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JDD C4794 Figure 1 Sweets 21_4
Acute Febrile Neutrophilic Dermatosis: Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis is classically characterized by edematous red tender papules and nodules on the skin in combination with fever and other systemic symptoms. Notice how the appearance of erythema can actually appear violaceous to bluish as the skin tones get darker.

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JDD C4794 Figure 1 Sweets 21_4

JDD C5058 Figure 1 Squamous cell carcinoma 22_5
Squamous Cell Carcinoma: When viewing the collection of squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) images, you will find that SCCs have a variety of clinical presentations and involve any part of the body, including the nails.

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JDD C5058 Figure 1 Squamous cell carcinoma 22_5
JDD C5521 Figure 1 Hyperpigmentation 22_1
Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation: One condition that often leaves post- inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) is acne. Notice the PIH ranging from pink to dark brown. The dermal deposition of melanin can cause PIH for several months or longer.

PIH appears with a wide range of dark discoloration and the level of hyperpigmentation often depends upon the intensity of preceding inflammation or injury. As a physician you might have significant management challenges, but it is important to note that pigment disorders can cause even more distress to the patient.

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JDD C5521 Figure 1 Hyperpigmentation 22_1
JDD C5566 Pyoderma Gangrenosum Figure 3 20_1
Pyoderma Gangrenosum: The violaceous rim in pyoderma gangrenosum is sometimes confused as purpura, which suggests a possible vasculitic process in patients with dark skin tones. This contributes to the classic misdiagnosis of the disease. Note that once the ulcerations are healed, patients might develop hyper- or hypopigmented scarring.

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JDD C5566 Pyoderma Gangrenosum Figure 3 20_1
JDD C5661 Figure 1 BCC 20_5
Basal Cell Carcinoma: The most common sites for basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) are sun-exposed areas like the face, ears, head, neck, shoulders, and back. As seen here, these malignant growths can range from pearly white, pink and translucent to deep red, brown, black, or even blue hued lesions. Pigmented BCCs make up for about half of all BCC cases in darker skin tone patients. They are often misdiagnosed as seborrheic keratoses, melanoma, or nevus sebaceous.

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JDD C5661 Figure 1 BCC 20_5
JDD C6469 Figure 2 Squamous cell carcinoma  21_5
Squamous Cell Carcinoma: When viewing the collection of squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) images, you will find that SCCs have a variety of clinical presentations and involve any part of the body, including the nails.

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JDD C6469 Figure 2 Squamous cell carcinoma 21_5
C6469 Figure 3 Pigmented basal cell carcinoma 21_5
Basal Cell Carcinoma: The most common sites for basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) are sun-exposed areas like the face, ears, head, neck, shoulders, and back. As seen here, these malignant growths can range from pearly white, pink and translucent to deep red, brown, black, or even blue hued lesions. Pigmented BCCs make up for about half of all BCC cases in darker skin tone patients. They are often misdiagnosed as seborrheic keratoses, melanoma, or nevus sebaceous.

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C6469 Figure 3 Pigmented basal cell carcinoma 21_5
JDD M5602 Figure 1 SCC 20_2
Squamous Cell Carcinoma: When viewing the collection of squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) images, you will find that SCCs have a variety of clinical presentations and involve any part of the body, including the nails.

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JDD M5602 Figure 1 SCC 20_2
JDD M5602 Figure 4 SCC 20_2
Squamous Cell Carcinoma: When viewing the collection of squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) images, you will find that SCCs have a variety of clinical presentations and involve any part of the body, including the nails.

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JDD M5602 Figure 4 SCC 20_2
JDD M5751 Figure 2 Vitiligo 20_5
Vitiligo: Notice how the well-defined patches with irregular borders of depigmented skin appear pinkish early in the condition but become chalk white as the condition progresses. Perifollicular repigmentation, which should not be confused for the salt and pepper appearance of scleroderma, can be a marker of treatment success.

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JDD M5751 Figure 2 Vitiligo 20_5
JDD M5751 Figure 4 Vitiligo 20_5
Vitiligo: Notice how the well-defined patches with irregular borders of depigmented skin appear pinkish early in the condition but become chalk white as the condition progresses. Perifollicular repigmentation, which should not be confused for the salt and pepper appearance of scleroderma, can be a marker of treatment success.

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JDD M5751 Figure 4 Vitiligo 20_5
JDD M6485 Figure 3 a hyperpigmentation 21_3f
Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation: One condition that often leaves post- inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) is acne. Notice the PIH ranging from pink to dark brown. The dermal deposition of melanin can cause PIH for several months or longer.

PIH appears with a wide range of dark discoloration and the level of hyperpigmentation often depends upon the intensity of preceding inflammation or injury. As a physician you might have significant management challenges, but it is important to note that pigment disorders can cause even more distress to the patient.

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JDD M6485 Figure 3 a hyperpigmentation 21_3f
JDD M6485 Figure 3_b hyperpigmentation 21_3 !
Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation: One condition that often leaves post- inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) is acne. Notice the PIH ranging from pink to dark brown. The dermal deposition of melanin can cause PIH for several months or longer.

PIH appears with a wide range of dark discoloration and the level of hyperpigmentation often depends upon the intensity of preceding inflammation or injury. As a physician you might have significant management challenges, but it is important to note that pigment disorders can cause even more distress to the patient.

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JDD M6485 Figure 3_b hyperpigmentation 21_3 !
JDD M6485 Figure 3 b hyperpigmentation 21_3
Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation: One condition that often leaves post- inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) is acne. Notice the PIH ranging from pink to dark brown. The dermal deposition of melanin can cause PIH for several months or longer.

PIH appears with a wide range of dark discoloration and the level of hyperpigmentation often depends upon the intensity of preceding inflammation or injury. As a physician you might have significant management challenges, but it is important to note that pigment disorders can cause even more distress to the patient.

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JDD M6485 Figure 3 b hyperpigmentation 21_3
JDD M6485 Figure 5 a hyperpigmentation 21_3
Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation: One condition that often leaves post- inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) is acne. Notice the PIH ranging from pink to dark brown. The dermal deposition of melanin can cause PIH for several months or longer.

PIH appears with a wide range of dark discoloration and the level of hyperpigmentation often depends upon the intensity of preceding inflammation or injury. As a physician you might have significant management challenges, but it is important to note that pigment disorders can cause even more distress to the patient.

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JDD M6485 Figure 5 a hyperpigmentation 21_3
JDD M6491 Figure 1 melasma 21_12_1
Melasma: Melasma is discernible in all skin tones by ill-defined hyperpigmented patches with the appearance of “moth-eaten” borders on the peri-orbital cheeks, temples, and forehead.

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JDD M6491 Figure 1 melasma 21_12_1
JDD M6491 Figure 1 melasma 21_12
Melasma: Melasma is discernible in all skin tones by ill-defined hyperpigmented patches with the appearance of “moth-eaten” borders on the peri-orbital cheeks, temples, and forehead.

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JDD M6491 Figure 1 melasma 21_12
JDD M6663 Figure 2 Melasma 21_4
Melasma: Melasma is discernible in all skin tones by ill-defined hyperpigmented patches with the appearance of “moth-eaten” borders on the peri-orbital cheeks, temples, and forehead.

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JDD M6663 Figure 2 Melasma 21_4
JDD M6663 Figure 4 Melasma 21_4_1
Melasma: Melasma is discernible in all skin tones by ill-defined hyperpigmented patches with the appearance of “moth-eaten” borders on the peri-orbital cheeks, temples, and forehead.

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JDD M6663 Figure 4 Melasma 21_4_1
JDD M6687 Figure 2 Hyperpigmentation 21_4_1
Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation: One condition that often leaves post- inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) is acne. Notice the PIH ranging from pink to dark brown. The dermal deposition of melanin can cause PIH for several months or longer.

PIH appears with a wide range of dark discoloration and the level of hyperpigmentation often depends upon the intensity of preceding inflammation or injury. As a physician you might have significant management challenges, but it is important to note that pigment disorders can cause even more distress to the patient.

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JDD M6687 Figure 2 Hyperpigmentation 21_4_1
JDD M6687 Figure 2 Hyperpigmentation 21_4_2
Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation: One condition that often leaves post- inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) is acne. Notice the PIH ranging from pink to dark brown. The dermal deposition of melanin can cause PIH for several months or longer.

PIH appears with a wide range of dark discoloration and the level of hyperpigmentation often depends upon the intensity of preceding inflammation or injury. As a physician you might have significant management challenges, but it is important to note that pigment disorders can cause even more distress to the patient.

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JDD M6687 Figure 2 Hyperpigmentation 21_4_2
JDD M6687 Figure 2 Hyperpigmentation 21_4_4
Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation: One condition that often leaves post- inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) is acne. Notice the PIH ranging from pink to dark brown. The dermal deposition of melanin can cause PIH for several months or longer.

PIH appears with a wide range of dark discoloration and the level of hyperpigmentation often depends upon the intensity of preceding inflammation or injury. As a physician you might have significant management challenges, but it is important to note that pigment disorders can cause even more distress to the patient.

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JDD M6687 Figure 2 Hyperpigmentation 21_4_4
JDD M7008 Figure 1 cutaneous sarcoidosis 22_7
Sarcoidosis: Sarcoidosis is a great mimicker. It boasts a wide array of clinical presentations, including a papular variant, as seen here. Note the last image—this hallmark of presentation can be the development of papules within a tattoo with background erythema.

Due to various presentations across skin types, sarcoidosis may be difficult to distinguish from deep fungal infections, cutaneous tuberculosis, leprosy, or CTCL. Diascopy may be utilized to discern an “apple jelly” color which differentiates sarcoidosis from the various diseases it may mimic.

Annular sarcoidosis can be appreciated in light to medium skin tones due to the advancing serpiginous erythematous border, as seen here. Notice the last image—the presence of sarcoid is distinguished by mildly erythematous to hypopigmented papules coalescing into ill- defined plaques.

Sarcoidosis in a darker skin tone is differentiated by mildly erythematous hypopigmented papules in contrast to erythematous hyperpigmented papules seen in lighter skin tones.

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JDD M7008 Figure 1 cutaneous sarcoidosis 22_7
JDD M7008 Figure 2 cutaneous sarcoidosis 22_7_1
Sarcoidosis: Sarcoidosis is a great mimicker. It boasts a wide array of clinical presentations, including a papular variant, as seen here. Note the last image—this hallmark of presentation can be the development of papules within a tattoo with background erythema.

Due to various presentations across skin types, sarcoidosis may be difficult to distinguish from deep fungal infections, cutaneous tuberculosis, leprosy, or CTCL. Diascopy may be utilized to discern an “apple jelly” color which differentiates sarcoidosis from the various diseases it may mimic.

Annular sarcoidosis can be appreciated in light to medium skin tones due to the advancing serpiginous erythematous border, as seen here. Notice the last image—the presence of sarcoid is distinguished by mildly erythematous to hypopigmented papules coalescing into ill- defined plaques.

Sarcoidosis in a darker skin tone is differentiated by mildly erythematous hypopigmented papules in contrast to erythematous hyperpigmented papules seen in lighter skin tones.

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JDD M7008 Figure 2 cutaneous sarcoidosis 22_7_1
JDD M7008 Figure 2 cutaneous sarcoidosis 22_7 closeup
Sarcoidosis: Sarcoidosis is a great mimicker. It boasts a wide array of clinical presentations, including a papular variant, as seen here. Note the last image—this hallmark of presentation can be the development of papules within a tattoo with background erythema.

Due to various presentations across skin types, sarcoidosis may be difficult to distinguish from deep fungal infections, cutaneous tuberculosis, leprosy, or CTCL. Diascopy may be utilized to discern an “apple jelly” color which differentiates sarcoidosis from the various diseases it may mimic.

Annular sarcoidosis can be appreciated in light to medium skin tones due to the advancing serpiginous erythematous border, as seen here. Notice the last image—the presence of sarcoid is distinguished by mildly erythematous to hypopigmented papules coalescing into ill- defined plaques.

Sarcoidosis in a darker skin tone is differentiated by mildly erythematous hypopigmented papules in contrast to erythematous hyperpigmented papules seen in lighter skin tones.

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JDD M7008 Figure 2 cutaneous sarcoidosis 22_7 closeup
JDD M7008 Figure 3 cutaneous sarcoidosis_22_7
Sarcoidosis: Sarcoidosis is a great mimicker. It boasts a wide array of clinical presentations, including a papular variant, as seen here. Note the last image—this hallmark of presentation can be the development of papules within a tattoo with background erythema.

Due to various presentations across skin types, sarcoidosis may be difficult to distinguish from deep fungal infections, cutaneous tuberculosis, leprosy, or CTCL. Diascopy may be utilized to discern an “apple jelly” color which differentiates sarcoidosis from the various diseases it may mimic.

Annular sarcoidosis can be appreciated in light to medium skin tones due to the advancing serpiginous erythematous border, as seen here. Notice the last image—the presence of sarcoid is distinguished by mildly erythematous to hypopigmented papules coalescing into ill- defined plaques.

Sarcoidosis in a darker skin tone is differentiated by mildly erythematous hypopigmented papules in contrast to erythematous hyperpigmented papules seen in lighter skin tones.

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JDD M7008 Figure 3 cutaneous sarcoidosis_22_7
JDD M7008 Figure 4A cutaneous sarcoidosis 22_7
Sarcoidosis: Sarcoidosis is a great mimicker. It boasts a wide array of clinical presentations, including a papular variant, as seen here. Note the last image—this hallmark of presentation can be the development of papules within a tattoo with background erythema.

Due to various presentations across skin types, sarcoidosis may be difficult to distinguish from deep fungal infections, cutaneous tuberculosis, leprosy, or CTCL. Diascopy may be utilized to discern an “apple jelly” color which differentiates sarcoidosis from the various diseases it may mimic.

Annular sarcoidosis can be appreciated in light to medium skin tones due to the advancing serpiginous erythematous border, as seen here. Notice the last image—the presence of sarcoid is distinguished by mildly erythematous to hypopigmented papules coalescing into ill- defined plaques.

Sarcoidosis in a darker skin tone is differentiated by mildly erythematous hypopigmented papules in contrast to erythematous hyperpigmented papules seen in lighter skin tones.

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JDD M7008 Figure 4A cutaneous sarcoidosis 22_7
JDD M7340 Figure 3 baseline hyperpigmentation 22_4
Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation: One condition that often leaves post- inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) is acne. Notice the PIH ranging from pink to dark brown. The dermal deposition of melanin can cause PIH for several months or longer.

PIH appears with a wide range of dark discoloration and the level of hyperpigmentation often depends upon the intensity of preceding inflammation or injury. As a physician you might have significant management challenges, but it is important to note that pigment disorders can cause even more distress to the patient.

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JDD M7340 Figure 3 baseline hyperpigmentation 22_4
DermAtlas_Basal cell carcinoma_GW_1
Basal Cell Carcinoma: The most common sites for basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) are sun-exposed areas like the face, ears, head, neck, shoulders, and back. As seen here, these malignant growths can range from pearly white, pink and translucent to deep red, brown, black, or even blue hued lesions. Pigmented BCCs make up for about half of all BCC cases in darker skin tone patients. They are often misdiagnosed as seborrheic keratoses, melanoma, or nevus sebaceous.

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DermAtlas_Basal cell carcinoma_GW_1
DermAtlas_Basal cell carcinoma_GW_3
Basal Cell Carcinoma: The most common sites for basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) are sun-exposed areas like the face, ears, head, neck, shoulders, and back. As seen here, these malignant growths can range from pearly white, pink and translucent to deep red, brown, black, or even blue hued lesions. Pigmented BCCs make up for about half of all BCC cases in darker skin tone patients. They are often misdiagnosed as seborrheic keratoses, melanoma, or nevus sebaceous.

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DermAtlas_Basal cell carcinoma_GW_3
DermAtlas_Dissecting cellulitis_closeup_2GW2
Dissecting Cellulitis: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Dissecting cellulitis_closeup_2GW2
DermAtlas_Dissecting cellulitis_closeup_GW1
Dissecting Cellulitis: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Dissecting cellulitis_closeup_GW1
DermAtlas_Epidermal cyst_GW_4
Epidermoid Cyst: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Epidermal cyst_GW_4
DermAtlas_Epidermal cyst_GW_6
Epidermoid Cyst: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Epidermal cyst_GW_6
DermAtlas_Epidermal cyst_GW_7
Epidermoid Cyst: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Epidermal cyst_GW_7
Post-Inflammatory Hypopigmentation: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation: One condition that often leaves post- inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) is acne. Notice the PIH ranging from pink to dark brown. The dermal deposition of melanin can cause PIH for several months or longer.

PIH appears with a wide range of dark discoloration and the level of hyperpigmentation often depends upon the intensity of preceding inflammation or injury. As a physician you might have significant management challenges, but it is important to note that pigment disorders can cause even more distress to the patient.

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Post-Inflammatory Hypopigmentation: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Neurofibromatosis type 1_back_closeup_GW_
Neurofibromatosis: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Neurofibromatosis type 1_back_closeup_GW_
DermAtlas_Neurofibromatosis type 1_GW_1
Neurofibromatosis: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Neurofibromatosis type 1_GW_1
DermAtlas_Neurofibromatosis type 1_GW_2
Neurofibromatosis: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Neurofibromatosis type 1_GW_2
DermAtlas_Neurofibromatosis type 1_GW_3
Neurofibromatosis: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Neurofibromatosis type 1_GW_3
DermAtlas_Neurofibromatosis type 1_GW_abdomen3
Neurofibromatosis: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Neurofibromatosis type 1_GW_abdomen3
DermAtlas_Neurofibromatosis type 1_lowerback_GW_
Neurofibromatosis: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Neurofibromatosis type 1_lowerback_GW_
DermAtlas_PIH 2_2 ACD_abdomen-anterior-10.02.2023-57282219
Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation: One condition that often leaves post- inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) is acne. Notice the PIH ranging from pink to dark brown. The dermal deposition of melanin can cause PIH for several months or longer.

PIH appears with a wide range of dark discoloration and the level of hyperpigmentation often depends upon the intensity of preceding inflammation or injury. As a physician you might have significant management challenges, but it is important to note that pigment disorders can cause even more distress to the patient.

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DermAtlas_PIH 2_2 ACD_abdomen-anterior-10.02.2023-57282219
DermAtlas_Sebaceous hyperplasia_dermatofibromas_5
Syringomas: These small, benign, elevated bumps or adnexal tumors form clusters and are often skin-colored but can also range from white or yellow to hyperpigmented, as seen here. Clues pointing to syringomas include pruritus, lack of mucosal involvement, and absence on the palms or soles.

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DermAtlas_Sebaceous hyperplasia_dermatofibromas_5
DermAtlas_Sebaceous hyperplasia_dermatofibromas_closeup_5
Syringomas: These small, benign, elevated bumps or adnexal tumors form clusters and are often skin-colored but can also range from white or yellow to hyperpigmented, as seen here. Clues pointing to syringomas include pruritus, lack of mucosal involvement, and absence on the palms or soles.

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DermAtlas_Sebaceous hyperplasia_dermatofibromas_closeup_5
DermAtlas_Seborrheic keratosis_Actinic keratosis_GW_1
Seborrheic Keratosis + Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra: In patients with darker skin tones, seborrheic keratoses tend to present as stuck-on dark brown and/or black verrucous-like papules, as seen here. Notice how this collection of images presents on the face. These are called dermatosis papulosa nigra, which is most common in patients with darker skin tones.

These skin overgrowths are the most common benign skin lesions across patients of all skin tones.

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DermAtlas_Seborrheic keratosis_Actinic keratosis_GW_1
Seborrheic Keratosis + Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra: In patients with darker skin tones, seborrheic keratoses tend to present as stuck-on dark brown and/or black verrucous-like papules, as seen here. Notice how this collection of images presents on the face. These are called dermatosis papulosa nigra, which is most common in patients with darker skin tones.

These skin overgrowths are the most common benign skin lesions across patients of all skin tones.

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Seborrheic Keratosis + Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra: In patients with darker skin tones, seborrheic keratoses tend to present as stuck-on dark brown and/or black verrucous-like papules, as seen here. Notice how this collection of images presents on the face. These are called dermatosis papulosa nigra, which is most common in patients with darker skin tones.

These skin overgrowths are the most common benign skin lesions across patients of all skin tones.

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Post-Inflammatory Hypopigmentation: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Dissecting cellulitis_GW1
Dissecting Cellulitis: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Dissecting cellulitis_GW1
DermAtlas_Hypopigmented and subq sarcoidosis_arms-posterior-level-right-08.21.2023-55164646
Post-Inflammatory Hypopigmentation: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Hypopigmented and subq sarcoidosis_arms-posterior-level-right-08.21.2023-55164646
DermAtlas_PIH 2_2 ACD_abdomen-lateral-left-10.02.2023-57282347
Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation: One condition that often leaves post- inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) is acne. Notice the PIH ranging from pink to dark brown. The dermal deposition of melanin can cause PIH for several months or longer.

PIH appears with a wide range of dark discoloration and the level of hyperpigmentation often depends upon the intensity of preceding inflammation or injury. As a physician you might have significant management challenges, but it is important to note that pigment disorders can cause even more distress to the patient.

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DermAtlas_PIH 2_2 ACD_abdomen-lateral-left-10.02.2023-57282347
Seborrheic Keratosis + Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra: In patients with darker skin tones, seborrheic keratoses tend to present as stuck-on dark brown and/or black verrucous-like papules, as seen here. Notice how this collection of images presents on the face. These are called dermatosis papulosa nigra, which is most common in patients with darker skin tones.

These skin overgrowths are the most common benign skin lesions across patients of all skin tones.

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friedman: approve
DermAtlas_dermatofibromas_1 copy
Dermatofibroma: A dermatofibroma typically presents as a firm papule that is darker than the surrounding skin. Notice here that the dermatofibromas in lighter skin tones are pink to light brown. As the skin tone gets darker the dermatofibroma darkens to a deep brown and sometimes black. The central area may present with a lighter scar that can also “dimple” when the edges of the lesion are squeezed. Dermatoscopically, the central white scar can appear star-shaped or retiform, which can help distinguish this neoplasm from other more concerning types, such as melanoma.

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DermAtlas_dermatofibromas_1 copy
Seborrheic Keratosis + Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra: In patients with darker skin tones, seborrheic keratoses tend to present as stuck-on dark brown and/or black verrucous-like papules, as seen here. Notice how this collection of images presents on the face. These are called dermatosis papulosa nigra, which is most common in patients with darker skin tones.

These skin overgrowths are the most common benign skin lesions across patients of all skin tones.

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friedman: i think this is better for DPNs then hyperpigmentation
eleryan: approve for DPNs
Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation: One condition that often leaves post- inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) is acne. Notice the PIH ranging from pink to dark brown. The dermal deposition of melanin can cause PIH for several months or longer.

PIH appears with a wide range of dark discoloration and the level of hyperpigmentation often depends upon the intensity of preceding inflammation or injury. As a physician you might have significant management challenges, but it is important to note that pigment disorders can cause even more distress to the patient.

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friedmanL approve
eleryan: approve
DermAtlas_Dissecting cellulitis_GW2
Dissecting Cellulitis: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Dissecting cellulitis_GW2
DermAtlas_Dissecting cellulitis_GW3 2
Dissecting Cellulitis: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Dissecting cellulitis_GW3 2
friedman: approve
eleryan: ok let's stop using the same photos of 1 patient in different views for the same condition. 
DermAtlas_Folliculitis_back_GW_3 R1b
Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation: One condition that often leaves post- inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) is acne. Notice the PIH ranging from pink to dark brown. The dermal deposition of melanin can cause PIH for several months or longer.

PIH appears with a wide range of dark discoloration and the level of hyperpigmentation often depends upon the intensity of preceding inflammation or injury. As a physician you might have significant management challenges, but it is important to note that pigment disorders can cause even more distress to the patient.

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DermAtlas_Folliculitis_back_GW_3 R1b
DermAtlas_Folliculitis_fullback_GW_3 R1b
Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation: One condition that often leaves post- inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) is acne. Notice the PIH ranging from pink to dark brown. The dermal deposition of melanin can cause PIH for several months or longer.

PIH appears with a wide range of dark discoloration and the level of hyperpigmentation often depends upon the intensity of preceding inflammation or injury. As a physician you might have significant management challenges, but it is important to note that pigment disorders can cause even more distress to the patient.

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DermAtlas_Folliculitis_fullback_GW_3 R1b
DermAtlas_Granuloma annulare (minimal activity)_lower-extremity-anterior-09.15.2023-56487679 R1
Granuloma Annulare: When diagnosing granuloma annulare, look for the well demarcated arcuate to annular non-scaling papules and plaques typically without epidermal change. The lesions can appear as skin-colored to pink/brown to even hyperpigmented, as seen here (not to be confused for post-inflammatory pigment alteration).

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DermAtlas_Granuloma annulare (minimal activity)_lower-extremity-anterior-09.15.2023-56487679 R1
DermAtlas_Morphea_Parry romberg_face-oblique-right-08.30.2023-55633160
Morphea: This collection of images displays the various stages of plaque-type morphea across different skin tones, with progression from the erythematous/edematous phase to hyperpigmented scarred plaques. Notice that in darker skin tones the latter stage is hallmarked by ill-defined central hypopigmentation with peripheral hyperpigmentation. Persistent activity can be discerned by presence of a violaceous peripheral rim to lesions, which is absent in these last two images.

In this collection of photos, active morphea is appreciated in all skin tones. Notice the bottom left image—it is notable for the slate gray hyperpigmentation centrally with peripheral rim of erythema in a lighter skinned patient. Now notice the bottom right image—it displays subtle atrophy, hallmarked by presence of telangiectasia and mild erythema throughout the lesion extending to 5th digit in a darker toned patient.

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DermAtlas_Morphea_Parry romberg_face-oblique-right-08.30.2023-55633160
DermAtlas_Morphea. Parry romberg_face-oblique-right-08.30.2023-55633160
Morphea: This collection of images displays the various stages of plaque-type morphea across different skin tones, with progression from the erythematous/edematous phase to hyperpigmented scarred plaques. Notice that in darker skin tones the latter stage is hallmarked by ill-defined central hypopigmentation with peripheral hyperpigmentation. Persistent activity can be discerned by presence of a violaceous peripheral rim to lesions, which is absent in these last two images.

In this collection of photos, active morphea is appreciated in all skin tones. Notice the bottom left image—it is notable for the slate gray hyperpigmentation centrally with peripheral rim of erythema in a lighter skinned patient. Now notice the bottom right image—it displays subtle atrophy, hallmarked by presence of telangiectasia and mild erythema throughout the lesion extending to 5th digit in a darker toned patient.

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DermAtlas_Morphea. Parry romberg_face-oblique-right-08.30.2023-55633160
DermAtlas_PIH 2_2 ACD_GW3
Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation: One condition that often leaves post- inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) is acne. Notice the PIH ranging from pink to dark brown. The dermal deposition of melanin can cause PIH for several months or longer.

PIH appears with a wide range of dark discoloration and the level of hyperpigmentation often depends upon the intensity of preceding inflammation or injury. As a physician you might have significant management challenges, but it is important to note that pigment disorders can cause even more distress to the patient.

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DermAtlas_PIH 2_2 ACD_GW3
DermAtlas_Pyogenic granuloma
Pyogenic Granuloma: As seen here, pyogenic granulomas present as friable or ulcerated pink to red papulonodules which bleed spontaneously or after trauma. A hyperpigmented base may surround lesions in darker skin tones due to post-inflammatory changes. Clinical history of rapid growth, oral retinoid use, or pregnancy help to distinguish pyogenic granulomas from similar appearing growths, such as amelanotic melanomas, glomus tumors, or traumatized hemangiomas.

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DermAtlas_Pyogenic granuloma
DermAtlas_Pyogenic granuloma
Pyogenic Granuloma: As seen here, pyogenic granulomas present as friable or ulcerated pink to red papulonodules which bleed spontaneously or after trauma. A hyperpigmented base may surround lesions in darker skin tones due to post-inflammatory changes. Clinical history of rapid growth, oral retinoid use, or pregnancy help to distinguish pyogenic granulomas from similar appearing growths, such as amelanotic melanomas, glomus tumors, or traumatized hemangiomas.

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DermAtlas_Pyogenic granuloma
Dermatofibroma: A dermatofibroma typically presents as a firm papule that is darker than the surrounding skin. Notice here that the dermatofibromas in lighter skin tones are pink to light brown. As the skin tone gets darker the dermatofibroma darkens to a deep brown and sometimes black. The central area may present with a lighter scar that can also “dimple” when the edges of the lesion are squeezed. Dermatoscopically, the central white scar can appear star-shaped or retiform, which can help distinguish this neoplasm from other more concerning types, such as melanoma.

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DermAtlas__Merkel cell2
Merkel Cell: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas__Merkel cell2
Nevi: Halo: This collection of images showcases the wide array of color associated with halo nevi. The surrounding annular hypopigmentation appears in all skin tones, though may be more noticeable in darker skin. The nevi ranges from pink, red, tan, and brown papule. Hypo- to depigmentation often resolves with removal of the antigenic focus: the nevus.

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DermAtlas_GW_-10.25.2023-58751014 -  dermatomyositis
Dermatomyositis: The hands can offer a clue in making the diagnosis for dermatomyositis: joint-focused erythematous to violaceous to even hyperpigmented flat-topped papules and plaques; perionychial erythema, edema, and dilated capillary loops at the nail fold along with ragged cuticles; digital ulcerations and calcinosis cutis; and finally a nondescript keratoderma.

Erythematous patches can be present on the face, chest, and hands which can appear red to a more violaceous color. Notice the classic feature of the heliotrope rash around the eyes that has a deeper red and edematous appearance in darker skin tones.

Notice how the “dusky reddish” rash presents in the spectrum of skin tones.

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DermAtlas_GW_-10.25.2023-58751014 - dermatomyositis
Seborrheic Keratosis + Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra: In patients with darker skin tones, seborrheic keratoses tend to present as stuck-on dark brown and/or black verrucous-like papules, as seen here. Notice how this collection of images presents on the face. These are called dermatosis papulosa nigra, which is most common in patients with darker skin tones.

These skin overgrowths are the most common benign skin lesions across patients of all skin tones.

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Seborrheic Keratosis + Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra: In patients with darker skin tones, seborrheic keratoses tend to present as stuck-on dark brown and/or black verrucous-like papules, as seen here. Notice how this collection of images presents on the face. These are called dermatosis papulosa nigra, which is most common in patients with darker skin tones.

These skin overgrowths are the most common benign skin lesions across patients of all skin tones.

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Epidermoid Cyst: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Merkel cell1
Merkel Cell: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
DermAtlas_Merkel cell1
DermAtlas_SCC_1a 1218
Squamous Cell Carcinoma: When viewing the collection of squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) images, you will find that SCCs have a variety of clinical presentations and involve any part of the body, including the nails.

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DermAtlas_SCC_1a 1218
Nevi: Halo: This collection of images showcases the wide array of color associated with halo nevi. The surrounding annular hypopigmentation appears in all skin tones, though may be more noticeable in darker skin. The nevi ranges from pink, red, tan, and brown papule. Hypo- to depigmentation often resolves with removal of the antigenic focus: the nevus.

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Dermatomyositis: The hands can offer a clue in making the diagnosis for dermatomyositis: joint-focused erythematous to violaceous to even hyperpigmented flat-topped papules and plaques; perionychial erythema, edema, and dilated capillary loops at the nail fold along with ragged cuticles; digital ulcerations and calcinosis cutis; and finally a nondescript keratoderma.

Erythematous patches can be present on the face, chest, and hands which can appear red to a more violaceous color. Notice the classic feature of the heliotrope rash around the eyes that has a deeper red and edematous appearance in darker skin tones.

Notice how the “dusky reddish” rash presents in the spectrum of skin tones.

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DermAtlas 11.13.2023-59567431
Acute Febrile Neutrophilic Dermatosis: Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis is classically characterized by edematous red tender papules and nodules on the skin in combination with fever and other systemic symptoms. Notice how the appearance of erythema can actually appear violaceous to bluish as the skin tones get darker.

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DermAtlas 11.13.2023-59567431
DermAtlas 11.13.2023-59567491
Acute Febrile Neutrophilic Dermatosis: Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis is classically characterized by edematous red tender papules and nodules on the skin in combination with fever and other systemic symptoms. Notice how the appearance of erythema can actually appear violaceous to bluish as the skin tones get darker.

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DermAtlas 11.13.2023-59567491
DermAtlas 11.13.2023-59567508
Acute Febrile Neutrophilic Dermatosis: Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis is classically characterized by edematous red tender papules and nodules on the skin in combination with fever and other systemic symptoms. Notice how the appearance of erythema can actually appear violaceous to bluish as the skin tones get darker.

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DermAtlas 11.13.2023-59567508
DermAtlas 11.13.2023-59567536
Acute Febrile Neutrophilic Dermatosis: Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis is classically characterized by edematous red tender papules and nodules on the skin in combination with fever and other systemic symptoms. Notice how the appearance of erythema can actually appear violaceous to bluish as the skin tones get darker.

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DermAtlas 11.13.2023-59567536
Seborrheic Keratosis + Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra: In patients with darker skin tones, seborrheic keratoses tend to present as stuck-on dark brown and/or black verrucous-like papules, as seen here. Notice how this collection of images presents on the face. These are called dermatosis papulosa nigra, which is most common in patients with darker skin tones.

These skin overgrowths are the most common benign skin lesions across patients of all skin tones.

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Pyoderma Gangrenosum: The violaceous rim in pyoderma gangrenosum is sometimes confused as purpura, which suggests a possible vasculitic process in patients with dark skin tones. This contributes to the classic misdiagnosis of the disease. Note that once the ulcerations are healed, patients might develop hyper- or hypopigmented scarring.

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Pyoderma Gangrenosum: The violaceous rim in pyoderma gangrenosum is sometimes confused as purpura, which suggests a possible vasculitic process in patients with dark skin tones. This contributes to the classic misdiagnosis of the disease. Note that once the ulcerations are healed, patients might develop hyper- or hypopigmented scarring.

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Pyoderma Gangrenosum: The violaceous rim in pyoderma gangrenosum is sometimes confused as purpura, which suggests a possible vasculitic process in patients with dark skin tones. This contributes to the classic misdiagnosis of the disease. Note that once the ulcerations are healed, patients might develop hyper- or hypopigmented scarring.

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Pyoderma Gangrenosum: The violaceous rim in pyoderma gangrenosum is sometimes confused as purpura, which suggests a possible vasculitic process in patients with dark skin tones. This contributes to the classic misdiagnosis of the disease. Note that once the ulcerations are healed, patients might develop hyper- or hypopigmented scarring.

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Pyoderma Gangrenosum: The violaceous rim in pyoderma gangrenosum is sometimes confused as purpura, which suggests a possible vasculitic process in patients with dark skin tones. This contributes to the classic misdiagnosis of the disease. Note that once the ulcerations are healed, patients might develop hyper- or hypopigmented scarring.

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Pyoderma Gangrenosum: The violaceous rim in pyoderma gangrenosum is sometimes confused as purpura, which suggests a possible vasculitic process in patients with dark skin tones. This contributes to the classic misdiagnosis of the disease. Note that once the ulcerations are healed, patients might develop hyper- or hypopigmented scarring.

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Vitiligo: Notice how the well-defined patches with irregular borders of depigmented skin appear pinkish early in the condition but become chalk white as the condition progresses. Perifollicular repigmentation, which should not be confused for the salt and pepper appearance of scleroderma, can be a marker of treatment success.

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DermAtlas_Vitiligo_-01.08.2024-62280915 copy
Vitiligo: Notice how the well-defined patches with irregular borders of depigmented skin appear pinkish early in the condition but become chalk white as the condition progresses. Perifollicular repigmentation, which should not be confused for the salt and pepper appearance of scleroderma, can be a marker of treatment success.

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DermAtlas_Vitiligo_-01.08.2024-62280915 copy
Vitiligo: Notice how the well-defined patches with irregular borders of depigmented skin appear pinkish early in the condition but become chalk white as the condition progresses. Perifollicular repigmentation, which should not be confused for the salt and pepper appearance of scleroderma, can be a marker of treatment success.

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Vitiligo: Notice how the well-defined patches with irregular borders of depigmented skin appear pinkish early in the condition but become chalk white as the condition progresses. Perifollicular repigmentation, which should not be confused for the salt and pepper appearance of scleroderma, can be a marker of treatment success.

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Vitiligo: Notice how the well-defined patches with irregular borders of depigmented skin appear pinkish early in the condition but become chalk white as the condition progresses. Perifollicular repigmentation, which should not be confused for the salt and pepper appearance of scleroderma, can be a marker of treatment success.

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Vitiligo: Notice how the well-defined patches with irregular borders of depigmented skin appear pinkish early in the condition but become chalk white as the condition progresses. Perifollicular repigmentation, which should not be confused for the salt and pepper appearance of scleroderma, can be a marker of treatment success.

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Vitiligo: Notice how the well-defined patches with irregular borders of depigmented skin appear pinkish early in the condition but become chalk white as the condition progresses. Perifollicular repigmentation, which should not be confused for the salt and pepper appearance of scleroderma, can be a marker of treatment success.

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Vitiligo: Notice how the well-defined patches with irregular borders of depigmented skin appear pinkish early in the condition but become chalk white as the condition progresses. Perifollicular repigmentation, which should not be confused for the salt and pepper appearance of scleroderma, can be a marker of treatment success.

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Vitiligo: Notice how the well-defined patches with irregular borders of depigmented skin appear pinkish early in the condition but become chalk white as the condition progresses. Perifollicular repigmentation, which should not be confused for the salt and pepper appearance of scleroderma, can be a marker of treatment success.

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DermAtlas_Vitiligo_mouth-01.08.2024-62281295 copy
Vitiligo: Notice how the well-defined patches with irregular borders of depigmented skin appear pinkish early in the condition but become chalk white as the condition progresses. Perifollicular repigmentation, which should not be confused for the salt and pepper appearance of scleroderma, can be a marker of treatment success.

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DermAtlas_Vitiligo_mouth-01.08.2024-62281295 copy
DermAtlas_Vitiligo_upper-01.08.2024-62281295 copy 2
Vitiligo: Notice how the well-defined patches with irregular borders of depigmented skin appear pinkish early in the condition but become chalk white as the condition progresses. Perifollicular repigmentation, which should not be confused for the salt and pepper appearance of scleroderma, can be a marker of treatment success.

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DermAtlas_Vitiligo_upper-01.08.2024-62281295 copy 2
CALM type A.jpg
Café-Au-Lait: These sharp border birthmarks are hyperpigmented skin patches. In this collection of images we are able to appreciate the wide variation of evenly distributed color associated with café-au-lait (CALM).

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CALM type A.jpg
Café-Au-Lait: These sharp border birthmarks are hyperpigmented skin patches. In this collection of images we are able to appreciate the wide variation of evenly distributed color associated with café-au-lait (CALM).

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Cafe Au Lait Macule_E_Leg_closeup3.jpg
Café-Au-Lait: These sharp border birthmarks are hyperpigmented skin patches. In this collection of images we are able to appreciate the wide variation of evenly distributed color associated with café-au-lait (CALM).

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Cafe Au Lait Macule_E_Leg_closeup3.jpg
Café-Au-Lait: These sharp border birthmarks are hyperpigmented skin patches. In this collection of images we are able to appreciate the wide variation of evenly distributed color associated with café-au-lait (CALM).

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Cafe Au Lait Macule_E_Leg_3.jpg
Café-Au-Lait: These sharp border birthmarks are hyperpigmented skin patches. In this collection of images we are able to appreciate the wide variation of evenly distributed color associated with café-au-lait (CALM).

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Cafe Au Lait Macule_E_Leg_3.jpg
Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation: One condition that often leaves post- inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) is acne. Notice the PIH ranging from pink to dark brown. The dermal deposition of melanin can cause PIH for several months or longer.

PIH appears with a wide range of dark discoloration and the level of hyperpigmentation often depends upon the intensity of preceding inflammation or injury. As a physician you might have significant management challenges, but it is important to note that pigment disorders can cause even more distress to the patient.

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Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation: One condition that often leaves post- inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) is acne. Notice the PIH ranging from pink to dark brown. The dermal deposition of melanin can cause PIH for several months or longer.

PIH appears with a wide range of dark discoloration and the level of hyperpigmentation often depends upon the intensity of preceding inflammation or injury. As a physician you might have significant management challenges, but it is important to note that pigment disorders can cause even more distress to the patient.

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Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation: One condition that often leaves post- inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) is acne. Notice the PIH ranging from pink to dark brown. The dermal deposition of melanin can cause PIH for several months or longer.

PIH appears with a wide range of dark discoloration and the level of hyperpigmentation often depends upon the intensity of preceding inflammation or injury. As a physician you might have significant management challenges, but it is important to note that pigment disorders can cause even more distress to the patient.

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pipa type B trunk.jpg
Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation: One condition that often leaves post- inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) is acne. Notice the PIH ranging from pink to dark brown. The dermal deposition of melanin can cause PIH for several months or longer.

PIH appears with a wide range of dark discoloration and the level of hyperpigmentation often depends upon the intensity of preceding inflammation or injury. As a physician you might have significant management challenges, but it is important to note that pigment disorders can cause even more distress to the patient.

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pipa type B trunk.jpg
PIPA type C_Trunk.jpg
Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation: One condition that often leaves post- inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) is acne. Notice the PIH ranging from pink to dark brown. The dermal deposition of melanin can cause PIH for several months or longer.

PIH appears with a wide range of dark discoloration and the level of hyperpigmentation often depends upon the intensity of preceding inflammation or injury. As a physician you might have significant management challenges, but it is important to note that pigment disorders can cause even more distress to the patient.

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PIPA type C_Trunk.jpg
hyperpigmentation arm type D.jpg
Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation: One condition that often leaves post- inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) is acne. Notice the PIH ranging from pink to dark brown. The dermal deposition of melanin can cause PIH for several months or longer.

PIH appears with a wide range of dark discoloration and the level of hyperpigmentation often depends upon the intensity of preceding inflammation or injury. As a physician you might have significant management challenges, but it is important to note that pigment disorders can cause even more distress to the patient.

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hyperpigmentation arm type D.jpg
hyperpigmentation lower_arm type D.jpg
Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation: One condition that often leaves post- inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) is acne. Notice the PIH ranging from pink to dark brown. The dermal deposition of melanin can cause PIH for several months or longer.

PIH appears with a wide range of dark discoloration and the level of hyperpigmentation often depends upon the intensity of preceding inflammation or injury. As a physician you might have significant management challenges, but it is important to note that pigment disorders can cause even more distress to the patient.

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hyperpigmentation lower_arm type D.jpg
Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation: One condition that often leaves post- inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) is acne. Notice the PIH ranging from pink to dark brown. The dermal deposition of melanin can cause PIH for several months or longer.

PIH appears with a wide range of dark discoloration and the level of hyperpigmentation often depends upon the intensity of preceding inflammation or injury. As a physician you might have significant management challenges, but it is important to note that pigment disorders can cause even more distress to the patient.

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hyperpigmentation type e foot11.jpg
Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation: One condition that often leaves post- inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) is acne. Notice the PIH ranging from pink to dark brown. The dermal deposition of melanin can cause PIH for several months or longer.

PIH appears with a wide range of dark discoloration and the level of hyperpigmentation often depends upon the intensity of preceding inflammation or injury. As a physician you might have significant management challenges, but it is important to note that pigment disorders can cause even more distress to the patient.

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hyperpigmentation type e foot11.jpg
hyperpigmentation type e foot.jpg
Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation: One condition that often leaves post- inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) is acne. Notice the PIH ranging from pink to dark brown. The dermal deposition of melanin can cause PIH for several months or longer.

PIH appears with a wide range of dark discoloration and the level of hyperpigmentation often depends upon the intensity of preceding inflammation or injury. As a physician you might have significant management challenges, but it is important to note that pigment disorders can cause even more distress to the patient.

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hyperpigmentation type e foot.jpg
Melasma: Melasma is discernible in all skin tones by ill-defined hyperpigmented patches with the appearance of “moth-eaten” borders on the peri-orbital cheeks, temples, and forehead.

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Melasma: Melasma is discernible in all skin tones by ill-defined hyperpigmented patches with the appearance of “moth-eaten” borders on the peri-orbital cheeks, temples, and forehead.

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Melasma: Melasma is discernible in all skin tones by ill-defined hyperpigmented patches with the appearance of “moth-eaten” borders on the peri-orbital cheeks, temples, and forehead.

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Melasma: Melasma is discernible in all skin tones by ill-defined hyperpigmented patches with the appearance of “moth-eaten” borders on the peri-orbital cheeks, temples, and forehead.

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Melasma: Melasma is discernible in all skin tones by ill-defined hyperpigmented patches with the appearance of “moth-eaten” borders on the peri-orbital cheeks, temples, and forehead.

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Melasma: Melasma is discernible in all skin tones by ill-defined hyperpigmented patches with the appearance of “moth-eaten” borders on the peri-orbital cheeks, temples, and forehead.

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Macular_amyloidosis in B_Back,.jpg
Macular Amyloidosis: Notice the flat macules that can resemble post- inflammatory hyperpigmentation, especially in darker skin types. The stippled (gun powder) appearance can help narrow the clinical differential.

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Macular_amyloidosis in B_Back,.jpg
macular Amyloidosis C_Leg_closeup.jpg
Macular Amyloidosis: Notice the flat macules that can resemble post- inflammatory hyperpigmentation, especially in darker skin types. The stippled (gun powder) appearance can help narrow the clinical differential.

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macular Amyloidosis C_Leg_closeup.jpg
macular amyloid in D_closeup.jpg
Macular Amyloidosis: Notice the flat macules that can resemble post- inflammatory hyperpigmentation, especially in darker skin types. The stippled (gun powder) appearance can help narrow the clinical differential.

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macular amyloid in D_closeup.jpg
macular amyloid type E_back.jpg
Macular Amyloidosis: Notice the flat macules that can resemble post- inflammatory hyperpigmentation, especially in darker skin types. The stippled (gun powder) appearance can help narrow the clinical differential.

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macular amyloid type E_back.jpg
macular amyloid type E_Closeup.jpg
Macular Amyloidosis: Notice the flat macules that can resemble post- inflammatory hyperpigmentation, especially in darker skin types. The stippled (gun powder) appearance can help narrow the clinical differential.

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macular amyloid type E_Closeup.jpg
macular Amyloidosis C_Leg.jpg
Macular Amyloidosis: Notice the flat macules that can resemble post- inflammatory hyperpigmentation, especially in darker skin types. The stippled (gun powder) appearance can help narrow the clinical differential.

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macular Amyloidosis C_Leg.jpg
macular amyloid in D.jpg
Macular Amyloidosis: Notice the flat macules that can resemble post- inflammatory hyperpigmentation, especially in darker skin types. The stippled (gun powder) appearance can help narrow the clinical differential.

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macular amyloid in D.jpg
lichen amyloid leg type B.jpg
Lichen Amyloidosis: Lichen amyloidosis presents as raised, monomorphic, often smooth appearing skin-colored to hyperpigmented papules in areas of chronic rubbing.

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lichen amyloid leg type B.jpg
lichen amyloidosis_B_DIR 61547.jpg
Lichen Amyloidosis: Lichen amyloidosis presents as raised, monomorphic, often smooth appearing skin-colored to hyperpigmented papules in areas of chronic rubbing.

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lichen amyloidosis_B_DIR 61547.jpg
Lichen Amyloidosis: Lichen amyloidosis presents as raised, monomorphic, often smooth appearing skin-colored to hyperpigmented papules in areas of chronic rubbing.

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Lichen Amyloidosis: Lichen amyloidosis presents as raised, monomorphic, often smooth appearing skin-colored to hyperpigmented papules in areas of chronic rubbing.

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lichen amyloidosis Closeup_type B.jpg
Lichen Amyloidosis: Lichen amyloidosis presents as raised, monomorphic, often smooth appearing skin-colored to hyperpigmented papules in areas of chronic rubbing.

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lichen amyloidosis Closeup_type B.jpg
lichen amyloid leg type c_closeup.jpg
Lichen Amyloidosis: Lichen amyloidosis presents as raised, monomorphic, often smooth appearing skin-colored to hyperpigmented papules in areas of chronic rubbing.

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lichen amyloid leg type c_closeup.jpg
lichen amyloidosis_B_DIR 61547_closeup.jpg
Lichen Amyloidosis: Lichen amyloidosis presents as raised, monomorphic, often smooth appearing skin-colored to hyperpigmented papules in areas of chronic rubbing.

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lichen amyloidosis_B_DIR 61547_closeup.jpg
Lichen Amyloidosis: Lichen amyloidosis presents as raised, monomorphic, often smooth appearing skin-colored to hyperpigmented papules in areas of chronic rubbing.

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Lichen Amyloidosis: Lichen amyloidosis presents as raised, monomorphic, often smooth appearing skin-colored to hyperpigmented papules in areas of chronic rubbing.

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hypopigmentation leg type c_.jpg
Post-Inflammatory Hypopigmentation: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
hypopigmentation leg type c_.jpg
Post-Inflammatory Hypopigmentation: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Post-Inflammatory Hypopigmentation: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Post-Inflammatory Hypopigmentation: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
hypopigmentation type e_elbow.jpg
Post-Inflammatory Hypopigmentation: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
hypopigmentation type e_elbow.jpg
Post-Inflammatory Hypopigmentation: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
hypopigmentation type E  leg.jpg
Post-Inflammatory Hypopigmentation: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
hypopigmentation type E leg.jpg
Chrondrodermatitis _Noludaris_ Helicis type A.jpg
Chondrodermatitis: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Chrondrodermatitis _Noludaris_ Helicis type A.jpg
Chrondrodermatitis _Noludaris_ Helicis_C_Benesh.jpg
Chondrodermatitis: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Chrondrodermatitis _Noludaris_ Helicis_C_Benesh.jpg
Dissecting Cellulitis 1_D_closeup.jpg
Dissecting Cellulitis: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Dissecting Cellulitis 1_D_closeup.jpg
Dissecting Cellulitis 1_D_.jpg
Dissecting Cellulitis: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
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Dissecting Cellulitis 2 type e_Friedman.jpg
Dissecting Cellulitis: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Dissecting Cellulitis 2 type e_Friedman.jpg
Eosinophilic Cellulitis _1_JDD.jpg
Eosinophilic Cellulitis: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Eosinophilic Cellulitis _1_JDD.jpg
Eosinophilic Cellulitis _2_B_arm2.jpg
Eosinophilic Cellulitis: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Eosinophilic Cellulitis _2_B_arm2.jpg
Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms: The drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) rash includes ill-defined macules and/or papules coalescing into patches and/or plaques. Depending on the patient’s skin tone, the poorly defined exanthem can range from pink to violaceous or hyperpigmented in nature, as seen here, all of which are inflammatory even if the expected “red” is not appreciated. Increased skin warmth and pruritus can help highlight activity.

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Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms: The drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) rash includes ill-defined macules and/or papules coalescing into patches and/or plaques. Depending on the patient’s skin tone, the poorly defined exanthem can range from pink to violaceous or hyperpigmented in nature, as seen here, all of which are inflammatory even if the expected “red” is not appreciated. Increased skin warmth and pruritus can help highlight activity.

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Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms: The drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) rash includes ill-defined macules and/or papules coalescing into patches and/or plaques. Depending on the patient’s skin tone, the poorly defined exanthem can range from pink to violaceous or hyperpigmented in nature, as seen here, all of which are inflammatory even if the expected “red” is not appreciated. Increased skin warmth and pruritus can help highlight activity.

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DRESS type c 1_Friedman.jpg
Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms: The drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) rash includes ill-defined macules and/or papules coalescing into patches and/or plaques. Depending on the patient’s skin tone, the poorly defined exanthem can range from pink to violaceous or hyperpigmented in nature, as seen here, all of which are inflammatory even if the expected “red” is not appreciated. Increased skin warmth and pruritus can help highlight activity.

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DRESS type c 1_Friedman.jpg
Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms: The drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) rash includes ill-defined macules and/or papules coalescing into patches and/or plaques. Depending on the patient’s skin tone, the poorly defined exanthem can range from pink to violaceous or hyperpigmented in nature, as seen here, all of which are inflammatory even if the expected “red” is not appreciated. Increased skin warmth and pruritus can help highlight activity.

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Granuloma annulare_B_DIR61535.jpg
Granuloma Annulare: When diagnosing granuloma annulare, look for the well demarcated arcuate to annular non-scaling papules and plaques typically without epidermal change. The lesions can appear as skin-colored to pink/brown to even hyperpigmented, as seen here (not to be confused for post-inflammatory pigment alteration).

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Granuloma annulare_B_DIR61535.jpg
Granuloma Annulare: When diagnosing granuloma annulare, look for the well demarcated arcuate to annular non-scaling papules and plaques typically without epidermal change. The lesions can appear as skin-colored to pink/brown to even hyperpigmented, as seen here (not to be confused for post-inflammatory pigment alteration).

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granuloma annulare type c leg.jpg
Granuloma Annulare: When diagnosing granuloma annulare, look for the well demarcated arcuate to annular non-scaling papules and plaques typically without epidermal change. The lesions can appear as skin-colored to pink/brown to even hyperpigmented, as seen here (not to be confused for post-inflammatory pigment alteration).

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granuloma annulare type c leg.jpg
Granuloma Annulare: When diagnosing granuloma annulare, look for the well demarcated arcuate to annular non-scaling papules and plaques typically without epidermal change. The lesions can appear as skin-colored to pink/brown to even hyperpigmented, as seen here (not to be confused for post-inflammatory pigment alteration).

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Granuloma annulare_D_61274.jpg
Granuloma Annulare: When diagnosing granuloma annulare, look for the well demarcated arcuate to annular non-scaling papules and plaques typically without epidermal change. The lesions can appear as skin-colored to pink/brown to even hyperpigmented, as seen here (not to be confused for post-inflammatory pigment alteration).

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Granuloma annulare_D_61274.jpg
Granuloma annulare_A_60195.jpg
Granuloma Annulare: When diagnosing granuloma annulare, look for the well demarcated arcuate to annular non-scaling papules and plaques typically without epidermal change. The lesions can appear as skin-colored to pink/brown to even hyperpigmented, as seen here (not to be confused for post-inflammatory pigment alteration).

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Granuloma annulare_A_60195.jpg
Granuloma Annulare, Generalized_DIR56328.jpg
Granuloma Annulare: When diagnosing granuloma annulare, look for the well demarcated arcuate to annular non-scaling papules and plaques typically without epidermal change. The lesions can appear as skin-colored to pink/brown to even hyperpigmented, as seen here (not to be confused for post-inflammatory pigment alteration).

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Granuloma Annulare, Generalized_DIR56328.jpg
Granuloma Annulare: When diagnosing granuloma annulare, look for the well demarcated arcuate to annular non-scaling papules and plaques typically without epidermal change. The lesions can appear as skin-colored to pink/brown to even hyperpigmented, as seen here (not to be confused for post-inflammatory pigment alteration).

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granuloma annulare type D_1.jpg
Granuloma Annulare: When diagnosing granuloma annulare, look for the well demarcated arcuate to annular non-scaling papules and plaques typically without epidermal change. The lesions can appear as skin-colored to pink/brown to even hyperpigmented, as seen here (not to be confused for post-inflammatory pigment alteration).

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granuloma annulare type D_1.jpg
Sarcoidosis: Sarcoidosis is a great mimicker. It boasts a wide array of clinical presentations, including a papular variant, as seen here. Note the last image—this hallmark of presentation can be the development of papules within a tattoo with background erythema.

Due to various presentations across skin types, sarcoidosis may be difficult to distinguish from deep fungal infections, cutaneous tuberculosis, leprosy, or CTCL. Diascopy may be utilized to discern an “apple jelly” color which differentiates sarcoidosis from the various diseases it may mimic.

Annular sarcoidosis can be appreciated in light to medium skin tones due to the advancing serpiginous erythematous border, as seen here. Notice the last image—the presence of sarcoid is distinguished by mildly erythematous to hypopigmented papules coalescing into ill- defined plaques.

Sarcoidosis in a darker skin tone is differentiated by mildly erythematous hypopigmented papules in contrast to erythematous hyperpigmented papules seen in lighter skin tones.

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Sarcoidosis: Sarcoidosis is a great mimicker. It boasts a wide array of clinical presentations, including a papular variant, as seen here. Note the last image—this hallmark of presentation can be the development of papules within a tattoo with background erythema.

Due to various presentations across skin types, sarcoidosis may be difficult to distinguish from deep fungal infections, cutaneous tuberculosis, leprosy, or CTCL. Diascopy may be utilized to discern an “apple jelly” color which differentiates sarcoidosis from the various diseases it may mimic.

Annular sarcoidosis can be appreciated in light to medium skin tones due to the advancing serpiginous erythematous border, as seen here. Notice the last image—the presence of sarcoid is distinguished by mildly erythematous to hypopigmented papules coalescing into ill- defined plaques.

Sarcoidosis in a darker skin tone is differentiated by mildly erythematous hypopigmented papules in contrast to erythematous hyperpigmented papules seen in lighter skin tones.

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Sarcoidosis: Sarcoidosis is a great mimicker. It boasts a wide array of clinical presentations, including a papular variant, as seen here. Note the last image—this hallmark of presentation can be the development of papules within a tattoo with background erythema.

Due to various presentations across skin types, sarcoidosis may be difficult to distinguish from deep fungal infections, cutaneous tuberculosis, leprosy, or CTCL. Diascopy may be utilized to discern an “apple jelly” color which differentiates sarcoidosis from the various diseases it may mimic.

Annular sarcoidosis can be appreciated in light to medium skin tones due to the advancing serpiginous erythematous border, as seen here. Notice the last image—the presence of sarcoid is distinguished by mildly erythematous to hypopigmented papules coalescing into ill- defined plaques.

Sarcoidosis in a darker skin tone is differentiated by mildly erythematous hypopigmented papules in contrast to erythematous hyperpigmented papules seen in lighter skin tones.

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Sarcoidosis: Sarcoidosis is a great mimicker. It boasts a wide array of clinical presentations, including a papular variant, as seen here. Note the last image—this hallmark of presentation can be the development of papules within a tattoo with background erythema.

Due to various presentations across skin types, sarcoidosis may be difficult to distinguish from deep fungal infections, cutaneous tuberculosis, leprosy, or CTCL. Diascopy may be utilized to discern an “apple jelly” color which differentiates sarcoidosis from the various diseases it may mimic.

Annular sarcoidosis can be appreciated in light to medium skin tones due to the advancing serpiginous erythematous border, as seen here. Notice the last image—the presence of sarcoid is distinguished by mildly erythematous to hypopigmented papules coalescing into ill- defined plaques.

Sarcoidosis in a darker skin tone is differentiated by mildly erythematous hypopigmented papules in contrast to erythematous hyperpigmented papules seen in lighter skin tones.

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sarcoidosis type e chest_Friedman.jpg
Sarcoidosis: Sarcoidosis is a great mimicker. It boasts a wide array of clinical presentations, including a papular variant, as seen here. Note the last image—this hallmark of presentation can be the development of papules within a tattoo with background erythema.

Due to various presentations across skin types, sarcoidosis may be difficult to distinguish from deep fungal infections, cutaneous tuberculosis, leprosy, or CTCL. Diascopy may be utilized to discern an “apple jelly” color which differentiates sarcoidosis from the various diseases it may mimic.

Annular sarcoidosis can be appreciated in light to medium skin tones due to the advancing serpiginous erythematous border, as seen here. Notice the last image—the presence of sarcoid is distinguished by mildly erythematous to hypopigmented papules coalescing into ill- defined plaques.

Sarcoidosis in a darker skin tone is differentiated by mildly erythematous hypopigmented papules in contrast to erythematous hyperpigmented papules seen in lighter skin tones.

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sarcoidosis type e chest_Friedman.jpg
Sarcoidosis in a Tatoo_E_DIR56345.jpg
Sarcoidosis: Sarcoidosis is a great mimicker. It boasts a wide array of clinical presentations, including a papular variant, as seen here. Note the last image—this hallmark of presentation can be the development of papules within a tattoo with background erythema.

Due to various presentations across skin types, sarcoidosis may be difficult to distinguish from deep fungal infections, cutaneous tuberculosis, leprosy, or CTCL. Diascopy may be utilized to discern an “apple jelly” color which differentiates sarcoidosis from the various diseases it may mimic.

Annular sarcoidosis can be appreciated in light to medium skin tones due to the advancing serpiginous erythematous border, as seen here. Notice the last image—the presence of sarcoid is distinguished by mildly erythematous to hypopigmented papules coalescing into ill- defined plaques.

Sarcoidosis in a darker skin tone is differentiated by mildly erythematous hypopigmented papules in contrast to erythematous hyperpigmented papules seen in lighter skin tones.

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Sarcoidosis in a Tatoo_E_DIR56345.jpg
Sarcoidosis: Sarcoidosis is a great mimicker. It boasts a wide array of clinical presentations, including a papular variant, as seen here. Note the last image—this hallmark of presentation can be the development of papules within a tattoo with background erythema.

Due to various presentations across skin types, sarcoidosis may be difficult to distinguish from deep fungal infections, cutaneous tuberculosis, leprosy, or CTCL. Diascopy may be utilized to discern an “apple jelly” color which differentiates sarcoidosis from the various diseases it may mimic.

Annular sarcoidosis can be appreciated in light to medium skin tones due to the advancing serpiginous erythematous border, as seen here. Notice the last image—the presence of sarcoid is distinguished by mildly erythematous to hypopigmented papules coalescing into ill- defined plaques.

Sarcoidosis in a darker skin tone is differentiated by mildly erythematous hypopigmented papules in contrast to erythematous hyperpigmented papules seen in lighter skin tones.

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Sarcoidosis: Sarcoidosis is a great mimicker. It boasts a wide array of clinical presentations, including a papular variant, as seen here. Note the last image—this hallmark of presentation can be the development of papules within a tattoo with background erythema.

Due to various presentations across skin types, sarcoidosis may be difficult to distinguish from deep fungal infections, cutaneous tuberculosis, leprosy, or CTCL. Diascopy may be utilized to discern an “apple jelly” color which differentiates sarcoidosis from the various diseases it may mimic.

Annular sarcoidosis can be appreciated in light to medium skin tones due to the advancing serpiginous erythematous border, as seen here. Notice the last image—the presence of sarcoid is distinguished by mildly erythematous to hypopigmented papules coalescing into ill- defined plaques.

Sarcoidosis in a darker skin tone is differentiated by mildly erythematous hypopigmented papules in contrast to erythematous hyperpigmented papules seen in lighter skin tones.

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Sarcoidosis: Sarcoidosis is a great mimicker. It boasts a wide array of clinical presentations, including a papular variant, as seen here. Note the last image—this hallmark of presentation can be the development of papules within a tattoo with background erythema.

Due to various presentations across skin types, sarcoidosis may be difficult to distinguish from deep fungal infections, cutaneous tuberculosis, leprosy, or CTCL. Diascopy may be utilized to discern an “apple jelly” color which differentiates sarcoidosis from the various diseases it may mimic.

Annular sarcoidosis can be appreciated in light to medium skin tones due to the advancing serpiginous erythematous border, as seen here. Notice the last image—the presence of sarcoid is distinguished by mildly erythematous to hypopigmented papules coalescing into ill- defined plaques.

Sarcoidosis in a darker skin tone is differentiated by mildly erythematous hypopigmented papules in contrast to erythematous hyperpigmented papules seen in lighter skin tones.

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Sarcoidosis: Sarcoidosis is a great mimicker. It boasts a wide array of clinical presentations, including a papular variant, as seen here. Note the last image—this hallmark of presentation can be the development of papules within a tattoo with background erythema.

Due to various presentations across skin types, sarcoidosis may be difficult to distinguish from deep fungal infections, cutaneous tuberculosis, leprosy, or CTCL. Diascopy may be utilized to discern an “apple jelly” color which differentiates sarcoidosis from the various diseases it may mimic.

Annular sarcoidosis can be appreciated in light to medium skin tones due to the advancing serpiginous erythematous border, as seen here. Notice the last image—the presence of sarcoid is distinguished by mildly erythematous to hypopigmented papules coalescing into ill- defined plaques.

Sarcoidosis in a darker skin tone is differentiated by mildly erythematous hypopigmented papules in contrast to erythematous hyperpigmented papules seen in lighter skin tones.

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hypopigmented sarcoid type e.jpg
Sarcoidosis: Sarcoidosis is a great mimicker. It boasts a wide array of clinical presentations, including a papular variant, as seen here. Note the last image—this hallmark of presentation can be the development of papules within a tattoo with background erythema.

Due to various presentations across skin types, sarcoidosis may be difficult to distinguish from deep fungal infections, cutaneous tuberculosis, leprosy, or CTCL. Diascopy may be utilized to discern an “apple jelly” color which differentiates sarcoidosis from the various diseases it may mimic.

Annular sarcoidosis can be appreciated in light to medium skin tones due to the advancing serpiginous erythematous border, as seen here. Notice the last image—the presence of sarcoid is distinguished by mildly erythematous to hypopigmented papules coalescing into ill- defined plaques.

Sarcoidosis in a darker skin tone is differentiated by mildly erythematous hypopigmented papules in contrast to erythematous hyperpigmented papules seen in lighter skin tones.

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hypopigmented sarcoid type e.jpg
Sarcoidosis: Sarcoidosis is a great mimicker. It boasts a wide array of clinical presentations, including a papular variant, as seen here. Note the last image—this hallmark of presentation can be the development of papules within a tattoo with background erythema.

Due to various presentations across skin types, sarcoidosis may be difficult to distinguish from deep fungal infections, cutaneous tuberculosis, leprosy, or CTCL. Diascopy may be utilized to discern an “apple jelly” color which differentiates sarcoidosis from the various diseases it may mimic.

Annular sarcoidosis can be appreciated in light to medium skin tones due to the advancing serpiginous erythematous border, as seen here. Notice the last image—the presence of sarcoid is distinguished by mildly erythematous to hypopigmented papules coalescing into ill- defined plaques.

Sarcoidosis in a darker skin tone is differentiated by mildly erythematous hypopigmented papules in contrast to erythematous hyperpigmented papules seen in lighter skin tones.

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Sarcoidosis: Sarcoidosis is a great mimicker. It boasts a wide array of clinical presentations, including a papular variant, as seen here. Note the last image—this hallmark of presentation can be the development of papules within a tattoo with background erythema.

Due to various presentations across skin types, sarcoidosis may be difficult to distinguish from deep fungal infections, cutaneous tuberculosis, leprosy, or CTCL. Diascopy may be utilized to discern an “apple jelly” color which differentiates sarcoidosis from the various diseases it may mimic.

Annular sarcoidosis can be appreciated in light to medium skin tones due to the advancing serpiginous erythematous border, as seen here. Notice the last image—the presence of sarcoid is distinguished by mildly erythematous to hypopigmented papules coalescing into ill- defined plaques.

Sarcoidosis in a darker skin tone is differentiated by mildly erythematous hypopigmented papules in contrast to erythematous hyperpigmented papules seen in lighter skin tones.

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Sarcoidosis: Sarcoidosis is a great mimicker. It boasts a wide array of clinical presentations, including a papular variant, as seen here. Note the last image—this hallmark of presentation can be the development of papules within a tattoo with background erythema.

Due to various presentations across skin types, sarcoidosis may be difficult to distinguish from deep fungal infections, cutaneous tuberculosis, leprosy, or CTCL. Diascopy may be utilized to discern an “apple jelly” color which differentiates sarcoidosis from the various diseases it may mimic.

Annular sarcoidosis can be appreciated in light to medium skin tones due to the advancing serpiginous erythematous border, as seen here. Notice the last image—the presence of sarcoid is distinguished by mildly erythematous to hypopigmented papules coalescing into ill- defined plaques.

Sarcoidosis in a darker skin tone is differentiated by mildly erythematous hypopigmented papules in contrast to erythematous hyperpigmented papules seen in lighter skin tones.

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Sarcoidosis: Sarcoidosis is a great mimicker. It boasts a wide array of clinical presentations, including a papular variant, as seen here. Note the last image—this hallmark of presentation can be the development of papules within a tattoo with background erythema.

Due to various presentations across skin types, sarcoidosis may be difficult to distinguish from deep fungal infections, cutaneous tuberculosis, leprosy, or CTCL. Diascopy may be utilized to discern an “apple jelly” color which differentiates sarcoidosis from the various diseases it may mimic.

Annular sarcoidosis can be appreciated in light to medium skin tones due to the advancing serpiginous erythematous border, as seen here. Notice the last image—the presence of sarcoid is distinguished by mildly erythematous to hypopigmented papules coalescing into ill- defined plaques.

Sarcoidosis in a darker skin tone is differentiated by mildly erythematous hypopigmented papules in contrast to erythematous hyperpigmented papules seen in lighter skin tones.

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Sarcoidosis: Sarcoidosis is a great mimicker. It boasts a wide array of clinical presentations, including a papular variant, as seen here. Note the last image—this hallmark of presentation can be the development of papules within a tattoo with background erythema.

Due to various presentations across skin types, sarcoidosis may be difficult to distinguish from deep fungal infections, cutaneous tuberculosis, leprosy, or CTCL. Diascopy may be utilized to discern an “apple jelly” color which differentiates sarcoidosis from the various diseases it may mimic.

Annular sarcoidosis can be appreciated in light to medium skin tones due to the advancing serpiginous erythematous border, as seen here. Notice the last image—the presence of sarcoid is distinguished by mildly erythematous to hypopigmented papules coalescing into ill- defined plaques.

Sarcoidosis in a darker skin tone is differentiated by mildly erythematous hypopigmented papules in contrast to erythematous hyperpigmented papules seen in lighter skin tones.

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sarcoidosis type E face_Friedman.jpg
Sarcoidosis: Sarcoidosis is a great mimicker. It boasts a wide array of clinical presentations, including a papular variant, as seen here. Note the last image—this hallmark of presentation can be the development of papules within a tattoo with background erythema.

Due to various presentations across skin types, sarcoidosis may be difficult to distinguish from deep fungal infections, cutaneous tuberculosis, leprosy, or CTCL. Diascopy may be utilized to discern an “apple jelly” color which differentiates sarcoidosis from the various diseases it may mimic.

Annular sarcoidosis can be appreciated in light to medium skin tones due to the advancing serpiginous erythematous border, as seen here. Notice the last image—the presence of sarcoid is distinguished by mildly erythematous to hypopigmented papules coalescing into ill- defined plaques.

Sarcoidosis in a darker skin tone is differentiated by mildly erythematous hypopigmented papules in contrast to erythematous hyperpigmented papules seen in lighter skin tones.

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sarcoidosis type E face_Friedman.jpg
Sarcoidosis: Sarcoidosis is a great mimicker. It boasts a wide array of clinical presentations, including a papular variant, as seen here. Note the last image—this hallmark of presentation can be the development of papules within a tattoo with background erythema.

Due to various presentations across skin types, sarcoidosis may be difficult to distinguish from deep fungal infections, cutaneous tuberculosis, leprosy, or CTCL. Diascopy may be utilized to discern an “apple jelly” color which differentiates sarcoidosis from the various diseases it may mimic.

Annular sarcoidosis can be appreciated in light to medium skin tones due to the advancing serpiginous erythematous border, as seen here. Notice the last image—the presence of sarcoid is distinguished by mildly erythematous to hypopigmented papules coalescing into ill- defined plaques.

Sarcoidosis in a darker skin tone is differentiated by mildly erythematous hypopigmented papules in contrast to erythematous hyperpigmented papules seen in lighter skin tones.

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Sarcoidosis: Sarcoidosis is a great mimicker. It boasts a wide array of clinical presentations, including a papular variant, as seen here. Note the last image—this hallmark of presentation can be the development of papules within a tattoo with background erythema.

Due to various presentations across skin types, sarcoidosis may be difficult to distinguish from deep fungal infections, cutaneous tuberculosis, leprosy, or CTCL. Diascopy may be utilized to discern an “apple jelly” color which differentiates sarcoidosis from the various diseases it may mimic.

Annular sarcoidosis can be appreciated in light to medium skin tones due to the advancing serpiginous erythematous border, as seen here. Notice the last image—the presence of sarcoid is distinguished by mildly erythematous to hypopigmented papules coalescing into ill- defined plaques.

Sarcoidosis in a darker skin tone is differentiated by mildly erythematous hypopigmented papules in contrast to erythematous hyperpigmented papules seen in lighter skin tones.

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sarcoidosis type B scalp.jpg
Sarcoidosis: Sarcoidosis is a great mimicker. It boasts a wide array of clinical presentations, including a papular variant, as seen here. Note the last image—this hallmark of presentation can be the development of papules within a tattoo with background erythema.

Due to various presentations across skin types, sarcoidosis may be difficult to distinguish from deep fungal infections, cutaneous tuberculosis, leprosy, or CTCL. Diascopy may be utilized to discern an “apple jelly” color which differentiates sarcoidosis from the various diseases it may mimic.

Annular sarcoidosis can be appreciated in light to medium skin tones due to the advancing serpiginous erythematous border, as seen here. Notice the last image—the presence of sarcoid is distinguished by mildly erythematous to hypopigmented papules coalescing into ill- defined plaques.

Sarcoidosis in a darker skin tone is differentiated by mildly erythematous hypopigmented papules in contrast to erythematous hyperpigmented papules seen in lighter skin tones.

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sarcoidosis type B scalp.jpg
sarcoid type E scalp_Friedman.jpg
Sarcoidosis: Sarcoidosis is a great mimicker. It boasts a wide array of clinical presentations, including a papular variant, as seen here. Note the last image—this hallmark of presentation can be the development of papules within a tattoo with background erythema.

Due to various presentations across skin types, sarcoidosis may be difficult to distinguish from deep fungal infections, cutaneous tuberculosis, leprosy, or CTCL. Diascopy may be utilized to discern an “apple jelly” color which differentiates sarcoidosis from the various diseases it may mimic.

Annular sarcoidosis can be appreciated in light to medium skin tones due to the advancing serpiginous erythematous border, as seen here. Notice the last image—the presence of sarcoid is distinguished by mildly erythematous to hypopigmented papules coalescing into ill- defined plaques.

Sarcoidosis in a darker skin tone is differentiated by mildly erythematous hypopigmented papules in contrast to erythematous hyperpigmented papules seen in lighter skin tones.

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sarcoid type E scalp_Friedman.jpg
dermatomyositits hand type a_22.jpg
Dermatomyositis: The hands can offer a clue in making the diagnosis for dermatomyositis: joint-focused erythematous to violaceous to even hyperpigmented flat-topped papules and plaques; perionychial erythema, edema, and dilated capillary loops at the nail fold along with ragged cuticles; digital ulcerations and calcinosis cutis; and finally a nondescript keratoderma.

Erythematous patches can be present on the face, chest, and hands which can appear red to a more violaceous color. Notice the classic feature of the heliotrope rash around the eyes that has a deeper red and edematous appearance in darker skin tones.

Notice how the “dusky reddish” rash presents in the spectrum of skin tones.

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dermatomyositits hand type a_22.jpg
Dermatomyositis: The hands can offer a clue in making the diagnosis for dermatomyositis: joint-focused erythematous to violaceous to even hyperpigmented flat-topped papules and plaques; perionychial erythema, edema, and dilated capillary loops at the nail fold along with ragged cuticles; digital ulcerations and calcinosis cutis; and finally a nondescript keratoderma.

Erythematous patches can be present on the face, chest, and hands which can appear red to a more violaceous color. Notice the classic feature of the heliotrope rash around the eyes that has a deeper red and edematous appearance in darker skin tones.

Notice how the “dusky reddish” rash presents in the spectrum of skin tones.

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Dermatomyositis: The hands can offer a clue in making the diagnosis for dermatomyositis: joint-focused erythematous to violaceous to even hyperpigmented flat-topped papules and plaques; perionychial erythema, edema, and dilated capillary loops at the nail fold along with ragged cuticles; digital ulcerations and calcinosis cutis; and finally a nondescript keratoderma.

Erythematous patches can be present on the face, chest, and hands which can appear red to a more violaceous color. Notice the classic feature of the heliotrope rash around the eyes that has a deeper red and edematous appearance in darker skin tones.

Notice how the “dusky reddish” rash presents in the spectrum of skin tones.

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Dermatomyositis: The hands can offer a clue in making the diagnosis for dermatomyositis: joint-focused erythematous to violaceous to even hyperpigmented flat-topped papules and plaques; perionychial erythema, edema, and dilated capillary loops at the nail fold along with ragged cuticles; digital ulcerations and calcinosis cutis; and finally a nondescript keratoderma.

Erythematous patches can be present on the face, chest, and hands which can appear red to a more violaceous color. Notice the classic feature of the heliotrope rash around the eyes that has a deeper red and edematous appearance in darker skin tones.

Notice how the “dusky reddish” rash presents in the spectrum of skin tones.

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dermatomyositis type a fingernail_11.jpg
Dermatomyositis: The hands can offer a clue in making the diagnosis for dermatomyositis: joint-focused erythematous to violaceous to even hyperpigmented flat-topped papules and plaques; perionychial erythema, edema, and dilated capillary loops at the nail fold along with ragged cuticles; digital ulcerations and calcinosis cutis; and finally a nondescript keratoderma.

Erythematous patches can be present on the face, chest, and hands which can appear red to a more violaceous color. Notice the classic feature of the heliotrope rash around the eyes that has a deeper red and edematous appearance in darker skin tones.

Notice how the “dusky reddish” rash presents in the spectrum of skin tones.

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dermatomyositis type a fingernail_11.jpg
Dermatomyositis: The hands can offer a clue in making the diagnosis for dermatomyositis: joint-focused erythematous to violaceous to even hyperpigmented flat-topped papules and plaques; perionychial erythema, edema, and dilated capillary loops at the nail fold along with ragged cuticles; digital ulcerations and calcinosis cutis; and finally a nondescript keratoderma.

Erythematous patches can be present on the face, chest, and hands which can appear red to a more violaceous color. Notice the classic feature of the heliotrope rash around the eyes that has a deeper red and edematous appearance in darker skin tones.

Notice how the “dusky reddish” rash presents in the spectrum of skin tones.

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Dermatomyositis: The hands can offer a clue in making the diagnosis for dermatomyositis: joint-focused erythematous to violaceous to even hyperpigmented flat-topped papules and plaques; perionychial erythema, edema, and dilated capillary loops at the nail fold along with ragged cuticles; digital ulcerations and calcinosis cutis; and finally a nondescript keratoderma.

Erythematous patches can be present on the face, chest, and hands which can appear red to a more violaceous color. Notice the classic feature of the heliotrope rash around the eyes that has a deeper red and edematous appearance in darker skin tones.

Notice how the “dusky reddish” rash presents in the spectrum of skin tones.

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dermatomyositis type A face_Friedman.jpg
Dermatomyositis: The hands can offer a clue in making the diagnosis for dermatomyositis: joint-focused erythematous to violaceous to even hyperpigmented flat-topped papules and plaques; perionychial erythema, edema, and dilated capillary loops at the nail fold along with ragged cuticles; digital ulcerations and calcinosis cutis; and finally a nondescript keratoderma.

Erythematous patches can be present on the face, chest, and hands which can appear red to a more violaceous color. Notice the classic feature of the heliotrope rash around the eyes that has a deeper red and edematous appearance in darker skin tones.

Notice how the “dusky reddish” rash presents in the spectrum of skin tones.

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dermatomyositis type A face_Friedman.jpg
Dermatomyositis: The hands can offer a clue in making the diagnosis for dermatomyositis: joint-focused erythematous to violaceous to even hyperpigmented flat-topped papules and plaques; perionychial erythema, edema, and dilated capillary loops at the nail fold along with ragged cuticles; digital ulcerations and calcinosis cutis; and finally a nondescript keratoderma.

Erythematous patches can be present on the face, chest, and hands which can appear red to a more violaceous color. Notice the classic feature of the heliotrope rash around the eyes that has a deeper red and edematous appearance in darker skin tones.

Notice how the “dusky reddish” rash presents in the spectrum of skin tones.

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Dermatomyositis: The hands can offer a clue in making the diagnosis for dermatomyositis: joint-focused erythematous to violaceous to even hyperpigmented flat-topped papules and plaques; perionychial erythema, edema, and dilated capillary loops at the nail fold along with ragged cuticles; digital ulcerations and calcinosis cutis; and finally a nondescript keratoderma.

Erythematous patches can be present on the face, chest, and hands which can appear red to a more violaceous color. Notice the classic feature of the heliotrope rash around the eyes that has a deeper red and edematous appearance in darker skin tones.

Notice how the “dusky reddish” rash presents in the spectrum of skin tones.

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Dermatomyositis: The hands can offer a clue in making the diagnosis for dermatomyositis: joint-focused erythematous to violaceous to even hyperpigmented flat-topped papules and plaques; perionychial erythema, edema, and dilated capillary loops at the nail fold along with ragged cuticles; digital ulcerations and calcinosis cutis; and finally a nondescript keratoderma.

Erythematous patches can be present on the face, chest, and hands which can appear red to a more violaceous color. Notice the classic feature of the heliotrope rash around the eyes that has a deeper red and edematous appearance in darker skin tones.

Notice how the “dusky reddish” rash presents in the spectrum of skin tones.

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Dermatomyositis: The hands can offer a clue in making the diagnosis for dermatomyositis: joint-focused erythematous to violaceous to even hyperpigmented flat-topped papules and plaques; perionychial erythema, edema, and dilated capillary loops at the nail fold along with ragged cuticles; digital ulcerations and calcinosis cutis; and finally a nondescript keratoderma.

Erythematous patches can be present on the face, chest, and hands which can appear red to a more violaceous color. Notice the classic feature of the heliotrope rash around the eyes that has a deeper red and edematous appearance in darker skin tones.

Notice how the “dusky reddish” rash presents in the spectrum of skin tones.

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Dermatomyositis: The hands can offer a clue in making the diagnosis for dermatomyositis: joint-focused erythematous to violaceous to even hyperpigmented flat-topped papules and plaques; perionychial erythema, edema, and dilated capillary loops at the nail fold along with ragged cuticles; digital ulcerations and calcinosis cutis; and finally a nondescript keratoderma.

Erythematous patches can be present on the face, chest, and hands which can appear red to a more violaceous color. Notice the classic feature of the heliotrope rash around the eyes that has a deeper red and edematous appearance in darker skin tones.

Notice how the “dusky reddish” rash presents in the spectrum of skin tones.

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Dermatomyositis: The hands can offer a clue in making the diagnosis for dermatomyositis: joint-focused erythematous to violaceous to even hyperpigmented flat-topped papules and plaques; perionychial erythema, edema, and dilated capillary loops at the nail fold along with ragged cuticles; digital ulcerations and calcinosis cutis; and finally a nondescript keratoderma.

Erythematous patches can be present on the face, chest, and hands which can appear red to a more violaceous color. Notice the classic feature of the heliotrope rash around the eyes that has a deeper red and edematous appearance in darker skin tones.

Notice how the “dusky reddish” rash presents in the spectrum of skin tones.

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Dermatomyositis: The hands can offer a clue in making the diagnosis for dermatomyositis: joint-focused erythematous to violaceous to even hyperpigmented flat-topped papules and plaques; perionychial erythema, edema, and dilated capillary loops at the nail fold along with ragged cuticles; digital ulcerations and calcinosis cutis; and finally a nondescript keratoderma.

Erythematous patches can be present on the face, chest, and hands which can appear red to a more violaceous color. Notice the classic feature of the heliotrope rash around the eyes that has a deeper red and edematous appearance in darker skin tones.

Notice how the “dusky reddish” rash presents in the spectrum of skin tones.

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Dermatomyositis: The hands can offer a clue in making the diagnosis for dermatomyositis: joint-focused erythematous to violaceous to even hyperpigmented flat-topped papules and plaques; perionychial erythema, edema, and dilated capillary loops at the nail fold along with ragged cuticles; digital ulcerations and calcinosis cutis; and finally a nondescript keratoderma.

Erythematous patches can be present on the face, chest, and hands which can appear red to a more violaceous color. Notice the classic feature of the heliotrope rash around the eyes that has a deeper red and edematous appearance in darker skin tones.

Notice how the “dusky reddish” rash presents in the spectrum of skin tones.

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Dermatomyositis: The hands can offer a clue in making the diagnosis for dermatomyositis: joint-focused erythematous to violaceous to even hyperpigmented flat-topped papules and plaques; perionychial erythema, edema, and dilated capillary loops at the nail fold along with ragged cuticles; digital ulcerations and calcinosis cutis; and finally a nondescript keratoderma.

Erythematous patches can be present on the face, chest, and hands which can appear red to a more violaceous color. Notice the classic feature of the heliotrope rash around the eyes that has a deeper red and edematous appearance in darker skin tones.

Notice how the “dusky reddish” rash presents in the spectrum of skin tones.

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Dermatomyositis_D_ 56309.jpg
Dermatomyositis: The hands can offer a clue in making the diagnosis for dermatomyositis: joint-focused erythematous to violaceous to even hyperpigmented flat-topped papules and plaques; perionychial erythema, edema, and dilated capillary loops at the nail fold along with ragged cuticles; digital ulcerations and calcinosis cutis; and finally a nondescript keratoderma.

Erythematous patches can be present on the face, chest, and hands which can appear red to a more violaceous color. Notice the classic feature of the heliotrope rash around the eyes that has a deeper red and edematous appearance in darker skin tones.

Notice how the “dusky reddish” rash presents in the spectrum of skin tones.

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Dermatomyositis_D_ 56309.jpg
morphea type B leg.jpg
Morphea: This collection of images displays the various stages of plaque-type morphea across different skin tones, with progression from the erythematous/edematous phase to hyperpigmented scarred plaques. Notice that in darker skin tones the latter stage is hallmarked by ill-defined central hypopigmentation with peripheral hyperpigmentation. Persistent activity can be discerned by presence of a violaceous peripheral rim to lesions, which is absent in these last two images.

In this collection of photos, active morphea is appreciated in all skin tones. Notice the bottom left image—it is notable for the slate gray hyperpigmentation centrally with peripheral rim of erythema in a lighter skinned patient. Now notice the bottom right image—it displays subtle atrophy, hallmarked by presence of telangiectasia and mild erythema throughout the lesion extending to 5th digit in a darker toned patient.

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morphea type B leg.jpg
Morphea: This collection of images displays the various stages of plaque-type morphea across different skin tones, with progression from the erythematous/edematous phase to hyperpigmented scarred plaques. Notice that in darker skin tones the latter stage is hallmarked by ill-defined central hypopigmentation with peripheral hyperpigmentation. Persistent activity can be discerned by presence of a violaceous peripheral rim to lesions, which is absent in these last two images.

In this collection of photos, active morphea is appreciated in all skin tones. Notice the bottom left image—it is notable for the slate gray hyperpigmentation centrally with peripheral rim of erythema in a lighter skinned patient. Now notice the bottom right image—it displays subtle atrophy, hallmarked by presence of telangiectasia and mild erythema throughout the lesion extending to 5th digit in a darker toned patient.

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morphea type D abdomen.jpg
Morphea: This collection of images displays the various stages of plaque-type morphea across different skin tones, with progression from the erythematous/edematous phase to hyperpigmented scarred plaques. Notice that in darker skin tones the latter stage is hallmarked by ill-defined central hypopigmentation with peripheral hyperpigmentation. Persistent activity can be discerned by presence of a violaceous peripheral rim to lesions, which is absent in these last two images.

In this collection of photos, active morphea is appreciated in all skin tones. Notice the bottom left image—it is notable for the slate gray hyperpigmentation centrally with peripheral rim of erythema in a lighter skinned patient. Now notice the bottom right image—it displays subtle atrophy, hallmarked by presence of telangiectasia and mild erythema throughout the lesion extending to 5th digit in a darker toned patient.

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morphea type D abdomen.jpg
Morphea type D .jpg
Morphea: This collection of images displays the various stages of plaque-type morphea across different skin tones, with progression from the erythematous/edematous phase to hyperpigmented scarred plaques. Notice that in darker skin tones the latter stage is hallmarked by ill-defined central hypopigmentation with peripheral hyperpigmentation. Persistent activity can be discerned by presence of a violaceous peripheral rim to lesions, which is absent in these last two images.

In this collection of photos, active morphea is appreciated in all skin tones. Notice the bottom left image—it is notable for the slate gray hyperpigmentation centrally with peripheral rim of erythema in a lighter skinned patient. Now notice the bottom right image—it displays subtle atrophy, hallmarked by presence of telangiectasia and mild erythema throughout the lesion extending to 5th digit in a darker toned patient.

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Morphea type D .jpg
Morphea: This collection of images displays the various stages of plaque-type morphea across different skin tones, with progression from the erythematous/edematous phase to hyperpigmented scarred plaques. Notice that in darker skin tones the latter stage is hallmarked by ill-defined central hypopigmentation with peripheral hyperpigmentation. Persistent activity can be discerned by presence of a violaceous peripheral rim to lesions, which is absent in these last two images.

In this collection of photos, active morphea is appreciated in all skin tones. Notice the bottom left image—it is notable for the slate gray hyperpigmentation centrally with peripheral rim of erythema in a lighter skinned patient. Now notice the bottom right image—it displays subtle atrophy, hallmarked by presence of telangiectasia and mild erythema throughout the lesion extending to 5th digit in a darker toned patient.

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Morphea: This collection of images displays the various stages of plaque-type morphea across different skin tones, with progression from the erythematous/edematous phase to hyperpigmented scarred plaques. Notice that in darker skin tones the latter stage is hallmarked by ill-defined central hypopigmentation with peripheral hyperpigmentation. Persistent activity can be discerned by presence of a violaceous peripheral rim to lesions, which is absent in these last two images.

In this collection of photos, active morphea is appreciated in all skin tones. Notice the bottom left image—it is notable for the slate gray hyperpigmentation centrally with peripheral rim of erythema in a lighter skinned patient. Now notice the bottom right image—it displays subtle atrophy, hallmarked by presence of telangiectasia and mild erythema throughout the lesion extending to 5th digit in a darker toned patient.

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Morphea: This collection of images displays the various stages of plaque-type morphea across different skin tones, with progression from the erythematous/edematous phase to hyperpigmented scarred plaques. Notice that in darker skin tones the latter stage is hallmarked by ill-defined central hypopigmentation with peripheral hyperpigmentation. Persistent activity can be discerned by presence of a violaceous peripheral rim to lesions, which is absent in these last two images.

In this collection of photos, active morphea is appreciated in all skin tones. Notice the bottom left image—it is notable for the slate gray hyperpigmentation centrally with peripheral rim of erythema in a lighter skinned patient. Now notice the bottom right image—it displays subtle atrophy, hallmarked by presence of telangiectasia and mild erythema throughout the lesion extending to 5th digit in a darker toned patient.

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morphea type B arm23_.jpg
Morphea: This collection of images displays the various stages of plaque-type morphea across different skin tones, with progression from the erythematous/edematous phase to hyperpigmented scarred plaques. Notice that in darker skin tones the latter stage is hallmarked by ill-defined central hypopigmentation with peripheral hyperpigmentation. Persistent activity can be discerned by presence of a violaceous peripheral rim to lesions, which is absent in these last two images.

In this collection of photos, active morphea is appreciated in all skin tones. Notice the bottom left image—it is notable for the slate gray hyperpigmentation centrally with peripheral rim of erythema in a lighter skinned patient. Now notice the bottom right image—it displays subtle atrophy, hallmarked by presence of telangiectasia and mild erythema throughout the lesion extending to 5th digit in a darker toned patient.

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morphea type B arm23_.jpg
Morphea: This collection of images displays the various stages of plaque-type morphea across different skin tones, with progression from the erythematous/edematous phase to hyperpigmented scarred plaques. Notice that in darker skin tones the latter stage is hallmarked by ill-defined central hypopigmentation with peripheral hyperpigmentation. Persistent activity can be discerned by presence of a violaceous peripheral rim to lesions, which is absent in these last two images.

In this collection of photos, active morphea is appreciated in all skin tones. Notice the bottom left image—it is notable for the slate gray hyperpigmentation centrally with peripheral rim of erythema in a lighter skinned patient. Now notice the bottom right image—it displays subtle atrophy, hallmarked by presence of telangiectasia and mild erythema throughout the lesion extending to 5th digit in a darker toned patient.

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Extragenital_LichenSclerosisAtrophicus type A breast.jpg
Extragenital Lichen Sclerosus: Extragenital lichen sclerosus is classically characterized by flat-topped white polygonal papules coalescing into potentially sclerotic plaques. Early in the disease a pink, red, or violaceous border, depending on the color depth of the skin tone, can be noted. Inactive lichen sclerosus shows white wrinkled papules and plaques with a rim of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation that can range from dark red to brown. Often depigmentation can be observed in darker skin tones.

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Extragenital_LichenSclerosisAtrophicus type A breast.jpg
56340 _A_Lichen sclerosus.jpg
Extragenital Lichen Sclerosus: Extragenital lichen sclerosus is classically characterized by flat-topped white polygonal papules coalescing into potentially sclerotic plaques. Early in the disease a pink, red, or violaceous border, depending on the color depth of the skin tone, can be noted. Inactive lichen sclerosus shows white wrinkled papules and plaques with a rim of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation that can range from dark red to brown. Often depigmentation can be observed in darker skin tones.

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56340 _A_Lichen sclerosus.jpg
Extragenital Lichen Sclerosus: Extragenital lichen sclerosus is classically characterized by flat-topped white polygonal papules coalescing into potentially sclerotic plaques. Early in the disease a pink, red, or violaceous border, depending on the color depth of the skin tone, can be noted. Inactive lichen sclerosus shows white wrinkled papules and plaques with a rim of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation that can range from dark red to brown. Often depigmentation can be observed in darker skin tones.

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Lichen Sclerosus: Lichen sclerosus is generally referred to as small ivory-colored slightly raised areas which can then form white patches. However, as we see here there are varying shades of lichen sclerosus. Take notice of the skin’s texture—over time the patches can start to take on the appearance of wrinkled tissue paper.

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Lichen sclerosis_C_DIR60201.jpg
Lichen Sclerosus: Lichen sclerosus is generally referred to as small ivory-colored slightly raised areas which can then form white patches. However, as we see here there are varying shades of lichen sclerosus. Take notice of the skin’s texture—over time the patches can start to take on the appearance of wrinkled tissue paper.

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Lichen sclerosis_C_DIR60201.jpg
Lichen Sclerosus: Lichen sclerosus is generally referred to as small ivory-colored slightly raised areas which can then form white patches. However, as we see here there are varying shades of lichen sclerosus. Take notice of the skin’s texture—over time the patches can start to take on the appearance of wrinkled tissue paper.

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Lichen sclerosus_A_56340.jpg
Lichen Sclerosus: Lichen sclerosus is generally referred to as small ivory-colored slightly raised areas which can then form white patches. However, as we see here there are varying shades of lichen sclerosus. Take notice of the skin’s texture—over time the patches can start to take on the appearance of wrinkled tissue paper.

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Lichen sclerosus_A_56340.jpg
Lichen Sclerosus: Lichen sclerosus is generally referred to as small ivory-colored slightly raised areas which can then form white patches. However, as we see here there are varying shades of lichen sclerosus. Take notice of the skin’s texture—over time the patches can start to take on the appearance of wrinkled tissue paper.

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vitiligo_c_carrington4 .jpg
Vitiligo: Notice how the well-defined patches with irregular borders of depigmented skin appear pinkish early in the condition but become chalk white as the condition progresses. Perifollicular repigmentation, which should not be confused for the salt and pepper appearance of scleroderma, can be a marker of treatment success.

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vitiligo_c_carrington4 .jpg
Vitiligo: Notice how the well-defined patches with irregular borders of depigmented skin appear pinkish early in the condition but become chalk white as the condition progresses. Perifollicular repigmentation, which should not be confused for the salt and pepper appearance of scleroderma, can be a marker of treatment success.

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Vitiligo: Notice how the well-defined patches with irregular borders of depigmented skin appear pinkish early in the condition but become chalk white as the condition progresses. Perifollicular repigmentation, which should not be confused for the salt and pepper appearance of scleroderma, can be a marker of treatment success.

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Vitiligo: Notice how the well-defined patches with irregular borders of depigmented skin appear pinkish early in the condition but become chalk white as the condition progresses. Perifollicular repigmentation, which should not be confused for the salt and pepper appearance of scleroderma, can be a marker of treatment success.

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Vitiligo: Notice how the well-defined patches with irregular borders of depigmented skin appear pinkish early in the condition but become chalk white as the condition progresses. Perifollicular repigmentation, which should not be confused for the salt and pepper appearance of scleroderma, can be a marker of treatment success.

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Vitiligo: Notice how the well-defined patches with irregular borders of depigmented skin appear pinkish early in the condition but become chalk white as the condition progresses. Perifollicular repigmentation, which should not be confused for the salt and pepper appearance of scleroderma, can be a marker of treatment success.

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Vitiligo: Notice how the well-defined patches with irregular borders of depigmented skin appear pinkish early in the condition but become chalk white as the condition progresses. Perifollicular repigmentation, which should not be confused for the salt and pepper appearance of scleroderma, can be a marker of treatment success.

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Vitiligo: Notice how the well-defined patches with irregular borders of depigmented skin appear pinkish early in the condition but become chalk white as the condition progresses. Perifollicular repigmentation, which should not be confused for the salt and pepper appearance of scleroderma, can be a marker of treatment success.

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Vitiligo_D_Elbow_DIR 61398.jpg
Vitiligo: Notice how the well-defined patches with irregular borders of depigmented skin appear pinkish early in the condition but become chalk white as the condition progresses. Perifollicular repigmentation, which should not be confused for the salt and pepper appearance of scleroderma, can be a marker of treatment success.

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Vitiligo_D_Elbow_DIR 61398.jpg
Vitiligo: Notice how the well-defined patches with irregular borders of depigmented skin appear pinkish early in the condition but become chalk white as the condition progresses. Perifollicular repigmentation, which should not be confused for the salt and pepper appearance of scleroderma, can be a marker of treatment success.

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Vitiligo: Notice how the well-defined patches with irregular borders of depigmented skin appear pinkish early in the condition but become chalk white as the condition progresses. Perifollicular repigmentation, which should not be confused for the salt and pepper appearance of scleroderma, can be a marker of treatment success.

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Vitiligo: Notice how the well-defined patches with irregular borders of depigmented skin appear pinkish early in the condition but become chalk white as the condition progresses. Perifollicular repigmentation, which should not be confused for the salt and pepper appearance of scleroderma, can be a marker of treatment success.

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Vitilago-folicular repigmentation_DIR60226_.jpg
Vitiligo: Notice how the well-defined patches with irregular borders of depigmented skin appear pinkish early in the condition but become chalk white as the condition progresses. Perifollicular repigmentation, which should not be confused for the salt and pepper appearance of scleroderma, can be a marker of treatment success.

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Vitilago-folicular repigmentation_DIR60226_.jpg
Vitiligo: Notice how the well-defined patches with irregular borders of depigmented skin appear pinkish early in the condition but become chalk white as the condition progresses. Perifollicular repigmentation, which should not be confused for the salt and pepper appearance of scleroderma, can be a marker of treatment success.

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Vitiligo: Notice how the well-defined patches with irregular borders of depigmented skin appear pinkish early in the condition but become chalk white as the condition progresses. Perifollicular repigmentation, which should not be confused for the salt and pepper appearance of scleroderma, can be a marker of treatment success.

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Vitiligo: Notice how the well-defined patches with irregular borders of depigmented skin appear pinkish early in the condition but become chalk white as the condition progresses. Perifollicular repigmentation, which should not be confused for the salt and pepper appearance of scleroderma, can be a marker of treatment success.

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Vitiligo: Notice how the well-defined patches with irregular borders of depigmented skin appear pinkish early in the condition but become chalk white as the condition progresses. Perifollicular repigmentation, which should not be confused for the salt and pepper appearance of scleroderma, can be a marker of treatment success.

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Acute Generalized Exanthematous pustulosis_ DIR56290.jpg
Acute Generalized Exanthematous Pustulosis: Note here the erythematous plaques studded with monomorphic, coalescing pustules. In lighter skin tones the plaques appear red and the color starts to deepen and become more violaceous in appearance as the skin tones darken.

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Acute Generalized Exanthematous pustulosis_ DIR56290.jpg
Acute Generalized Exanthematous pustulosis B_Frieda n.jpg
Acute Generalized Exanthematous Pustulosis: Note here the erythematous plaques studded with monomorphic, coalescing pustules. In lighter skin tones the plaques appear red and the color starts to deepen and become more violaceous in appearance as the skin tones darken.

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Acute Generalized Exanthematous pustulosis B_Frieda n.jpg
Acute Generalized Exanthematous pustulosis d.jpg
Acute Generalized Exanthematous Pustulosis: Note here the erythematous plaques studded with monomorphic, coalescing pustules. In lighter skin tones the plaques appear red and the color starts to deepen and become more violaceous in appearance as the skin tones darken.

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Acute Generalized Exanthematous pustulosis d.jpg
Acute Generalized Exanthematous pustulosis_ DIR60863.jpg
Acute Generalized Exanthematous Pustulosis: Note here the erythematous plaques studded with monomorphic, coalescing pustules. In lighter skin tones the plaques appear red and the color starts to deepen and become more violaceous in appearance as the skin tones darken.

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Acute Generalized Exanthematous pustulosis_ DIR60863.jpg
Pyoderma Gangrenosum: The violaceous rim in pyoderma gangrenosum is sometimes confused as purpura, which suggests a possible vasculitic process in patients with dark skin tones. This contributes to the classic misdiagnosis of the disease. Note that once the ulcerations are healed, patients might develop hyper- or hypopigmented scarring.

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pyoderma gangrenosum_B_PG_4.jpg
Pyoderma Gangrenosum: The violaceous rim in pyoderma gangrenosum is sometimes confused as purpura, which suggests a possible vasculitic process in patients with dark skin tones. This contributes to the classic misdiagnosis of the disease. Note that once the ulcerations are healed, patients might develop hyper- or hypopigmented scarring.

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pyoderma gangrenosum_B_PG_4.jpg
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Pyoderma Gangrenosum: The violaceous rim in pyoderma gangrenosum is sometimes confused as purpura, which suggests a possible vasculitic process in patients with dark skin tones. This contributes to the classic misdiagnosis of the disease. Note that once the ulcerations are healed, patients might develop hyper- or hypopigmented scarring.

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Pyoderma gangrenosum_c_Ortega.jpg
Pyoderma Gangrenosum: The violaceous rim in pyoderma gangrenosum is sometimes confused as purpura, which suggests a possible vasculitic process in patients with dark skin tones. This contributes to the classic misdiagnosis of the disease. Note that once the ulcerations are healed, patients might develop hyper- or hypopigmented scarring.

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Pyoderma gangrenosum_c_Ortega.jpg
Pyoderma Gangrenosum: The violaceous rim in pyoderma gangrenosum is sometimes confused as purpura, which suggests a possible vasculitic process in patients with dark skin tones. This contributes to the classic misdiagnosis of the disease. Note that once the ulcerations are healed, patients might develop hyper- or hypopigmented scarring.

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Acute Febrile Neutrophilic Dermatosis_ DIR56195.jpg
Acute Febrile Neutrophilic Dermatosis: Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis is classically characterized by edematous red tender papules and nodules on the skin in combination with fever and other systemic symptoms. Notice how the appearance of erythema can actually appear violaceous to bluish as the skin tones get darker.

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Acute Febrile Neutrophilic Dermatosis_ DIR56195.jpg
Acute Febrile Neutrophilic Dermatosis_ DIR60142.jpg
Acute Febrile Neutrophilic Dermatosis: Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis is classically characterized by edematous red tender papules and nodules on the skin in combination with fever and other systemic symptoms. Notice how the appearance of erythema can actually appear violaceous to bluish as the skin tones get darker.

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Acute Febrile Neutrophilic Dermatosis_ DIR60142.jpg
Acute Febrile Neutrophilic Dermatosis_DIR 61473.jpg
Acute Febrile Neutrophilic Dermatosis: Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis is classically characterized by edematous red tender papules and nodules on the skin in combination with fever and other systemic symptoms. Notice how the appearance of erythema can actually appear violaceous to bluish as the skin tones get darker.

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Acute Febrile Neutrophilic Dermatosis_DIR 61473.jpg
Nevus depigmentosus_nevus achromicus_DIR60417.jpg
Nevi: Depigmentosus: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Nevus depigmentosus_nevus achromicus_DIR60417.jpg
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Subcorneal Pustulosis: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Subcorneal pustulosis type d.jpg
Calciphylaxis: Calciphylaxis, often associated with end-stage renal disease, manifests as intractable and painful ulcerating, eschartic dermal plaques, and afflicts patients with a high burden of co-morbidity. Involved areas are often subject and susceptible to severe infection. Note the appearance of violaceous retiform patches on all skin tones, with a predilection for more brown/black coloring on darker skin tones.

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Calciphylaxis_DIR 60861.jpg
Calciphylaxis: Calciphylaxis, often associated with end-stage renal disease, manifests as intractable and painful ulcerating, eschartic dermal plaques, and afflicts patients with a high burden of co-morbidity. Involved areas are often subject and susceptible to severe infection. Note the appearance of violaceous retiform patches on all skin tones, with a predilection for more brown/black coloring on darker skin tones.

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Calciphylaxis_DIR 60861.jpg
Calciphylaxis: Calciphylaxis, often associated with end-stage renal disease, manifests as intractable and painful ulcerating, eschartic dermal plaques, and afflicts patients with a high burden of co-morbidity. Involved areas are often subject and susceptible to severe infection. Note the appearance of violaceous retiform patches on all skin tones, with a predilection for more brown/black coloring on darker skin tones.

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Calciphylaxis: Calciphylaxis, often associated with end-stage renal disease, manifests as intractable and painful ulcerating, eschartic dermal plaques, and afflicts patients with a high burden of co-morbidity. Involved areas are often subject and susceptible to severe infection. Note the appearance of violaceous retiform patches on all skin tones, with a predilection for more brown/black coloring on darker skin tones.

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Seborrheic Keratosis + Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra: In patients with darker skin tones, seborrheic keratoses tend to present as stuck-on dark brown and/or black verrucous-like papules, as seen here. Notice how this collection of images presents on the face. These are called dermatosis papulosa nigra, which is most common in patients with darker skin tones.

These skin overgrowths are the most common benign skin lesions across patients of all skin tones.

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Seborrheic Keratosis + Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra: In patients with darker skin tones, seborrheic keratoses tend to present as stuck-on dark brown and/or black verrucous-like papules, as seen here. Notice how this collection of images presents on the face. These are called dermatosis papulosa nigra, which is most common in patients with darker skin tones.

These skin overgrowths are the most common benign skin lesions across patients of all skin tones.

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Seborrheic Keratosis + Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra: In patients with darker skin tones, seborrheic keratoses tend to present as stuck-on dark brown and/or black verrucous-like papules, as seen here. Notice how this collection of images presents on the face. These are called dermatosis papulosa nigra, which is most common in patients with darker skin tones.

These skin overgrowths are the most common benign skin lesions across patients of all skin tones.

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Seborrheic Keratosis + Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra: In patients with darker skin tones, seborrheic keratoses tend to present as stuck-on dark brown and/or black verrucous-like papules, as seen here. Notice how this collection of images presents on the face. These are called dermatosis papulosa nigra, which is most common in patients with darker skin tones.

These skin overgrowths are the most common benign skin lesions across patients of all skin tones.

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Seborrheic Keratosis + Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra: In patients with darker skin tones, seborrheic keratoses tend to present as stuck-on dark brown and/or black verrucous-like papules, as seen here. Notice how this collection of images presents on the face. These are called dermatosis papulosa nigra, which is most common in patients with darker skin tones.

These skin overgrowths are the most common benign skin lesions across patients of all skin tones.

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Seborrheic Keratosis + Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra: In patients with darker skin tones, seborrheic keratoses tend to present as stuck-on dark brown and/or black verrucous-like papules, as seen here. Notice how this collection of images presents on the face. These are called dermatosis papulosa nigra, which is most common in patients with darker skin tones.

These skin overgrowths are the most common benign skin lesions across patients of all skin tones.

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Seborrheic Keratosis + Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra: In patients with darker skin tones, seborrheic keratoses tend to present as stuck-on dark brown and/or black verrucous-like papules, as seen here. Notice how this collection of images presents on the face. These are called dermatosis papulosa nigra, which is most common in patients with darker skin tones.

These skin overgrowths are the most common benign skin lesions across patients of all skin tones.

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Seborrheic Keratosis + Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra: In patients with darker skin tones, seborrheic keratoses tend to present as stuck-on dark brown and/or black verrucous-like papules, as seen here. Notice how this collection of images presents on the face. These are called dermatosis papulosa nigra, which is most common in patients with darker skin tones.

These skin overgrowths are the most common benign skin lesions across patients of all skin tones.

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Seborrheic Keratosis + Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra: In patients with darker skin tones, seborrheic keratoses tend to present as stuck-on dark brown and/or black verrucous-like papules, as seen here. Notice how this collection of images presents on the face. These are called dermatosis papulosa nigra, which is most common in patients with darker skin tones.

These skin overgrowths are the most common benign skin lesions across patients of all skin tones.

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Seborrheic Keratosis + Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra: In patients with darker skin tones, seborrheic keratoses tend to present as stuck-on dark brown and/or black verrucous-like papules, as seen here. Notice how this collection of images presents on the face. These are called dermatosis papulosa nigra, which is most common in patients with darker skin tones.

These skin overgrowths are the most common benign skin lesions across patients of all skin tones.

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Nevi: Compound: These nevi may appear skin-colored to dark brown in lighter skin tones. In darker skin tones, they are often dark brown and can be distinguished from dermatofibromas by their fleshy to compressible architecture and by using dermoscopy.

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Nevi: Compound: These nevi may appear skin-colored to dark brown in lighter skin tones. In darker skin tones, they are often dark brown and can be distinguished from dermatofibromas by their fleshy to compressible architecture and by using dermoscopy.

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Nevi: Compound: These nevi may appear skin-colored to dark brown in lighter skin tones. In darker skin tones, they are often dark brown and can be distinguished from dermatofibromas by their fleshy to compressible architecture and by using dermoscopy.

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Nevi: Compound: These nevi may appear skin-colored to dark brown in lighter skin tones. In darker skin tones, they are often dark brown and can be distinguished from dermatofibromas by their fleshy to compressible architecture and by using dermoscopy.

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Nevi: Compound: These nevi may appear skin-colored to dark brown in lighter skin tones. In darker skin tones, they are often dark brown and can be distinguished from dermatofibromas by their fleshy to compressible architecture and by using dermoscopy.

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Nevi: Compound: These nevi may appear skin-colored to dark brown in lighter skin tones. In darker skin tones, they are often dark brown and can be distinguished from dermatofibromas by their fleshy to compressible architecture and by using dermoscopy.

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Nevi: Compound: These nevi may appear skin-colored to dark brown in lighter skin tones. In darker skin tones, they are often dark brown and can be distinguished from dermatofibromas by their fleshy to compressible architecture and by using dermoscopy.

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Nevi: Compound: These nevi may appear skin-colored to dark brown in lighter skin tones. In darker skin tones, they are often dark brown and can be distinguished from dermatofibromas by their fleshy to compressible architecture and by using dermoscopy.

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Nevi: Compound: These nevi may appear skin-colored to dark brown in lighter skin tones. In darker skin tones, they are often dark brown and can be distinguished from dermatofibromas by their fleshy to compressible architecture and by using dermoscopy.

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Nevi: Compound: These nevi may appear skin-colored to dark brown in lighter skin tones. In darker skin tones, they are often dark brown and can be distinguished from dermatofibromas by their fleshy to compressible architecture and by using dermoscopy.

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Nevi: Intradermal: These soft or firm nevi can present in several colors from deeply pigmented in darker skin tones to skin-colored in lighter tones, as seen here. Additionally, even in lighter skin tones the lesion may present with increased melanin compared to the overall complexion of the individual. It is not uncommon for hair to grow within these lesions, which can be a potential marker for the benign nature of this neoplasm.

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Nevi: Intradermal: These soft or firm nevi can present in several colors from deeply pigmented in darker skin tones to skin-colored in lighter tones, as seen here. Additionally, even in lighter skin tones the lesion may present with increased melanin compared to the overall complexion of the individual. It is not uncommon for hair to grow within these lesions, which can be a potential marker for the benign nature of this neoplasm.

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Nevi: Intradermal: These soft or firm nevi can present in several colors from deeply pigmented in darker skin tones to skin-colored in lighter tones, as seen here. Additionally, even in lighter skin tones the lesion may present with increased melanin compared to the overall complexion of the individual. It is not uncommon for hair to grow within these lesions, which can be a potential marker for the benign nature of this neoplasm.

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Nevi: Epidermal: As seen here, epidermal nevi across various skin tones consistently form along the lines of Blaschko presenting with a velvety, cobblestone, or verrucous appearance.

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Nevi: Epidermal: As seen here, epidermal nevi across various skin tones consistently form along the lines of Blaschko presenting with a velvety, cobblestone, or verrucous appearance.

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Nevi: Epidermal: As seen here, epidermal nevi across various skin tones consistently form along the lines of Blaschko presenting with a velvety, cobblestone, or verrucous appearance.

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Nevi: Epidermal: As seen here, epidermal nevi across various skin tones consistently form along the lines of Blaschko presenting with a velvety, cobblestone, or verrucous appearance.

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Nevi: Epidermal: As seen here, epidermal nevi across various skin tones consistently form along the lines of Blaschko presenting with a velvety, cobblestone, or verrucous appearance.

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Nevi: Halo: This collection of images showcases the wide array of color associated with halo nevi. The surrounding annular hypopigmentation appears in all skin tones, though may be more noticeable in darker skin. The nevi ranges from pink, red, tan, and brown papule. Hypo- to depigmentation often resolves with removal of the antigenic focus: the nevus.

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Nevi: Halo: This collection of images showcases the wide array of color associated with halo nevi. The surrounding annular hypopigmentation appears in all skin tones, though may be more noticeable in darker skin. The nevi ranges from pink, red, tan, and brown papule. Hypo- to depigmentation often resolves with removal of the antigenic focus: the nevus.

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Nevi: Halo: This collection of images showcases the wide array of color associated with halo nevi. The surrounding annular hypopigmentation appears in all skin tones, though may be more noticeable in darker skin. The nevi ranges from pink, red, tan, and brown papule. Hypo- to depigmentation often resolves with removal of the antigenic focus: the nevus.

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Nevi: Spilus: Nevus spilus is a combination of two morphologies. In lighter tones it can present as a tan or light brown patch with numerous red- brown macules and papules within. In darker skin tones these patches can appear gray with brown- gray macules and papules within. Note the variety of color changes seen here.

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Nevus Spillus_FullForearm_A.jpg
Nevi: Spilus: Nevus spilus is a combination of two morphologies. In lighter tones it can present as a tan or light brown patch with numerous red- brown macules and papules within. In darker skin tones these patches can appear gray with brown- gray macules and papules within. Note the variety of color changes seen here.

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Nevus Spillus_FullForearm_A.jpg
Nevi: Spilus: Nevus spilus is a combination of two morphologies. In lighter tones it can present as a tan or light brown patch with numerous red- brown macules and papules within. In darker skin tones these patches can appear gray with brown- gray macules and papules within. Note the variety of color changes seen here.

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Nevi: Spilus: Nevus spilus is a combination of two morphologies. In lighter tones it can present as a tan or light brown patch with numerous red- brown macules and papules within. In darker skin tones these patches can appear gray with brown- gray macules and papules within. Note the variety of color changes seen here.

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Nevus Spillus_Forearm_A.jpg
Nevi: Spilus: Nevus spilus is a combination of two morphologies. In lighter tones it can present as a tan or light brown patch with numerous red- brown macules and papules within. In darker skin tones these patches can appear gray with brown- gray macules and papules within. Note the variety of color changes seen here.

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Nevus Spillus_Forearm_A.jpg
Nevi: Spilus: Nevus spilus is a combination of two morphologies. In lighter tones it can present as a tan or light brown patch with numerous red- brown macules and papules within. In darker skin tones these patches can appear gray with brown- gray macules and papules within. Note the variety of color changes seen here.

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Keloid: Keloid tumors are secondary to trauma and a common location is the earlobe due to piercing, as seen here. Their dumbbell shape and growth outside the original margins of the scar differentiate keloids from hypertrophic scars in all skin tones. Pruritus can be a sign of active growth indicating treatment, as lesion color can be variable.

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Keloid_b_CloseupEar3 .jpg
Keloid: Keloid tumors are secondary to trauma and a common location is the earlobe due to piercing, as seen here. Their dumbbell shape and growth outside the original margins of the scar differentiate keloids from hypertrophic scars in all skin tones. Pruritus can be a sign of active growth indicating treatment, as lesion color can be variable.

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Keloid_b_CloseupEar3 .jpg
Keloid: Keloid tumors are secondary to trauma and a common location is the earlobe due to piercing, as seen here. Their dumbbell shape and growth outside the original margins of the scar differentiate keloids from hypertrophic scars in all skin tones. Pruritus can be a sign of active growth indicating treatment, as lesion color can be variable.

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Keloid: Keloid tumors are secondary to trauma and a common location is the earlobe due to piercing, as seen here. Their dumbbell shape and growth outside the original margins of the scar differentiate keloids from hypertrophic scars in all skin tones. Pruritus can be a sign of active growth indicating treatment, as lesion color can be variable.

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Keloid: Keloid tumors are secondary to trauma and a common location is the earlobe due to piercing, as seen here. Their dumbbell shape and growth outside the original margins of the scar differentiate keloids from hypertrophic scars in all skin tones. Pruritus can be a sign of active growth indicating treatment, as lesion color can be variable.

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Keloid: Keloid tumors are secondary to trauma and a common location is the earlobe due to piercing, as seen here. Their dumbbell shape and growth outside the original margins of the scar differentiate keloids from hypertrophic scars in all skin tones. Pruritus can be a sign of active growth indicating treatment, as lesion color can be variable.

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Keloid: Keloid tumors are secondary to trauma and a common location is the earlobe due to piercing, as seen here. Their dumbbell shape and growth outside the original margins of the scar differentiate keloids from hypertrophic scars in all skin tones. Pruritus can be a sign of active growth indicating treatment, as lesion color can be variable.

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keloid face type E.jpg
Keloid: Keloid tumors are secondary to trauma and a common location is the earlobe due to piercing, as seen here. Their dumbbell shape and growth outside the original margins of the scar differentiate keloids from hypertrophic scars in all skin tones. Pruritus can be a sign of active growth indicating treatment, as lesion color can be variable.

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keloid face type E.jpg
Keloid: Keloid tumors are secondary to trauma and a common location is the earlobe due to piercing, as seen here. Their dumbbell shape and growth outside the original margins of the scar differentiate keloids from hypertrophic scars in all skin tones. Pruritus can be a sign of active growth indicating treatment, as lesion color can be variable.

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Keloid: Keloid tumors are secondary to trauma and a common location is the earlobe due to piercing, as seen here. Their dumbbell shape and growth outside the original margins of the scar differentiate keloids from hypertrophic scars in all skin tones. Pruritus can be a sign of active growth indicating treatment, as lesion color can be variable.

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Keloid: Keloid tumors are secondary to trauma and a common location is the earlobe due to piercing, as seen here. Their dumbbell shape and growth outside the original margins of the scar differentiate keloids from hypertrophic scars in all skin tones. Pruritus can be a sign of active growth indicating treatment, as lesion color can be variable.

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Keloid_b_Ear3 .jpg
Keloid: Keloid tumors are secondary to trauma and a common location is the earlobe due to piercing, as seen here. Their dumbbell shape and growth outside the original margins of the scar differentiate keloids from hypertrophic scars in all skin tones. Pruritus can be a sign of active growth indicating treatment, as lesion color can be variable.

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Keloid_b_Ear3 .jpg
Keloid: Keloid tumors are secondary to trauma and a common location is the earlobe due to piercing, as seen here. Their dumbbell shape and growth outside the original margins of the scar differentiate keloids from hypertrophic scars in all skin tones. Pruritus can be a sign of active growth indicating treatment, as lesion color can be variable.

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Dermatofibroma: A dermatofibroma typically presents as a firm papule that is darker than the surrounding skin. Notice here that the dermatofibromas in lighter skin tones are pink to light brown. As the skin tone gets darker the dermatofibroma darkens to a deep brown and sometimes black. The central area may present with a lighter scar that can also “dimple” when the edges of the lesion are squeezed. Dermatoscopically, the central white scar can appear star-shaped or retiform, which can help distinguish this neoplasm from other more concerning types, such as melanoma.

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Dermatofibroma: A dermatofibroma typically presents as a firm papule that is darker than the surrounding skin. Notice here that the dermatofibromas in lighter skin tones are pink to light brown. As the skin tone gets darker the dermatofibroma darkens to a deep brown and sometimes black. The central area may present with a lighter scar that can also “dimple” when the edges of the lesion are squeezed. Dermatoscopically, the central white scar can appear star-shaped or retiform, which can help distinguish this neoplasm from other more concerning types, such as melanoma.

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Dermatofibroma: A dermatofibroma typically presents as a firm papule that is darker than the surrounding skin. Notice here that the dermatofibromas in lighter skin tones are pink to light brown. As the skin tone gets darker the dermatofibroma darkens to a deep brown and sometimes black. The central area may present with a lighter scar that can also “dimple” when the edges of the lesion are squeezed. Dermatoscopically, the central white scar can appear star-shaped or retiform, which can help distinguish this neoplasm from other more concerning types, such as melanoma.

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Dermatofibroma: A dermatofibroma typically presents as a firm papule that is darker than the surrounding skin. Notice here that the dermatofibromas in lighter skin tones are pink to light brown. As the skin tone gets darker the dermatofibroma darkens to a deep brown and sometimes black. The central area may present with a lighter scar that can also “dimple” when the edges of the lesion are squeezed. Dermatoscopically, the central white scar can appear star-shaped or retiform, which can help distinguish this neoplasm from other more concerning types, such as melanoma.

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Dermatofibroma: A dermatofibroma typically presents as a firm papule that is darker than the surrounding skin. Notice here that the dermatofibromas in lighter skin tones are pink to light brown. As the skin tone gets darker the dermatofibroma darkens to a deep brown and sometimes black. The central area may present with a lighter scar that can also “dimple” when the edges of the lesion are squeezed. Dermatoscopically, the central white scar can appear star-shaped or retiform, which can help distinguish this neoplasm from other more concerning types, such as melanoma.

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Dermatofibroma: A dermatofibroma typically presents as a firm papule that is darker than the surrounding skin. Notice here that the dermatofibromas in lighter skin tones are pink to light brown. As the skin tone gets darker the dermatofibroma darkens to a deep brown and sometimes black. The central area may present with a lighter scar that can also “dimple” when the edges of the lesion are squeezed. Dermatoscopically, the central white scar can appear star-shaped or retiform, which can help distinguish this neoplasm from other more concerning types, such as melanoma.

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syringomas type c_Friedman.jpg
Syringomas: These small, benign, elevated bumps or adnexal tumors form clusters and are often skin-colored but can also range from white or yellow to hyperpigmented, as seen here. Clues pointing to syringomas include pruritus, lack of mucosal involvement, and absence on the palms or soles.

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syringomas type c_Friedman.jpg
Facial Syringyomas_Ezekwe_D.jpg
Syringomas: These small, benign, elevated bumps or adnexal tumors form clusters and are often skin-colored but can also range from white or yellow to hyperpigmented, as seen here. Clues pointing to syringomas include pruritus, lack of mucosal involvement, and absence on the palms or soles.

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Facial Syringyomas_Ezekwe_D.jpg
Syringoma_ Eruptive TYPE E_Friedman.jpg
Syringomas: These small, benign, elevated bumps or adnexal tumors form clusters and are often skin-colored but can also range from white or yellow to hyperpigmented, as seen here. Clues pointing to syringomas include pruritus, lack of mucosal involvement, and absence on the palms or soles.

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Syringoma_ Eruptive TYPE E_Friedman.jpg
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Syringomas: These small, benign, elevated bumps or adnexal tumors form clusters and are often skin-colored but can also range from white or yellow to hyperpigmented, as seen here. Clues pointing to syringomas include pruritus, lack of mucosal involvement, and absence on the palms or soles.

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syringomas type c_closeup.jpg
Syringoma_ Eruptive_Closeup E_Friedman.jpg
Syringomas: These small, benign, elevated bumps or adnexal tumors form clusters and are often skin-colored but can also range from white or yellow to hyperpigmented, as seen here. Clues pointing to syringomas include pruritus, lack of mucosal involvement, and absence on the palms or soles.

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Syringoma_ Eruptive_Closeup E_Friedman.jpg
Pyogenic Granuloma 1 closeup.jpg
Pyogenic Granuloma: As seen here, pyogenic granulomas present as friable or ulcerated pink to red papulonodules which bleed spontaneously or after trauma. A hyperpigmented base may surround lesions in darker skin tones due to post-inflammatory changes. Clinical history of rapid growth, oral retinoid use, or pregnancy help to distinguish pyogenic granulomas from similar appearing growths, such as amelanotic melanomas, glomus tumors, or traumatized hemangiomas.

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Pyogenic Granuloma 1 closeup.jpg
Pyogenic granuloma 3_A_ambilical.jpg
Pyogenic Granuloma: As seen here, pyogenic granulomas present as friable or ulcerated pink to red papulonodules which bleed spontaneously or after trauma. A hyperpigmented base may surround lesions in darker skin tones due to post-inflammatory changes. Clinical history of rapid growth, oral retinoid use, or pregnancy help to distinguish pyogenic granulomas from similar appearing growths, such as amelanotic melanomas, glomus tumors, or traumatized hemangiomas.

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Pyogenic granuloma 3_A_ambilical.jpg
Pyogenic Granuloma 2_Friedman3 .jpg
Pyogenic Granuloma: As seen here, pyogenic granulomas present as friable or ulcerated pink to red papulonodules which bleed spontaneously or after trauma. A hyperpigmented base may surround lesions in darker skin tones due to post-inflammatory changes. Clinical history of rapid growth, oral retinoid use, or pregnancy help to distinguish pyogenic granulomas from similar appearing growths, such as amelanotic melanomas, glomus tumors, or traumatized hemangiomas.

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Pyogenic Granuloma 2_Friedman3 .jpg
Pyogenic granuloma_B_JDD_Lip.jpg
Pyogenic Granuloma: As seen here, pyogenic granulomas present as friable or ulcerated pink to red papulonodules which bleed spontaneously or after trauma. A hyperpigmented base may surround lesions in darker skin tones due to post-inflammatory changes. Clinical history of rapid growth, oral retinoid use, or pregnancy help to distinguish pyogenic granulomas from similar appearing growths, such as amelanotic melanomas, glomus tumors, or traumatized hemangiomas.

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Pyogenic granuloma_B_JDD_Lip.jpg
Pyogenic Granuloma D4_Friedan.jpg
Pyogenic Granuloma: As seen here, pyogenic granulomas present as friable or ulcerated pink to red papulonodules which bleed spontaneously or after trauma. A hyperpigmented base may surround lesions in darker skin tones due to post-inflammatory changes. Clinical history of rapid growth, oral retinoid use, or pregnancy help to distinguish pyogenic granulomas from similar appearing growths, such as amelanotic melanomas, glomus tumors, or traumatized hemangiomas.

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Pyogenic Granuloma D4_Friedan.jpg
Actinic Keratosis: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Actinic Keratosis: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Actinic Keratosis: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Actinic Keratosis: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Actinic Keratosis: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Actinic Keratosis: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Blue_Nevus_ 61389.jpg
Nevi: Blue: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Blue_Nevus_ 61389.jpg
Epidermoid Cyst: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Epidermoid Cyst: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Epidermoid Cyst: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Neurofibromatosis 1_A_61471.jpg
Neurofibromatosis: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Neurofibromatosis 1_A_61471.jpg
Neurofibromatosis 2type c_Friedman.jpg
Neurofibromatosis: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Neurofibromatosis 2type c_Friedman.jpg
Neurofibromatosis 3 type c 2_Friedman.jpg
Neurofibromatosis: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Neurofibromatosis 3 type c 2_Friedman.jpg
Neurofibromatosis 4 axilla and calms.jpg
Neurofibromatosis: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Neurofibromatosis 4 axilla and calms.jpg
Neurofibromatosis 5_ CALM 1.0.jpg
Neurofibromatosis: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Neurofibromatosis 5_ CALM 1.0.jpg
Neurofibromatosis 6_D__Back.jpg
Neurofibromatosis: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Neurofibromatosis 6_D__Back.jpg
SCC Barteck leg.jpg
Squamous Cell Carcinoma: When viewing the collection of squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) images, you will find that SCCs have a variety of clinical presentations and involve any part of the body, including the nails.

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SCC Barteck leg.jpg
Squamous Cell Carcinoma: When viewing the collection of squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) images, you will find that SCCs have a variety of clinical presentations and involve any part of the body, including the nails.

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Squamous Cell Carcinoma: When viewing the collection of squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) images, you will find that SCCs have a variety of clinical presentations and involve any part of the body, including the nails.

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Squamous Cell Carcinoma_B_Face.jpg
Squamous Cell Carcinoma: When viewing the collection of squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) images, you will find that SCCs have a variety of clinical presentations and involve any part of the body, including the nails.

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Squamous Cell Carcinoma_B_Face.jpg
Squamous Cell Carcinoma: When viewing the collection of squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) images, you will find that SCCs have a variety of clinical presentations and involve any part of the body, including the nails.

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Squamous Cell Carcinoma: When viewing the collection of squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) images, you will find that SCCs have a variety of clinical presentations and involve any part of the body, including the nails.

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Squamous Cell Carcinoma: When viewing the collection of squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) images, you will find that SCCs have a variety of clinical presentations and involve any part of the body, including the nails.

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Squamous cell carcinoma_A_56284.jpg
Squamous Cell Carcinoma: When viewing the collection of squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) images, you will find that SCCs have a variety of clinical presentations and involve any part of the body, including the nails.

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Squamous cell carcinoma_A_56284.jpg
giant facial scc_A.jpg
Squamous Cell Carcinoma: When viewing the collection of squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) images, you will find that SCCs have a variety of clinical presentations and involve any part of the body, including the nails.

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giant facial scc_A.jpg
scc lip_A_1.jpg
Squamous Cell Carcinoma: When viewing the collection of squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) images, you will find that SCCs have a variety of clinical presentations and involve any part of the body, including the nails.

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scc lip_A_1.jpg
Squamous cell carcinoma_B_ 56285 .jpg
Squamous Cell Carcinoma: When viewing the collection of squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) images, you will find that SCCs have a variety of clinical presentations and involve any part of the body, including the nails.

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Squamous cell carcinoma_B_ 56285 .jpg
SCC_B_Leg 11.jpg
Squamous Cell Carcinoma: When viewing the collection of squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) images, you will find that SCCs have a variety of clinical presentations and involve any part of the body, including the nails.

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SCC_B_Leg 11.jpg
Squamous Cell Carcinoma: When viewing the collection of squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) images, you will find that SCCs have a variety of clinical presentations and involve any part of the body, including the nails.

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Squamous Cell Carcinoma: When viewing the collection of squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) images, you will find that SCCs have a variety of clinical presentations and involve any part of the body, including the nails.

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Squamous Cell Carcinoma: When viewing the collection of squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) images, you will find that SCCs have a variety of clinical presentations and involve any part of the body, including the nails.

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Squamous Cell Carcinoma: When viewing the collection of squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) images, you will find that SCCs have a variety of clinical presentations and involve any part of the body, including the nails.

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Squamous Cell Carcinoma: When viewing the collection of squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) images, you will find that SCCs have a variety of clinical presentations and involve any part of the body, including the nails.

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Squamous Cell Carcinoma: When viewing the collection of squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) images, you will find that SCCs have a variety of clinical presentations and involve any part of the body, including the nails.

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Basal Cell Carcinoma: The most common sites for basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) are sun-exposed areas like the face, ears, head, neck, shoulders, and back. As seen here, these malignant growths can range from pearly white, pink and translucent to deep red, brown, black, or even blue hued lesions. Pigmented BCCs make up for about half of all BCC cases in darker skin tone patients. They are often misdiagnosed as seborrheic keratoses, melanoma, or nevus sebaceous.

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Nodular_Basal_60994 .jpg
Basal Cell Carcinoma: The most common sites for basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) are sun-exposed areas like the face, ears, head, neck, shoulders, and back. As seen here, these malignant growths can range from pearly white, pink and translucent to deep red, brown, black, or even blue hued lesions. Pigmented BCCs make up for about half of all BCC cases in darker skin tone patients. They are often misdiagnosed as seborrheic keratoses, melanoma, or nevus sebaceous.

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Nodular_Basal_60994 .jpg
Basal Cell Carcinoma: The most common sites for basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) are sun-exposed areas like the face, ears, head, neck, shoulders, and back. As seen here, these malignant growths can range from pearly white, pink and translucent to deep red, brown, black, or even blue hued lesions. Pigmented BCCs make up for about half of all BCC cases in darker skin tone patients. They are often misdiagnosed as seborrheic keratoses, melanoma, or nevus sebaceous.

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Basal Cell Carcinoma: The most common sites for basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) are sun-exposed areas like the face, ears, head, neck, shoulders, and back. As seen here, these malignant growths can range from pearly white, pink and translucent to deep red, brown, black, or even blue hued lesions. Pigmented BCCs make up for about half of all BCC cases in darker skin tone patients. They are often misdiagnosed as seborrheic keratoses, melanoma, or nevus sebaceous.

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Basal Cell Carcinoma: The most common sites for basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) are sun-exposed areas like the face, ears, head, neck, shoulders, and back. As seen here, these malignant growths can range from pearly white, pink and translucent to deep red, brown, black, or even blue hued lesions. Pigmented BCCs make up for about half of all BCC cases in darker skin tone patients. They are often misdiagnosed as seborrheic keratoses, melanoma, or nevus sebaceous.

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Basal Cell Carcinoma: The most common sites for basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) are sun-exposed areas like the face, ears, head, neck, shoulders, and back. As seen here, these malignant growths can range from pearly white, pink and translucent to deep red, brown, black, or even blue hued lesions. Pigmented BCCs make up for about half of all BCC cases in darker skin tone patients. They are often misdiagnosed as seborrheic keratoses, melanoma, or nevus sebaceous.

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Basal Cell Carcinoma: The most common sites for basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) are sun-exposed areas like the face, ears, head, neck, shoulders, and back. As seen here, these malignant growths can range from pearly white, pink and translucent to deep red, brown, black, or even blue hued lesions. Pigmented BCCs make up for about half of all BCC cases in darker skin tone patients. They are often misdiagnosed as seborrheic keratoses, melanoma, or nevus sebaceous.

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Basal Cell Carcinoma: The most common sites for basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) are sun-exposed areas like the face, ears, head, neck, shoulders, and back. As seen here, these malignant growths can range from pearly white, pink and translucent to deep red, brown, black, or even blue hued lesions. Pigmented BCCs make up for about half of all BCC cases in darker skin tone patients. They are often misdiagnosed as seborrheic keratoses, melanoma, or nevus sebaceous.

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Basal Cell Carcinoma: The most common sites for basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) are sun-exposed areas like the face, ears, head, neck, shoulders, and back. As seen here, these malignant growths can range from pearly white, pink and translucent to deep red, brown, black, or even blue hued lesions. Pigmented BCCs make up for about half of all BCC cases in darker skin tone patients. They are often misdiagnosed as seborrheic keratoses, melanoma, or nevus sebaceous.

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EYES - BCC1_Pigmented2.jpg
Basal Cell Carcinoma: The most common sites for basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) are sun-exposed areas like the face, ears, head, neck, shoulders, and back. As seen here, these malignant growths can range from pearly white, pink and translucent to deep red, brown, black, or even blue hued lesions. Pigmented BCCs make up for about half of all BCC cases in darker skin tone patients. They are often misdiagnosed as seborrheic keratoses, melanoma, or nevus sebaceous.

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EYES - BCC1_Pigmented2.jpg
Basal Cell Carcinoma: The most common sites for basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) are sun-exposed areas like the face, ears, head, neck, shoulders, and back. As seen here, these malignant growths can range from pearly white, pink and translucent to deep red, brown, black, or even blue hued lesions. Pigmented BCCs make up for about half of all BCC cases in darker skin tone patients. They are often misdiagnosed as seborrheic keratoses, melanoma, or nevus sebaceous.

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EYES - BCC_Pigmented_1.jpg
Basal Cell Carcinoma: The most common sites for basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) are sun-exposed areas like the face, ears, head, neck, shoulders, and back. As seen here, these malignant growths can range from pearly white, pink and translucent to deep red, brown, black, or even blue hued lesions. Pigmented BCCs make up for about half of all BCC cases in darker skin tone patients. They are often misdiagnosed as seborrheic keratoses, melanoma, or nevus sebaceous.

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EYES - BCC_Pigmented_1.jpg
pigmented bcc type c male.jpg
Basal Cell Carcinoma: The most common sites for basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) are sun-exposed areas like the face, ears, head, neck, shoulders, and back. As seen here, these malignant growths can range from pearly white, pink and translucent to deep red, brown, black, or even blue hued lesions. Pigmented BCCs make up for about half of all BCC cases in darker skin tone patients. They are often misdiagnosed as seborrheic keratoses, melanoma, or nevus sebaceous.

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pigmented bcc type c male.jpg
Acral_Melanoma_A_ 61379.jpg
Melanoma: Note that melanoma can often appear in non sun-exposed areas like the lower extremities, including the soles of the feet as seen here. It is important to educate all patients on the signs and symptoms of melanoma, along with the importance of at-home skin exams that include checking their nail beds, genitals, soles, and palms.

The melanoma collection of images showcases the four main types: superficial, nodular, lentigo maligna, and acral lentiginous.

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Acral_Melanoma_A_ 61379.jpg
acral lentiginous melanoma_.jpg
Melanoma: Note that melanoma can often appear in non sun-exposed areas like the lower extremities, including the soles of the feet as seen here. It is important to educate all patients on the signs and symptoms of melanoma, along with the importance of at-home skin exams that include checking their nail beds, genitals, soles, and palms.

The melanoma collection of images showcases the four main types: superficial, nodular, lentigo maligna, and acral lentiginous.

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acral lentiginous melanoma_.jpg
Melanoma, Acral,   (20050802170422046) 20050802170551906_.jpg
Melanoma: Note that melanoma can often appear in non sun-exposed areas like the lower extremities, including the soles of the feet as seen here. It is important to educate all patients on the signs and symptoms of melanoma, along with the importance of at-home skin exams that include checking their nail beds, genitals, soles, and palms.

The melanoma collection of images showcases the four main types: superficial, nodular, lentigo maligna, and acral lentiginous.

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Melanoma, Acral, (20050802170422046) 20050802170551906_.jpg
Acral_Melanoma_ 60316_.jpg
Melanoma: Note that melanoma can often appear in non sun-exposed areas like the lower extremities, including the soles of the feet as seen here. It is important to educate all patients on the signs and symptoms of melanoma, along with the importance of at-home skin exams that include checking their nail beds, genitals, soles, and palms.

The melanoma collection of images showcases the four main types: superficial, nodular, lentigo maligna, and acral lentiginous.

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Acral_Melanoma_ 60316_.jpg
Melanoma_In_Transit_A_60980 .jpg
Melanoma: Note that melanoma can often appear in non sun-exposed areas like the lower extremities, including the soles of the feet as seen here. It is important to educate all patients on the signs and symptoms of melanoma, along with the importance of at-home skin exams that include checking their nail beds, genitals, soles, and palms.

The melanoma collection of images showcases the four main types: superficial, nodular, lentigo maligna, and acral lentiginous.

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Melanoma_In_Transit_A_60980 .jpg
Melanoma: Note that melanoma can often appear in non sun-exposed areas like the lower extremities, including the soles of the feet as seen here. It is important to educate all patients on the signs and symptoms of melanoma, along with the importance of at-home skin exams that include checking their nail beds, genitals, soles, and palms.

The melanoma collection of images showcases the four main types: superficial, nodular, lentigo maligna, and acral lentiginous.

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Ulcerated melanoma.jpg
Melanoma: Note that melanoma can often appear in non sun-exposed areas like the lower extremities, including the soles of the feet as seen here. It is important to educate all patients on the signs and symptoms of melanoma, along with the importance of at-home skin exams that include checking their nail beds, genitals, soles, and palms.

The melanoma collection of images showcases the four main types: superficial, nodular, lentigo maligna, and acral lentiginous.

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Ulcerated melanoma.jpg
lentigo_maligna_melanoma_A_ 58356.jpg
Melanoma: Note that melanoma can often appear in non sun-exposed areas like the lower extremities, including the soles of the feet as seen here. It is important to educate all patients on the signs and symptoms of melanoma, along with the importance of at-home skin exams that include checking their nail beds, genitals, soles, and palms.

The melanoma collection of images showcases the four main types: superficial, nodular, lentigo maligna, and acral lentiginous.

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lentigo_maligna_melanoma_A_ 58356.jpg
Melanoma: Note that melanoma can often appear in non sun-exposed areas like the lower extremities, including the soles of the feet as seen here. It is important to educate all patients on the signs and symptoms of melanoma, along with the importance of at-home skin exams that include checking their nail beds, genitals, soles, and palms.

The melanoma collection of images showcases the four main types: superficial, nodular, lentigo maligna, and acral lentiginous.

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Melanoma: Note that melanoma can often appear in non sun-exposed areas like the lower extremities, including the soles of the feet as seen here. It is important to educate all patients on the signs and symptoms of melanoma, along with the importance of at-home skin exams that include checking their nail beds, genitals, soles, and palms.

The melanoma collection of images showcases the four main types: superficial, nodular, lentigo maligna, and acral lentiginous.

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Acute Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus: As you can see from this collection of images, the malar rash, or butterfly-shaped rash, on the face can range in color from red to a deep violaceous color. Notice how the malar rash is presented with a hyperpigmented rim in darker skin tones.

Note that darker skin tones have an increased risk of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and hypertrophic scarring.

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Acute Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus: As you can see from this collection of images, the malar rash, or butterfly-shaped rash, on the face can range in color from red to a deep violaceous color. Notice how the malar rash is presented with a hyperpigmented rim in darker skin tones.

Note that darker skin tones have an increased risk of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and hypertrophic scarring.

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Acute Cutaneous Lupus 1 Type c_Friedman_Closeup.jpg
Acute Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus: As you can see from this collection of images, the malar rash, or butterfly-shaped rash, on the face can range in color from red to a deep violaceous color. Notice how the malar rash is presented with a hyperpigmented rim in darker skin tones.

Note that darker skin tones have an increased risk of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and hypertrophic scarring.

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Acute Cutaneous Lupus 1 Type c_Friedman_Closeup.jpg
Acute Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus: As you can see from this collection of images, the malar rash, or butterfly-shaped rash, on the face can range in color from red to a deep violaceous color. Notice how the malar rash is presented with a hyperpigmented rim in darker skin tones.

Note that darker skin tones have an increased risk of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and hypertrophic scarring.

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Acute Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus: As you can see from this collection of images, the malar rash, or butterfly-shaped rash, on the face can range in color from red to a deep violaceous color. Notice how the malar rash is presented with a hyperpigmented rim in darker skin tones.

Note that darker skin tones have an increased risk of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and hypertrophic scarring.

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Acute Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus: As you can see from this collection of images, the malar rash, or butterfly-shaped rash, on the face can range in color from red to a deep violaceous color. Notice how the malar rash is presented with a hyperpigmented rim in darker skin tones.

Note that darker skin tones have an increased risk of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and hypertrophic scarring.

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Extramammary Paget Disease_B_closeup1.jpg
Extramammary Paget Disease: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Extramammary Paget Disease_B_closeup1.jpg
Extramammary Paget Disease_JDD.jpg
Extramammary Paget Disease: Log into your JDD account to access high resolution images and request permissions.
Extramammary Paget Disease_JDD.jpg
We’re here to help and answer any questions you may have. We look forward to hearing from you!