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Reface the Chase: Paradigm shifts in the AD Management Strategy Mentality

By October 1, 2024October 4th, 2024No Comments

JDD Multimedia

Reface the Chase: Paradigm shifts in the AD Management Strategy Mentality

Dr. Raj Chovatiya
Who doesn’t love a good game of “Whack a Mole?” Anyone? Just as you try to stay ahead of those furry, taunting, smiling devils that keep popping up as you try to get a score that doesn’t undercut your prowess in front of your children (speaking on behalf of a friend), the agita and stress from chasing AD flares can interfere with long term treatment adherence, success, and partnership between patient and derm. So let’s chase something else, and to help train us for this marathon is Dr. Raj Chavotiya, Clinical Associate Professor at Rosalind Franklin University Chicago Medical School and Clinical Assistant Professor of Dermatology at GW. In between reps, tune in to hear about the evolving treatment landscape for AD and how to purposefully apply the expanding options to your patients right here and now. Perfect your form without pulling a hammy with the Gatorade size bucket of pearls spilled by podcast host Dr Adam Friedman and Dr. Chovatiya. And make sure not to forget your post podcast cooldown.
This podcast is funded by Arcutis. 
Listen Now
HOST: Adam Friedman, MD, FAAD

GUEST: Dr. Raj Chovatiya

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