Happy National Healthy Skin Month!
Designated as National Healthy Skin Month by the American Academy of Dermatology, November is a time to review your skin’s overall health, your skincare routines, and to help others avoid common skin problems by raising awareness about the importance of keeping the body’s largest organ looking and functioning its best.
As such, here’s a list of skin health-related articles from the JDD to help physicians and patients alike treat both common and complex skin problems:
Topical Treatments for Melasma: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials Evan Austin BS,ª Julie K. Nguyen MD,a,b Jared Jagdeo MD MSa,b
Acne and Rosacea: Special Considerations in the Treatment of Patients With Latin American Ancestry Mercedes Florez-White MD
Principles of Moisturizer Product Design Christine Lee PhD,a John Bajor PhD,a Teanoosh Moaddel PhD,a Vivek Subramanian PhD,a Jian-Ming Lee PhD,a Diana Marrero MS,a Sheila Rocha MS,a Michael D. Tharp MDB
Connecting the Dots: From Skin Barrier Dysfunction to Allergic Sensitization, and the Role of Moisturizers in Repairing the Skin Barrier Tamara Lazic Strugar MD,a Alyce Kuo BS,a Sophie Seité PhD,b Ma Lin MD PhD,c Peter Lio MDd
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