Issue Archive
June 2006 | Volume 5 | Issue 6
Original Articles
How Clarence S. Livingood and His Manual of Dermatology Influenced Dermatologic Therapy
Clarence S. Livingood and his mentors, Pillsbury and Sulzberger, wrote the Manual of Dermatology, a book that was the dermatologic handbook of choice for thousands of medical officers in World War II...
Read MoreIntralesional Bleomycin for Warts: A Review
Intralesional bleomycin has been used for the treatment of warts since the 1970s. Currently, there is a limited amount of evidence from randomized placebo-controlled trials comparing intralesional bl...
Read MoreTacrolimus Ointment 0.1% Alone and in Combination with Medium-Dose UVA1 in the Treatment of Palmar or Plantar Psoriasis
Psoriasis is a common skin condition affecting approximately 2.6% of the population in the US. The most effective current therapies for psoriasis have suppressive activity against T lymphocytes direc...
Read MoreImmune Protection, Natural Products, and Skin Cancer: Is There Anything New Under the Sun?
Non-melanoma skin cancers such as squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma are the most common types of human neoplasms, representing one third of all new malignancies diagnosed in the US. Th...
Read MoreCytokines in Dermatology
Cytokines are polypeptides that are produced by various cell types and act in an autocrine or paracrine manner. They have many different biological actions and have been used in dermatology to treat ...
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Case Reports
Clobetasol Propionate for Psoriasis: Are Ointments Really More Potent?
Background: Clobetasol propionate is the most common topical therapy used for psoriasis in the US. Conventional dermatologic wisdom is that ointment preparations provide the highest potency (due to t...
Read MorePlasmapheresis for Refractory Urticarial Vasculitis in a Patient with B-Cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Background: Urticarial vasculitis is a form of cutaneous leukocytoclastic vasculitis clinically characterized by persistent and often painful urticarial lesions. Numerous systemic diseases have been a...
Read MoreEtanercept for Chronic Progressive Cutaneous Sarcoidosis
Sarcoidosis is a chronic, multisystem, granulomatous disease that has various cutaneous manifestations. Chronic cutaneous sarcoidosis can be difficult to manage. Patients often need systemic corticos...
Read MoreExcess Salt and Pepper Hair Treated with a Combination of Laser Hair Removal and Topical Eflornithine HCl
A common problem among aging women, salt and pepper facial hair poses a significant psychosocial impact as well as a challenge for treatment. Various laser therapies or topical eflornithine HCl 13.9%...
Read MoreLife-Threatening Pustular and Erythrodermic Psoriasis Responding to Infliximab
Pustular and erythrodermic psoriasis can be a debilitating and recalcitrant disease which may result in secondary complications such as sepsis, electrolyte imbalance, renal failure, and heart failure...
Read MoreThe Use of 308-nm Excimer Laser For Dermatoses: Experience with 34 Patients
Targeted phototherapy has been utilized in the past few years for the treatment of various dermatoses. In this article, we summarize the experience of using 308-nm excimer laser at Henry Ford Hospita...
Read MoreFurosemide-Induced Bullous Pemphigoid: Case Report and Review of Literature
Bullous pemphigoid (BP) is an acquired autoimmune disease characterized by subepidermal vesicles and bullae. The etiology for BP is mostly idiopathic with the highest occurrence in elderly patients; ...
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