JDD Podcast
Light It Up Up Up: Phototherapy Is Still a Big Fish In The Sea of Therapeutic Options for Psoriasis
Dr. Peter Lio & Adam Friedman, MD, FAAD
Let’s face it, we are faced (redundancy…on purpose) with almost too many therapeutic options for the management of plaque Psoriasis. Absolutely a good problem to have, even better for our patients, but it can also be the source of a management riddle: Erythema isn’t always red, Nevi can be blue, with all of these systemic agents, should you be using phototherapy too? Yes, simply yes. Tune in as JDD Podcast host Dr. Adam Friedman gets to these burning questions with renaissance dermatologist Dr. Peter Lio. With all the great practical information highLIGHTed, this podcast will certainly brighten your day.
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