Issue Archive
November 2007 | Volume 6 | Issue 11
Original Articles
Botanical Ingredients in Cosmeceuticals
During the last 10 to 15 years, complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) has become increasingly popular in the US. Within this realm of health care, oral and topical herbal supplements have beco...
Read MoreJuvéderm: A Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Filler
Over the past decade, the use of nonsurgical products and devices to correct facial contour defects and signs of skin aging has exploded with new lasers, toxins for muscle relaxation, and dermal fill...
Read MoreNonablative Skin Tightening with a Variable Depth Heating 1310-nm Wavelength Laser in Combination with Surface Cooling
A near-infrared laser with the ability to target different depths within skin has been developed and evaluated for the application of facial and neck skin tightening in a pilot clinical study. The de...
Read MoreUse of Topical Lidocaine for Cosmetic Dermatologic Procedures
Topical anesthetic agents are frequently used by dermatologists to decrease the pain associated with a variety of cutaneous procedures, including laser surgery, soft tissue augmentation, and other co...
Read MorePlasma Skin Regeneration Technology
Plasma skin regeneration is a novel type of skin rejuvenation technology developed over the last 3 years. Plasma is the fourth state of matter in which electrons are stripped from atoms to form an io...
Read MoreTreatment of Photoaging with a Very Superficial Er:YAG Laser in Combination with a Broadband Light Source
Background and Objective: Studies documenting improvement following combined laser and light-based devices are needed. The objective of this study was to evaluate clinical, histological, and ultrastr...
Read MoreFractionated Delivery Systems for Difficult to Treat Clinical Applications: Acne Scarring, Melasma, Atrophic Scarring, Striae Distensae, and Deep Rhytides
Fractional resurfacing or laser therapy (FLT) represents a technology that seeks to address the limitations of both ablative resurfacing and nonablative treatments. Many companies now offer versions ...
Read MorePhotodynamic Therapy Update 2007
The use of photodynamic therapy (PDT) in the US has shown record growth in 2007 with more clinicians utilizing PDT for more clinical entities than ever before. Research endeavors utilizing PDT in pub...
Read MoreEvaluating the Efficacy in Improving Facial Photodamage with a Mixture of Topical Antioxidants
This study evaluates the efficacy and tolerability of an investigational study cream composed of 3 ingredients (green and white teas, mangosteen, and pomegranate extract), Vitaphenolâ„¢ Skin Crea...
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Case Reports
Botulinum Toxin Type A Enhances the Outcome of Fractional Resurfacing of the Cheek
Fractional resurfacing and fractionally ablative (CO2) resurfacing have become increasingly popular in recent years. They hold the promise of delivering skin rejuvenation with fewer risks and less do...
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