Issue Archive
June 2021 | Volume 20 | Issue 6
FULL SUPPLEMENT: Integrating Gene Expression Profiling into the Management of Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma
This supplement provides an early framework for healthcare providers looking to integrate patient-specific tumor biology into their clinical practice using GEP testing. Gene expression profile (GEP) t...
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Original Articles
Acne Vulgaris: The Majority of Patients Do Not Achieve Success According to FDA Guidance
Background: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends grading Acne vulgaris via an Investigator’s Global Assessment (IGA) scale and assessing treatment as either success or failure, with...
Read MoreEvaluation of a First-in-Class Proteasome Inhibitor in Patients With Moderate to Severe Rosacea
Background: Novel, effective, affordable therapies for rosacea are needed. Innovative methods of assessing response for rosacea treatments are needed as well. This trial was designed to evaluate effic...
Read MoreTazarotene 0.045% Lotion for Moderate-to-Severe Acne Patients: Pooled Phase 3 Analysis by Age and Sex
Background: Two identical phase 3 trials (NCT03168321 and NCT03168334) and pooled post hoc analyses have established efficacy and safety of a polymeric tazarotene 0.045% lotion formulation in patients...
Read MoreApplications of Gold and Silver Nanoparticles in the Treatment of Acne Vulgaris: A Systematic Review
Background: Current treatments for acne are often accompanied by undesirable side effects and contribute to antibiotic resistance. Gold and silver nanoparticles are an emerging treatment method with p...
Read MoreConcerns, Expectations, and Management Gaps Relating to Acne and Associated Scarring Identified from Survey Data
Introduction: Our objective was to identify concerns, burden of disease, education gaps, and expectations of acne/acne scarring respondents and investigate acne/acne scarring related burden. Also, to ...
Read MoreVitiligo Health Education: A Study of Accuracy and Engagement of Online Educational Materials
Introduction: Many vitiligo patients seek healthcare information online. However, the accuracy and quality of this information is unknown.
Objective: To determine the accuracy, quality, viewer e...
Read MoreRevisiting the Skin Health and Beauty Pyramid: A Clinically Based Guide to Selecting Topical Skincare Products
The original article “The Skin Health and Beauty Pyramid” was published in 2014. In the last 7 years, many new skin care innovations have been developed that were not available at the time...
Read MoreEfficacy of a Non-Comedogenic Hair Care Regimen for the Reduction of Mild-to-Moderate Truncal and Facial Acne: A Single-Arm 8-Week Study
Introduction: Hair care products can be comedogenic, and therefore contribute to acne. Hair care products can leave a residue on the skin, even with rinse off products. This residue may explain why ha...
Read MoreAnalysis of Reddit Reveals Atopic Dermatitis Patient Questions
Background: Reddit, the seventh most visited website in the United States, has become an exceedingly popular platform for patients to source medical information and discuss chronic conditions.
Read MoreA Multi-Centered Case-Control Study of Vitiligo Support Groups and Quality of Life
Background: There is limited research on the association between vitiligo support group membership and patient quality of life (QoL).
Objectives: To explore the association between support group...
Read MoreBotulinum Neurotoxin Type A as an Adjuvant to Reduce Scarring After Dermatological Surgery
Botulinum neurotoxin type A (BoNTA) is thought to have biological effects beyond muscle paralysis, including direct effects on wound healing. This provides a potential rationale for adjuvant intraderm...
Read MoreVehicle Effects on the Rosacea Skin Barrier
Background: Inflammatory papulopustular rosacea produces sensitive facial skin. Thus, medications designed for rosacea require careful vehicle development to insure optimal drug delivery in an environ...
Read MoreCell-Free Blood Cell Secretome (BCS) Counteracts Skin Aging and Restores Firmness and Elasticity
Background: Blood Cell Secretome, BCS (also Autologous Conditioned Serum, ACS) is efficacious in treatment of musculoskeletal disorders. It contains inflammation resolving cytokines, growth factors, e...
Read MoreParametric Acne Severity (PAS) Score and Lesion Counts From Multi-Modality Facial Image Analysis Correlates Strongly with Investigator Assessment
Variability in acne lesion counting and assessing global severity necessitates large sample sizes that increase trial costs. Lack of standardized measures for these outcomes precludes the conduct of m...
Read MoreManagement of Truncal Acne With Oral Sarecycline: Pooled Results from Two Phase-3 Clinical Trials
Background: Acne vulgaris is a common skin disease that affects the face, chest, and back. While truncal acne is present in at least 50% of patients, clinical studies have focused predominantly on fac...
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The Hypocrisy of Many Pharmacy Benefit Managers: “Pay No Attention to That Man Behind the Curtainâ€
Seeing the Treatment of Psoriasis in a New Light: A Novel Medical Device Utilizing Localized Coal Tar and Narrowband UVB for Targeted Treatment of Plaque Psoriasis
Given the high costs of systemic psoriasis therapies, studies have also shown that phototherapy achieves significant cost savings by replacing or delaying drug-based systemic treatment in patients wit...
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Clinical Considerations for Integrating Gene Expression Profiling into Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma Management
Gene expression profile (GEP) testing is now commercially available for metastatic risk prediction in patients with cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (CSCC) and one or more high-risk factors. The purp...
Read MoreBridging the Gap: Integrating Gene Expression Profiling into Clinical Practice