Atopic dermatitis_lower-extremity-posterior-oblique-left-10.30.2023-58759703 3
DermAtlas_Atopic dermatitis_lower-extremity-posterior-oblique-left-10.30.2023-587597032
Atopic Dermatitis: Notice the gradual change from pink to brown as the skin tones darken—all erythematous. The plaques associated with atopic dermatitis are often found on the hands, wrists, antecubital fossa, feet, ankles, and popliteal fossa along with the eyelids, neck, chest, and back. You can appreciate the lichenification in the last photo, which is commonly seen in patients with atopic dermatitis (itch-scratch cycle).

There are unique features of atopic dermatitis that can be found in darker skin tones. In this collection of images take note of papular eczema and/or follicular accentuation, which are commonly found.

Rubbing and scratching could lead to lichenified or scaly skin, along with prurigo nodules. Weeping, crusting, blistering, and fissures may occur.

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DermAtlas_Atopic dermatitis_lower-extremity-posterior-oblique-left-10.30.2023-587597032
DermAtlas_Atopic dermatitis_upper-body-lateral-right-10.30.2023-58759410
Atopic Dermatitis: Notice the gradual change from pink to brown as the skin tones darken—all erythematous. The plaques associated with atopic dermatitis are often found on the hands, wrists, antecubital fossa, feet, ankles, and popliteal fossa along with the eyelids, neck, chest, and back. You can appreciate the lichenification in the last photo, which is commonly seen in patients with atopic dermatitis (itch-scratch cycle).

There are unique features of atopic dermatitis that can be found in darker skin tones. In this collection of images take note of papular eczema and/or follicular accentuation, which are commonly found.

Rubbing and scratching could lead to lichenified or scaly skin, along with prurigo nodules. Weeping, crusting, blistering, and fissures may occur.

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DermAtlas_Atopic dermatitis_upper-body-lateral-right-10.30.2023-58759410
Foot Dermatitis: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Prurigo Nodularis: Prurigo nodularis in darker skin tones tends to be associated with post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (and often central hypopigmentation) and can sometimes cause permanent scarring. Keep in mind hypertrophic lichen planus can have a similar appearance.

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Prurigo Nodularis: Prurigo nodularis in darker skin tones tends to be associated with post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (and often central hypopigmentation) and can sometimes cause permanent scarring. Keep in mind hypertrophic lichen planus can have a similar appearance.

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DermAtlas_Fissures and cracking of hands -12.06.2023-60780266
Fissures: Fissures
DermAtlas_Fissures and cracking of hands -12.06.2023-60780266
Atopic Dermatitis: Notice the gradual change from pink to brown as the skin tones darken—all erythematous. The plaques associated with atopic dermatitis are often found on the hands, wrists, antecubital fossa, feet, ankles, and popliteal fossa along with the eyelids, neck, chest, and back. You can appreciate the lichenification in the last photo, which is commonly seen in patients with atopic dermatitis (itch-scratch cycle).

There are unique features of atopic dermatitis that can be found in darker skin tones. In this collection of images take note of papular eczema and/or follicular accentuation, which are commonly found.

Rubbing and scratching could lead to lichenified or scaly skin, along with prurigo nodules. Weeping, crusting, blistering, and fissures may occur.

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Atopic Dermatitis: Notice the gradual change from pink to brown as the skin tones darken—all erythematous. The plaques associated with atopic dermatitis are often found on the hands, wrists, antecubital fossa, feet, ankles, and popliteal fossa along with the eyelids, neck, chest, and back. You can appreciate the lichenification in the last photo, which is commonly seen in patients with atopic dermatitis (itch-scratch cycle).

There are unique features of atopic dermatitis that can be found in darker skin tones. In this collection of images take note of papular eczema and/or follicular accentuation, which are commonly found.

Rubbing and scratching could lead to lichenified or scaly skin, along with prurigo nodules. Weeping, crusting, blistering, and fissures may occur.

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DermAtlas_Fissures and cracking of hands -12.06.2023-60780099
Dyshidrotic Eczema: Dyshidrotic eczema presents as red to violaceous or gray patches with deep-seated vesicles or bulla on the palms and soles. Look for collarettes of scale indicating ruptured vesicles. You may not always see the more textbook “tapioca ball” vesicles, rather intraepidermal vesicles appearing brown in color may be more noticeable.

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DermAtlas_Fissures and cracking of hands -12.06.2023-60780099
Irritant Contact Dermatitis: The skin is often damaged by friction, environmental factors, chemicals, and physical agents that lead to irritation, as seen here. Note the triggered inflammation in all three patients. Often it is overlooked in darker skin tones and appears as a deep brown, purple, or even gray. Usually irritant contact dermatitis is confined to the contact site.

Intertrigo affects the skin folds and it can be multifactorial. In darker skin tones, erythema tends to present as thin, dark brown plaques which might persist for several months despite the resolution of the underlying etiology causing intertrigo. Notice the satellite pustules in some of the inserts suggestive of candidal infection.

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DermAtlas_-closeup02.12.2024-64169617 copy
Irritant Contact Dermatitis: The skin is often damaged by friction, environmental factors, chemicals, and physical agents that lead to irritation, as seen here. Note the triggered inflammation in all three patients. Often it is overlooked in darker skin tones and appears as a deep brown, purple, or even gray. Usually irritant contact dermatitis is confined to the contact site.

Intertrigo affects the skin folds and it can be multifactorial. In darker skin tones, erythema tends to present as thin, dark brown plaques which might persist for several months despite the resolution of the underlying etiology causing intertrigo. Notice the satellite pustules in some of the inserts suggestive of candidal infection.

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DermAtlas_-closeup02.12.2024-64169617 copy
DermAtlas_-closeup04.03.2024-67068302 copy
Irritant Contact Dermatitis: The skin is often damaged by friction, environmental factors, chemicals, and physical agents that lead to irritation, as seen here. Note the triggered inflammation in all three patients. Often it is overlooked in darker skin tones and appears as a deep brown, purple, or even gray. Usually irritant contact dermatitis is confined to the contact site.

Intertrigo affects the skin folds and it can be multifactorial. In darker skin tones, erythema tends to present as thin, dark brown plaques which might persist for several months despite the resolution of the underlying etiology causing intertrigo. Notice the satellite pustules in some of the inserts suggestive of candidal infection.

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DermAtlas_-closeup04.03.2024-67068302 copy
DermAtlas_Irritant contact dermatitis -01.19.2024-62925240
Irritant Contact Dermatitis: The skin is often damaged by friction, environmental factors, chemicals, and physical agents that lead to irritation, as seen here. Note the triggered inflammation in all three patients. Often it is overlooked in darker skin tones and appears as a deep brown, purple, or even gray. Usually irritant contact dermatitis is confined to the contact site.

Intertrigo affects the skin folds and it can be multifactorial. In darker skin tones, erythema tends to present as thin, dark brown plaques which might persist for several months despite the resolution of the underlying etiology causing intertrigo. Notice the satellite pustules in some of the inserts suggestive of candidal infection.

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DermAtlas_Irritant contact dermatitis -01.19.2024-62925240
Atopic Dermatitis: Notice the gradual change from pink to brown as the skin tones darken—all erythematous. The plaques associated with atopic dermatitis are often found on the hands, wrists, antecubital fossa, feet, ankles, and popliteal fossa along with the eyelids, neck, chest, and back. You can appreciate the lichenification in the last photo, which is commonly seen in patients with atopic dermatitis (itch-scratch cycle).

There are unique features of atopic dermatitis that can be found in darker skin tones. In this collection of images take note of papular eczema and/or follicular accentuation, which are commonly found.

Rubbing and scratching could lead to lichenified or scaly skin, along with prurigo nodules. Weeping, crusting, blistering, and fissures may occur.

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Atopic Dermatitis: Notice the gradual change from pink to brown as the skin tones darken—all erythematous. The plaques associated with atopic dermatitis are often found on the hands, wrists, antecubital fossa, feet, ankles, and popliteal fossa along with the eyelids, neck, chest, and back. You can appreciate the lichenification in the last photo, which is commonly seen in patients with atopic dermatitis (itch-scratch cycle).

There are unique features of atopic dermatitis that can be found in darker skin tones. In this collection of images take note of papular eczema and/or follicular accentuation, which are commonly found.

Rubbing and scratching could lead to lichenified or scaly skin, along with prurigo nodules. Weeping, crusting, blistering, and fissures may occur.

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Ezekwe_E_Atopic Dermatitis_Hands.jpg
Atopic Dermatitis: Notice the gradual change from pink to brown as the skin tones darken—all erythematous. The plaques associated with atopic dermatitis are often found on the hands, wrists, antecubital fossa, feet, ankles, and popliteal fossa along with the eyelids, neck, chest, and back. You can appreciate the lichenification in the last photo, which is commonly seen in patients with atopic dermatitis (itch-scratch cycle).

There are unique features of atopic dermatitis that can be found in darker skin tones. In this collection of images take note of papular eczema and/or follicular accentuation, which are commonly found.

Rubbing and scratching could lead to lichenified or scaly skin, along with prurigo nodules. Weeping, crusting, blistering, and fissures may occur.

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Ezekwe_E_Atopic Dermatitis_Hands.jpg
Atopic Dermatitis: Notice the gradual change from pink to brown as the skin tones darken—all erythematous. The plaques associated with atopic dermatitis are often found on the hands, wrists, antecubital fossa, feet, ankles, and popliteal fossa along with the eyelids, neck, chest, and back. You can appreciate the lichenification in the last photo, which is commonly seen in patients with atopic dermatitis (itch-scratch cycle).

There are unique features of atopic dermatitis that can be found in darker skin tones. In this collection of images take note of papular eczema and/or follicular accentuation, which are commonly found.

Rubbing and scratching could lead to lichenified or scaly skin, along with prurigo nodules. Weeping, crusting, blistering, and fissures may occur.

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Atopic Dermatitis: Notice the gradual change from pink to brown as the skin tones darken—all erythematous. The plaques associated with atopic dermatitis are often found on the hands, wrists, antecubital fossa, feet, ankles, and popliteal fossa along with the eyelids, neck, chest, and back. You can appreciate the lichenification in the last photo, which is commonly seen in patients with atopic dermatitis (itch-scratch cycle).

There are unique features of atopic dermatitis that can be found in darker skin tones. In this collection of images take note of papular eczema and/or follicular accentuation, which are commonly found.

Rubbing and scratching could lead to lichenified or scaly skin, along with prurigo nodules. Weeping, crusting, blistering, and fissures may occur.

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Atopic Dermatitis: Notice the gradual change from pink to brown as the skin tones darken—all erythematous. The plaques associated with atopic dermatitis are often found on the hands, wrists, antecubital fossa, feet, ankles, and popliteal fossa along with the eyelids, neck, chest, and back. You can appreciate the lichenification in the last photo, which is commonly seen in patients with atopic dermatitis (itch-scratch cycle).

There are unique features of atopic dermatitis that can be found in darker skin tones. In this collection of images take note of papular eczema and/or follicular accentuation, which are commonly found.

Rubbing and scratching could lead to lichenified or scaly skin, along with prurigo nodules. Weeping, crusting, blistering, and fissures may occur.

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Atopic Dermatitis_E_Benesh_1.jpg
Atopic Dermatitis: Notice the gradual change from pink to brown as the skin tones darken—all erythematous. The plaques associated with atopic dermatitis are often found on the hands, wrists, antecubital fossa, feet, ankles, and popliteal fossa along with the eyelids, neck, chest, and back. You can appreciate the lichenification in the last photo, which is commonly seen in patients with atopic dermatitis (itch-scratch cycle).

There are unique features of atopic dermatitis that can be found in darker skin tones. In this collection of images take note of papular eczema and/or follicular accentuation, which are commonly found.

Rubbing and scratching could lead to lichenified or scaly skin, along with prurigo nodules. Weeping, crusting, blistering, and fissures may occur.

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Atopic Dermatitis_E_Benesh_1.jpg
atopic dermatitis type e_.jpg
Atopic Dermatitis: Notice the gradual change from pink to brown as the skin tones darken—all erythematous. The plaques associated with atopic dermatitis are often found on the hands, wrists, antecubital fossa, feet, ankles, and popliteal fossa along with the eyelids, neck, chest, and back. You can appreciate the lichenification in the last photo, which is commonly seen in patients with atopic dermatitis (itch-scratch cycle).

There are unique features of atopic dermatitis that can be found in darker skin tones. In this collection of images take note of papular eczema and/or follicular accentuation, which are commonly found.

Rubbing and scratching could lead to lichenified or scaly skin, along with prurigo nodules. Weeping, crusting, blistering, and fissures may occur.

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atopic dermatitis type e_.jpg
Atopic Derm_B_Ezekwe_arm.jpg
Atopic Dermatitis: Notice the gradual change from pink to brown as the skin tones darken—all erythematous. The plaques associated with atopic dermatitis are often found on the hands, wrists, antecubital fossa, feet, ankles, and popliteal fossa along with the eyelids, neck, chest, and back. You can appreciate the lichenification in the last photo, which is commonly seen in patients with atopic dermatitis (itch-scratch cycle).

There are unique features of atopic dermatitis that can be found in darker skin tones. In this collection of images take note of papular eczema and/or follicular accentuation, which are commonly found.

Rubbing and scratching could lead to lichenified or scaly skin, along with prurigo nodules. Weeping, crusting, blistering, and fissures may occur.

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Atopic Derm_B_Ezekwe_arm.jpg
Atopic Dermatitis: Notice the gradual change from pink to brown as the skin tones darken—all erythematous. The plaques associated with atopic dermatitis are often found on the hands, wrists, antecubital fossa, feet, ankles, and popliteal fossa along with the eyelids, neck, chest, and back. You can appreciate the lichenification in the last photo, which is commonly seen in patients with atopic dermatitis (itch-scratch cycle).

There are unique features of atopic dermatitis that can be found in darker skin tones. In this collection of images take note of papular eczema and/or follicular accentuation, which are commonly found.

Rubbing and scratching could lead to lichenified or scaly skin, along with prurigo nodules. Weeping, crusting, blistering, and fissures may occur.

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Atopic Dermatitis: Notice the gradual change from pink to brown as the skin tones darken—all erythematous. The plaques associated with atopic dermatitis are often found on the hands, wrists, antecubital fossa, feet, ankles, and popliteal fossa along with the eyelids, neck, chest, and back. You can appreciate the lichenification in the last photo, which is commonly seen in patients with atopic dermatitis (itch-scratch cycle).

There are unique features of atopic dermatitis that can be found in darker skin tones. In this collection of images take note of papular eczema and/or follicular accentuation, which are commonly found.

Rubbing and scratching could lead to lichenified or scaly skin, along with prurigo nodules. Weeping, crusting, blistering, and fissures may occur.

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Atopic Dermatitis: Notice the gradual change from pink to brown as the skin tones darken—all erythematous. The plaques associated with atopic dermatitis are often found on the hands, wrists, antecubital fossa, feet, ankles, and popliteal fossa along with the eyelids, neck, chest, and back. You can appreciate the lichenification in the last photo, which is commonly seen in patients with atopic dermatitis (itch-scratch cycle).

There are unique features of atopic dermatitis that can be found in darker skin tones. In this collection of images take note of papular eczema and/or follicular accentuation, which are commonly found.

Rubbing and scratching could lead to lichenified or scaly skin, along with prurigo nodules. Weeping, crusting, blistering, and fissures may occur.

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Atopic Dermatitis: Notice the gradual change from pink to brown as the skin tones darken—all erythematous. The plaques associated with atopic dermatitis are often found on the hands, wrists, antecubital fossa, feet, ankles, and popliteal fossa along with the eyelids, neck, chest, and back. You can appreciate the lichenification in the last photo, which is commonly seen in patients with atopic dermatitis (itch-scratch cycle).

There are unique features of atopic dermatitis that can be found in darker skin tones. In this collection of images take note of papular eczema and/or follicular accentuation, which are commonly found.

Rubbing and scratching could lead to lichenified or scaly skin, along with prurigo nodules. Weeping, crusting, blistering, and fissures may occur.

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Atopic Dermatitis: Notice the gradual change from pink to brown as the skin tones darken—all erythematous. The plaques associated with atopic dermatitis are often found on the hands, wrists, antecubital fossa, feet, ankles, and popliteal fossa along with the eyelids, neck, chest, and back. You can appreciate the lichenification in the last photo, which is commonly seen in patients with atopic dermatitis (itch-scratch cycle).

There are unique features of atopic dermatitis that can be found in darker skin tones. In this collection of images take note of papular eczema and/or follicular accentuation, which are commonly found.

Rubbing and scratching could lead to lichenified or scaly skin, along with prurigo nodules. Weeping, crusting, blistering, and fissures may occur.

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Atopic Dermatitis Type D_Back.jpg
Atopic Dermatitis: Notice the gradual change from pink to brown as the skin tones darken—all erythematous. The plaques associated with atopic dermatitis are often found on the hands, wrists, antecubital fossa, feet, ankles, and popliteal fossa along with the eyelids, neck, chest, and back. You can appreciate the lichenification in the last photo, which is commonly seen in patients with atopic dermatitis (itch-scratch cycle).

There are unique features of atopic dermatitis that can be found in darker skin tones. In this collection of images take note of papular eczema and/or follicular accentuation, which are commonly found.

Rubbing and scratching could lead to lichenified or scaly skin, along with prurigo nodules. Weeping, crusting, blistering, and fissures may occur.

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Atopic Dermatitis Type D_Back.jpg
Atopic Dermatitis: Notice the gradual change from pink to brown as the skin tones darken—all erythematous. The plaques associated with atopic dermatitis are often found on the hands, wrists, antecubital fossa, feet, ankles, and popliteal fossa along with the eyelids, neck, chest, and back. You can appreciate the lichenification in the last photo, which is commonly seen in patients with atopic dermatitis (itch-scratch cycle).

There are unique features of atopic dermatitis that can be found in darker skin tones. In this collection of images take note of papular eczema and/or follicular accentuation, which are commonly found.

Rubbing and scratching could lead to lichenified or scaly skin, along with prurigo nodules. Weeping, crusting, blistering, and fissures may occur.

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allergic contact dermatitis type A leg.jpg
Allergic Contact Dermatitis: The skin is often damaged by friction, environmental factors, chemicals, and physical agents that lead to irritation, as seen here. Note the triggered inflammation in all three patients. Often it is overlooked in darker skin tones and appears as a deep brown, purple, or even gray. Usually irritant contact dermatitis is confined to the contact site.

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allergic contact dermatitis type A leg.jpg
Allergic Contact Dermatitis_DIR 60176.jpg
Allergic Contact Dermatitis: The skin is often damaged by friction, environmental factors, chemicals, and physical agents that lead to irritation, as seen here. Note the triggered inflammation in all three patients. Often it is overlooked in darker skin tones and appears as a deep brown, purple, or even gray. Usually irritant contact dermatitis is confined to the contact site.

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Allergic Contact Dermatitis_DIR 60176.jpg
Ezekwe_B_ Allergic Contact Dermatitis_Bleached Rubber Syndrome.jpg
Allergic Contact Dermatitis: The skin is often damaged by friction, environmental factors, chemicals, and physical agents that lead to irritation, as seen here. Note the triggered inflammation in all three patients. Often it is overlooked in darker skin tones and appears as a deep brown, purple, or even gray. Usually irritant contact dermatitis is confined to the contact site.

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Ezekwe_B_ Allergic Contact Dermatitis_Bleached Rubber Syndrome.jpg
Allergic Contact Dermatitis: The skin is often damaged by friction, environmental factors, chemicals, and physical agents that lead to irritation, as seen here. Note the triggered inflammation in all three patients. Often it is overlooked in darker skin tones and appears as a deep brown, purple, or even gray. Usually irritant contact dermatitis is confined to the contact site.

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allergic contact dermatitis type D.jpg
Allergic Contact Dermatitis: The skin is often damaged by friction, environmental factors, chemicals, and physical agents that lead to irritation, as seen here. Note the triggered inflammation in all three patients. Often it is overlooked in darker skin tones and appears as a deep brown, purple, or even gray. Usually irritant contact dermatitis is confined to the contact site.

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allergic contact dermatitis type D.jpg
Allergic Contact Dermatitis: The skin is often damaged by friction, environmental factors, chemicals, and physical agents that lead to irritation, as seen here. Note the triggered inflammation in all three patients. Often it is overlooked in darker skin tones and appears as a deep brown, purple, or even gray. Usually irritant contact dermatitis is confined to the contact site.

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allergic contact dermatitis type b.jpg
Allergic Contact Dermatitis: The skin is often damaged by friction, environmental factors, chemicals, and physical agents that lead to irritation, as seen here. Note the triggered inflammation in all three patients. Often it is overlooked in darker skin tones and appears as a deep brown, purple, or even gray. Usually irritant contact dermatitis is confined to the contact site.

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allergic contact dermatitis type b.jpg
allergic contact dermatitis type E.jpg
Allergic Contact Dermatitis: The skin is often damaged by friction, environmental factors, chemicals, and physical agents that lead to irritation, as seen here. Note the triggered inflammation in all three patients. Often it is overlooked in darker skin tones and appears as a deep brown, purple, or even gray. Usually irritant contact dermatitis is confined to the contact site.

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allergic contact dermatitis type E.jpg
allergic contact type B.jpg
Allergic Contact Dermatitis: The skin is often damaged by friction, environmental factors, chemicals, and physical agents that lead to irritation, as seen here. Note the triggered inflammation in all three patients. Often it is overlooked in darker skin tones and appears as a deep brown, purple, or even gray. Usually irritant contact dermatitis is confined to the contact site.

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allergic contact type B.jpg
Allergic Contact Dermatitis: The skin is often damaged by friction, environmental factors, chemicals, and physical agents that lead to irritation, as seen here. Note the triggered inflammation in all three patients. Often it is overlooked in darker skin tones and appears as a deep brown, purple, or even gray. Usually irritant contact dermatitis is confined to the contact site.

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Positive Patch Test1_A_Ezekwe.jpg
Patch Test Reactions: Notice the array of erythema in each skin tone. In the lighter spectrum, the positive patch test is pink to red. As the skin tone darkens, the results become slightly more hyperpigmented. When interpreting patch tests, the value of palpation should not be underestimated. Side lighting is a helpful tool to identify the elevation of a positive patch test. Note, if a brisk positive reaction occurs in a darker skin tone, the risk of hyperpigmentation increases.

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Positive Patch Test1_A_Ezekwe.jpg
Positive Patch_B_Ezekwe.jpg
Patch Test Reactions: Notice the array of erythema in each skin tone. In the lighter spectrum, the positive patch test is pink to red. As the skin tone darkens, the results become slightly more hyperpigmented. When interpreting patch tests, the value of palpation should not be underestimated. Side lighting is a helpful tool to identify the elevation of a positive patch test. Note, if a brisk positive reaction occurs in a darker skin tone, the risk of hyperpigmentation increases.

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Positive Patch_B_Ezekwe.jpg
Positive Patch Test_C_Ezekwe.jpg
Patch Test Reactions: Notice the array of erythema in each skin tone. In the lighter spectrum, the positive patch test is pink to red. As the skin tone darkens, the results become slightly more hyperpigmented. When interpreting patch tests, the value of palpation should not be underestimated. Side lighting is a helpful tool to identify the elevation of a positive patch test. Note, if a brisk positive reaction occurs in a darker skin tone, the risk of hyperpigmentation increases.

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Positive Patch Test_C_Ezekwe.jpg
Positive Patch Test_D_Ezekwe.jpg
Patch Test Reactions: Notice the array of erythema in each skin tone. In the lighter spectrum, the positive patch test is pink to red. As the skin tone darkens, the results become slightly more hyperpigmented. When interpreting patch tests, the value of palpation should not be underestimated. Side lighting is a helpful tool to identify the elevation of a positive patch test. Note, if a brisk positive reaction occurs in a darker skin tone, the risk of hyperpigmentation increases.

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Positive Patch Test_D_Ezekwe.jpg
Positive Patch Test_E_Ezekwe.jpg
Patch Test Reactions: Notice the array of erythema in each skin tone. In the lighter spectrum, the positive patch test is pink to red. As the skin tone darkens, the results become slightly more hyperpigmented. When interpreting patch tests, the value of palpation should not be underestimated. Side lighting is a helpful tool to identify the elevation of a positive patch test. Note, if a brisk positive reaction occurs in a darker skin tone, the risk of hyperpigmentation increases.

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Positive Patch Test_E_Ezekwe.jpg
Stasis Dermatitis: Fibrotic skin thickening and hyperpigmentation are classical features in any skin tone. Hemosiderin deposition of this disease can present on a spectrum from broad erythema to violaceous hues and hyperpigmented plaques with areas of ulceration as the skin tone darkens.

Sometimes stasis dermatitis is misdiagnosed for cellulitis. Note the symmetric or diffusely scattered pattern which is a key clue in diagnosing stasis dermatitis, as bilateral cellulitis is less likely.

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Stasis Dermatitis: Fibrotic skin thickening and hyperpigmentation are classical features in any skin tone. Hemosiderin deposition of this disease can present on a spectrum from broad erythema to violaceous hues and hyperpigmented plaques with areas of ulceration as the skin tone darkens.

Sometimes stasis dermatitis is misdiagnosed for cellulitis. Note the symmetric or diffusely scattered pattern which is a key clue in diagnosing stasis dermatitis, as bilateral cellulitis is less likely.

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Stasis Dermatitis: Fibrotic skin thickening and hyperpigmentation are classical features in any skin tone. Hemosiderin deposition of this disease can present on a spectrum from broad erythema to violaceous hues and hyperpigmented plaques with areas of ulceration as the skin tone darkens.

Sometimes stasis dermatitis is misdiagnosed for cellulitis. Note the symmetric or diffusely scattered pattern which is a key clue in diagnosing stasis dermatitis, as bilateral cellulitis is less likely.

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stasis dermatitis type A_Legs1_.jpg
Stasis Dermatitis: Fibrotic skin thickening and hyperpigmentation are classical features in any skin tone. Hemosiderin deposition of this disease can present on a spectrum from broad erythema to violaceous hues and hyperpigmented plaques with areas of ulceration as the skin tone darkens.

Sometimes stasis dermatitis is misdiagnosed for cellulitis. Note the symmetric or diffusely scattered pattern which is a key clue in diagnosing stasis dermatitis, as bilateral cellulitis is less likely.

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stasis dermatitis type A_Legs1_.jpg
stasis dermatitis_D_Legs1_.jpg
Stasis Dermatitis: Fibrotic skin thickening and hyperpigmentation are classical features in any skin tone. Hemosiderin deposition of this disease can present on a spectrum from broad erythema to violaceous hues and hyperpigmented plaques with areas of ulceration as the skin tone darkens.

Sometimes stasis dermatitis is misdiagnosed for cellulitis. Note the symmetric or diffusely scattered pattern which is a key clue in diagnosing stasis dermatitis, as bilateral cellulitis is less likely.

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stasis dermatitis_D_Legs1_.jpg
Stasis Dermatitis: Fibrotic skin thickening and hyperpigmentation are classical features in any skin tone. Hemosiderin deposition of this disease can present on a spectrum from broad erythema to violaceous hues and hyperpigmented plaques with areas of ulceration as the skin tone darkens.

Sometimes stasis dermatitis is misdiagnosed for cellulitis. Note the symmetric or diffusely scattered pattern which is a key clue in diagnosing stasis dermatitis, as bilateral cellulitis is less likely.

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dyshidrotic eczema type B.jpg
Dyshidrotic Eczema: Dyshidrotic eczema presents as red to violaceous or gray patches with deep-seated vesicles or bulla on the palms and soles. Look for collarettes of scale indicating ruptured vesicles. You may not always see the more textbook “tapioca ball” vesicles, rather intraepidermal vesicles appearing brown in color may be more noticeable.

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dyshidrotic eczema type B.jpg
Dyshidrotic Eczema: Dyshidrotic eczema presents as red to violaceous or gray patches with deep-seated vesicles or bulla on the palms and soles. Look for collarettes of scale indicating ruptured vesicles. You may not always see the more textbook “tapioca ball” vesicles, rather intraepidermal vesicles appearing brown in color may be more noticeable.

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Dyshidrotic Eczema: Dyshidrotic eczema presents as red to violaceous or gray patches with deep-seated vesicles or bulla on the palms and soles. Look for collarettes of scale indicating ruptured vesicles. You may not always see the more textbook “tapioca ball” vesicles, rather intraepidermal vesicles appearing brown in color may be more noticeable.

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dyshidrotic eczema_D.jpg
Dyshidrotic Eczema: Dyshidrotic eczema presents as red to violaceous or gray patches with deep-seated vesicles or bulla on the palms and soles. Look for collarettes of scale indicating ruptured vesicles. You may not always see the more textbook “tapioca ball” vesicles, rather intraepidermal vesicles appearing brown in color may be more noticeable.

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dyshidrotic eczema_D.jpg
dyshidrotic eczema type B_Closeup.jpg
Dyshidrotic Eczema: Dyshidrotic eczema presents as red to violaceous or gray patches with deep-seated vesicles or bulla on the palms and soles. Look for collarettes of scale indicating ruptured vesicles. You may not always see the more textbook “tapioca ball” vesicles, rather intraepidermal vesicles appearing brown in color may be more noticeable.

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dyshidrotic eczema type B_Closeup.jpg
Dyshidrotic Eczema: Dyshidrotic eczema presents as red to violaceous or gray patches with deep-seated vesicles or bulla on the palms and soles. Look for collarettes of scale indicating ruptured vesicles. You may not always see the more textbook “tapioca ball” vesicles, rather intraepidermal vesicles appearing brown in color may be more noticeable.

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Dyshidrotic Eczema: Dyshidrotic eczema presents as red to violaceous or gray patches with deep-seated vesicles or bulla on the palms and soles. Look for collarettes of scale indicating ruptured vesicles. You may not always see the more textbook “tapioca ball” vesicles, rather intraepidermal vesicles appearing brown in color may be more noticeable.

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Dyshidrotic Eczema: Dyshidrotic eczema presents as red to violaceous or gray patches with deep-seated vesicles or bulla on the palms and soles. Look for collarettes of scale indicating ruptured vesicles. You may not always see the more textbook “tapioca ball” vesicles, rather intraepidermal vesicles appearing brown in color may be more noticeable.

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Nummular Dermatitis: Nummular dermatitis is a spongiotic dermatitis with several clinical presentations depending on acute, subacute, or chronic lesions. Acute: more erythematous, edematous with oozing serum. Erythema may present with a more violaceous or a purple hue in darker skin. Subacute: presents with plaques or patches with scaling, and erythema. Chronic: patches or plaques are more dry, scaly, and with lichenification. Note that in darker skin chronic lesions of nummular eczema present with more post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and ashy scales.

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Nummular Dermatitis: Nummular dermatitis is a spongiotic dermatitis with several clinical presentations depending on acute, subacute, or chronic lesions. Acute: more erythematous, edematous with oozing serum. Erythema may present with a more violaceous or a purple hue in darker skin. Subacute: presents with plaques or patches with scaling, and erythema. Chronic: patches or plaques are more dry, scaly, and with lichenification. Note that in darker skin chronic lesions of nummular eczema present with more post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and ashy scales.

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Nummular Dermatitis: Nummular dermatitis is a spongiotic dermatitis with several clinical presentations depending on acute, subacute, or chronic lesions. Acute: more erythematous, edematous with oozing serum. Erythema may present with a more violaceous or a purple hue in darker skin. Subacute: presents with plaques or patches with scaling, and erythema. Chronic: patches or plaques are more dry, scaly, and with lichenification. Note that in darker skin chronic lesions of nummular eczema present with more post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and ashy scales.

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Nummular Dermatitis: Nummular dermatitis is a spongiotic dermatitis with several clinical presentations depending on acute, subacute, or chronic lesions. Acute: more erythematous, edematous with oozing serum. Erythema may present with a more violaceous or a purple hue in darker skin. Subacute: presents with plaques or patches with scaling, and erythema. Chronic: patches or plaques are more dry, scaly, and with lichenification. Note that in darker skin chronic lesions of nummular eczema present with more post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and ashy scales.

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Lichen Simplex Chronicus: This collection of images depicts the vast range of color shades classic of lichen simplex chronicus plaques and lesions—from yellow to deep purples and varying degrees of erythema. Notice how the skin is shiny and lichenified, all classical features of the condition. In darker skin tones hypo- or depigmentation can occur due to the chronicity of external manipulation.

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Lichen Simplex Chronicus: This collection of images depicts the vast range of color shades classic of lichen simplex chronicus plaques and lesions—from yellow to deep purples and varying degrees of erythema. Notice how the skin is shiny and lichenified, all classical features of the condition. In darker skin tones hypo- or depigmentation can occur due to the chronicity of external manipulation.

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Lichen Simplex Chronicus: This collection of images depicts the vast range of color shades classic of lichen simplex chronicus plaques and lesions—from yellow to deep purples and varying degrees of erythema. Notice how the skin is shiny and lichenified, all classical features of the condition. In darker skin tones hypo- or depigmentation can occur due to the chronicity of external manipulation.

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Lichen Simplex Chronicus: This collection of images depicts the vast range of color shades classic of lichen simplex chronicus plaques and lesions—from yellow to deep purples and varying degrees of erythema. Notice how the skin is shiny and lichenified, all classical features of the condition. In darker skin tones hypo- or depigmentation can occur due to the chronicity of external manipulation.

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Prurigo Nodularis: Prurigo nodularis in darker skin tones tends to be associated with post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (and often central hypopigmentation) and can sometimes cause permanent scarring. Keep in mind hypertrophic lichen planus can have a similar appearance.

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Prurigo Nodularis type C leg.jpg
Prurigo Nodularis: Prurigo nodularis in darker skin tones tends to be associated with post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (and often central hypopigmentation) and can sometimes cause permanent scarring. Keep in mind hypertrophic lichen planus can have a similar appearance.

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Prurigo Nodularis: Prurigo nodularis in darker skin tones tends to be associated with post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (and often central hypopigmentation) and can sometimes cause permanent scarring. Keep in mind hypertrophic lichen planus can have a similar appearance.

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Prurigo Nodularis: Prurigo nodularis in darker skin tones tends to be associated with post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (and often central hypopigmentation) and can sometimes cause permanent scarring. Keep in mind hypertrophic lichen planus can have a similar appearance.

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Prurigo Nodularis: Prurigo nodularis in darker skin tones tends to be associated with post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (and often central hypopigmentation) and can sometimes cause permanent scarring. Keep in mind hypertrophic lichen planus can have a similar appearance.

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prurigo nodularis with hypopigmentation tyoe D leg.jpg
Prurigo Nodularis: Prurigo nodularis in darker skin tones tends to be associated with post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (and often central hypopigmentation) and can sometimes cause permanent scarring. Keep in mind hypertrophic lichen planus can have a similar appearance.

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prurigo nodularis with hypopigmentation tyoe D leg.jpg
Prurigo Nodularis: Prurigo nodularis in darker skin tones tends to be associated with post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (and often central hypopigmentation) and can sometimes cause permanent scarring. Keep in mind hypertrophic lichen planus can have a similar appearance.

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Prurigo Nodularis: Prurigo nodularis in darker skin tones tends to be associated with post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (and often central hypopigmentation) and can sometimes cause permanent scarring. Keep in mind hypertrophic lichen planus can have a similar appearance.

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Prurigo Nodularis: Prurigo nodularis in darker skin tones tends to be associated with post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (and often central hypopigmentation) and can sometimes cause permanent scarring. Keep in mind hypertrophic lichen planus can have a similar appearance.

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Prurigo Nodularis: Prurigo nodularis in darker skin tones tends to be associated with post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (and often central hypopigmentation) and can sometimes cause permanent scarring. Keep in mind hypertrophic lichen planus can have a similar appearance.

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Prurigo Nodularis: Prurigo nodularis in darker skin tones tends to be associated with post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (and often central hypopigmentation) and can sometimes cause permanent scarring. Keep in mind hypertrophic lichen planus can have a similar appearance.

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Prurigo Nodularis type D leg_1.jpg
Prurigo Nodularis: Prurigo nodularis in darker skin tones tends to be associated with post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (and often central hypopigmentation) and can sometimes cause permanent scarring. Keep in mind hypertrophic lichen planus can have a similar appearance.

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Prurigo Nodularis: Prurigo nodularis in darker skin tones tends to be associated with post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (and often central hypopigmentation) and can sometimes cause permanent scarring. Keep in mind hypertrophic lichen planus can have a similar appearance.

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Irritant Contact Dermatitis: The skin is often damaged by friction, environmental factors, chemicals, and physical agents that lead to irritation, as seen here. Note the triggered inflammation in all three patients. Often it is overlooked in darker skin tones and appears as a deep brown, purple, or even gray. Usually irritant contact dermatitis is confined to the contact site.

Intertrigo affects the skin folds and it can be multifactorial. In darker skin tones, erythema tends to present as thin, dark brown plaques which might persist for several months despite the resolution of the underlying etiology causing intertrigo. Notice the satellite pustules in some of the inserts suggestive of candidal infection.

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Irritant Contact Dermatitis: The skin is often damaged by friction, environmental factors, chemicals, and physical agents that lead to irritation, as seen here. Note the triggered inflammation in all three patients. Often it is overlooked in darker skin tones and appears as a deep brown, purple, or even gray. Usually irritant contact dermatitis is confined to the contact site.

Intertrigo affects the skin folds and it can be multifactorial. In darker skin tones, erythema tends to present as thin, dark brown plaques which might persist for several months despite the resolution of the underlying etiology causing intertrigo. Notice the satellite pustules in some of the inserts suggestive of candidal infection.

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Irritant Contact Dermatitis: The skin is often damaged by friction, environmental factors, chemicals, and physical agents that lead to irritation, as seen here. Note the triggered inflammation in all three patients. Often it is overlooked in darker skin tones and appears as a deep brown, purple, or even gray. Usually irritant contact dermatitis is confined to the contact site.

Intertrigo affects the skin folds and it can be multifactorial. In darker skin tones, erythema tends to present as thin, dark brown plaques which might persist for several months despite the resolution of the underlying etiology causing intertrigo. Notice the satellite pustules in some of the inserts suggestive of candidal infection.

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Irritant Contact Dermatitis: The skin is often damaged by friction, environmental factors, chemicals, and physical agents that lead to irritation, as seen here. Note the triggered inflammation in all three patients. Often it is overlooked in darker skin tones and appears as a deep brown, purple, or even gray. Usually irritant contact dermatitis is confined to the contact site.

Intertrigo affects the skin folds and it can be multifactorial. In darker skin tones, erythema tends to present as thin, dark brown plaques which might persist for several months despite the resolution of the underlying etiology causing intertrigo. Notice the satellite pustules in some of the inserts suggestive of candidal infection.

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Irritant Contact Dermatitis: The skin is often damaged by friction, environmental factors, chemicals, and physical agents that lead to irritation, as seen here. Note the triggered inflammation in all three patients. Often it is overlooked in darker skin tones and appears as a deep brown, purple, or even gray. Usually irritant contact dermatitis is confined to the contact site.

Intertrigo affects the skin folds and it can be multifactorial. In darker skin tones, erythema tends to present as thin, dark brown plaques which might persist for several months despite the resolution of the underlying etiology causing intertrigo. Notice the satellite pustules in some of the inserts suggestive of candidal infection.

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Irritant Contact Dermatitis_Ezekwe_D_1.jpg
Irritant Contact Dermatitis: The skin is often damaged by friction, environmental factors, chemicals, and physical agents that lead to irritation, as seen here. Note the triggered inflammation in all three patients. Often it is overlooked in darker skin tones and appears as a deep brown, purple, or even gray. Usually irritant contact dermatitis is confined to the contact site.

Intertrigo affects the skin folds and it can be multifactorial. In darker skin tones, erythema tends to present as thin, dark brown plaques which might persist for several months despite the resolution of the underlying etiology causing intertrigo. Notice the satellite pustules in some of the inserts suggestive of candidal infection.

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Irritant Contact Dermatitis_Ezekwe_D_1.jpg
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